[70], This article is about the patriarch. Bilhah gave birth to Dan and Naphtali. The angel of the Lord, in a dream back during the breeding season, told Jacob "Now lift your eyes and see [that] all the he goats mounting the animals are ringed, speckled, and striped, for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you",[19] that he is the God whom Jacob met at Bethel,[20] and that Jacob should leave and go back to the land where he was born,[20] which he and his wives and children did without informing Laban. [48] It might be possible to associate Abraham to such known Semitic visitors to Egypt, as they would have been ethnically connected. When the two met, Laban said to Jacob, “What have you done, that you have tricked me and driven away my daughters like captives of the sword? Israel also mentioned that the money that was returned to their money sacks was probably a mistake or an oversight on their part. Israel then said, “Now let me die, since I have seen your face, because you are still alive.” (Genesis 46:1–30), The time had come for Joseph's family to personally meet the Pharaoh of Egypt. The second son they named יעקב, Jacob (Ya`aqob or Ya`aqov, meaning "heel-catcher", "supplanter", "leg-puller", "he who follows upon the heels of one", from Hebrew: עקב‎, `aqab or `aqav, "seize by the heel", "circumvent", "restrain", a wordplay upon Hebrew: עקבה‎, `iqqebah or `iqqbah, "heel").[10]. They embraced each other and wept together for quite a while. As Jacob neared the land of Canaan as he passed Mahanaim, he sent messengers ahead to his brother Esau. The offspring of Jacob's sons became the tribes of Israel following the Exodus, when the Israelites conquered and settled in the Land of Israel. Still have questions? "... and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; but Jacob was a simple man, dwelling in tents" (Genesis 25:27). Muslims believe that he preached the same monotheistic faith as his forefathers ʾIbrāhīm, ʾIsḥāq and Ismā'īl. When Joseph came to visit his father, he brought with him his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Surprised that Esau was back so soon, Isaac asked how it could be that the hunt went so quickly. Parents love his boy next door nickname of Jake, a friendly moniker similar to yesterday’s Jim and Johnny. Joseph even told his father about all of his half brothers’ misdeeds. They spoke of being accused of as spies and that their brother Simeon, had been taken prisoner. If you think there are any more nicknames we should know, leave us a comment. Is there evidence of Mr. [7] The Septuagint renders the name Ιακωβος, whence Latin Jacobus, English Jacob. Dinah's brothers, Simeon and Levi, agreed in Jacob's name to permit the marriage as long as all the men of Shechem first circumcised themselves, ostensibly to unite the children of Jacob in Abraham's covenant of familial harmony. Genesis 27:22. and well it just sounds like a decent name. However, Joseph was displeased that his father's right hand was not on the head of his firstborn, so he switched his father's hands. [48][49], Israel (Jacob) was 147 years old when he called to his favorite son Joseph and pleaded that he not be buried in Egypt. In contrast to the Judeo-Christian view of Jacob, one main difference is that the story of Jacob's blessing, in which he deceives Isaac, is not accepted in Islam. According to the traditional counting cited by Rashi, Isaac was 37 years old at the time of the Binding of Isaac, and news of Rebekah's birth reached Abraham immediately after that event. The Midrash says that during Rebekah's pregnancy whenever she would pass a house of Torah study, Jacob would struggle to come out; whenever she would pass a house of idolatry, Esau would agitate to come out. It's also been number 1 since 1999. Like Jack, John, Jason, Jacob is also a popular name for boys. Then they buried him in the cave of Machpelah, the property of Abraham when he bought it from the Hittites. (Genesis 37:1–11), Sometime afterward, the sons of Jacob by Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah, were feeding his flocks in Shechem. For example, a guy named Jacob can be nicknamed Jay Pritchet, the fictional character from Modern Family. Josephus uses only the terms "angel", "divine angel," and "angel of God," describing the struggle as no small victory. [citation needed] In either case, Isaac and Rebekah were married for 20 years before Jacob and Esau were born. Though rejected by the vast majority of American Muslims, several NOI breakaway sects, including the Five-Percent Nation subscribe to this narrative. How do you think about the answers? This passage tells that Esau, returning famished from the fields, begged Jacob to give him some of the stew that Jacob had just made. Laban agreed to the arrangement. Finally, Joseph's father was brought out to meet the Pharaoh. They also love that he’s a J name, a perennial favorite among boy names as seen in Jason, Jackson, and Joshua. Cristina ♥ Claire born 6/9/2010! According to the Midrash,[29] the plural form of the word "weeping" indicates the double sorrow that Rebecca also died at this time. [60] Jacob is later mentioned in the Quran in the context of the promise bestowed to Zechariah, regarding the birth of John the Baptist. Is any of the name of US states good for either boys and girls names (Delaware, Wyoming, etc) . Jacob, having been celibate until the age of 84, fathered twelve children in the next seven years. (27:33). (38:46) Jacob is described as a good-doer (21:72) and the Quran further makes it clear that God inspired Jacob to contribute towards purification and hold the contact prayer. It is a VERY common name. 1 decade ago. Following the example of Sarah, who gave her handmaid to Abraham after years of infertility, Rachel gave Jacob her handmaid, Bilhah, in marriage so that Rachel could raise children through her. "Archaeological Data and the Dating of the Patriarchs,", Biblical History and Israel's Past: The Changing Study of the Bible and History. The hieroglyphs are ambiguous, and can be read as "Yaqub-Har", "Yaqubaal", or "Yaqub El". Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. neither do I understand why people come on here asking people to choose their child's name. The biblical account of the life of Jacob is found in the Book of Genesis, chapters 25–50. Why would you want to give your son a name that means swindler? In the second year of this great famine,[39] when Israel (Jacob) was about 130 years old,[40] he told his 10 sons of Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah, to go to Egypt and buy grain.