It is also used in confections, baked goods, perfume, medicines and cleaning products. Unfortunately, there is no nutrient, vitamin, mineral, or other health benefits in synthetic vanillin and studies show that consuming synthetic vanillin may trigger allergic reactions, digestive disorders, and migraine headaches. I am a volunteer for The Feingold Assn. Artificial additives like artificial colors and flavors in sweets & artificial vanilla (called vanillin) in chocolate are the cause of behavior issues with children. of the U.S. (a 30 yr old non-profit) and help 100's of families each year take artificial additives out of their children's diets. Most conventional nutritional health 'wisdom' is really false. The ice cream and chocolate industries together make up 75% of the market demand. Vanillin is considered safe. Vanilla extract may also be helpful for fighting bacteria. The Truth is, Acne is one of the Easiest Problems to Treat Naturally. Skin contact can cause irritation and swelling ( inflammation ). There is a lot of concern about diet and nutrition for these population, like Newborns, children, pregnant, sensitive to Vanillin populations. We really aren't smarter than God. Artificial additives like artificial colors and flavors in sweets & artificial vanilla (called vanillin) in chocolate are the cause of behavior issues with children. The entire line of MELT Organic Spreads are free from artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Sugar/sweets are not the culprit, it is the non-food petroleum based artificial additives causing the problems. laundry detergent, shampoo, or air freshener? Unfortunately, there is no nutrient, vitamin, mineral, or other health benefits in synthetic vanillin and studies show that consuming synthetic vanillin may trigger allergic reactions, digestive disorders, and migraine headaches. But, the process of getting natural vanillin is very time-consuming and expensive. There are all natural candies available and parents should look for these to give their kids. Better consult to your doctor if you would like to intake Vanillin. However, there are some side effects. Synthetic vanillin is simply a cheap and unhealthy alternative for real vanilla extract. Never had ’em, never will. The families I help, see improvements in behavior, learning and health when these harmful additives are removed. If you purchase processed foods or beverages, always choose … In fact margarine should never be eaten. Pure vanilla contains antioxidants and can help fight off bacteria. The demand for vanilla flavoring has largely exceeded the supply of vanilla beans. Special Populations Precaution. Suggested Dosage. Vanillin may not be one of the most dangerous food additives, but it certainly won’t provide you the benefits obtained from pure vanilla. NA. A small amount of synthetic vanillin is produced from lignin waste, a by-product of the wood pulp industry. Margarine is not better than butter. Today, the vast majority of synthetically produced vanillin is made from eugenol or guaiacol, petrochemicals which are often derived from from crude oil. My kids become very aggressive if they eat sweets with artificial additives or artificial vanilla, which are in most all of the mainstream candies kids have access to. Furthermore, there is a lack of federal regulations for synthetic vanillin despite the fact that it is already commonly used as an artificial flavor. It also has a much richer flavor and more natural smell that most people will prefer over the artificial vanillin. More info an be found at . Yeast overgrowth and vaginal yeast overgrowth: Stressed About Office Work? Here’s How to Relax. Choose Only the Best. As a result, chemically synthesized vanillin has been used widely as a substitution for natural vanilla flavoring. My kids become very aggressive if they eat sweets with artificial additives or artificial vanilla, which are in most all of the mainstream candies kids have access to. While the negative of effects of vanillin aren’t likely to cause problems for most, it’s worth mentioning that using vanillin means losing out of the benefits of pure vanilla. … Our bodies need good saturated fat. Interestingly enough, this same study claims that vanillin contains a much lower amount of protective activity. They do have an addictive quality like most chemicals do, and many kids actually go through a detox when 1st starting the Feingold program, but the results are so worth it. Vanilla is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in amounts commonly found in foods. There are all natural candies available and parents should look for these to give their kids.