Prerequisites do not count toward the major unless otherwise noted. Students majoring in Global Studies select one of four concentrations, each coordinated by advisors with special expertise in the areas. Learn more about being a global studies major. Global studies is an interdisciplinary major, which means that it does not point one toward a specific career choice, nor does it limit one to a specific skill set. More search options and features available at Selections typically mix courses from anthropology, communications, economics, environmental studies, geography, history, literature, political science, religion, sociology, women’s studies, and the fine arts. University of Richmond, VA 23173 (800) 700-1662, © 1995-2020  |   Legal Notices  |   Site feedback, PLSC 240 Introduction to Comparative Politics, GEOG 210/GS 210 Geographic Dimensions of Global Development, School of Professional & Continuing Studies, Center for Awareness, Response, and Education. While some graduates may find a Global Studies major excellent preparation for graduate school, others will be able to seek careers in government, education, nonprofits, finance, marketing, public relations, and other fields. Drawing from fields as different as geography, music, political science, and ecology, they look at the connections between nations and peoples and the trends that shape our lives. Students also reach advanced proficiency in a second language and experience living in another academic culture. There are a variety of factors, including why you want to study that, what type of degree (undergrad, masters, etc. All liberal arts degrees help CLA students develop their Core Career Competencies, and global studies majors develop specific skills that are applicable to lots of different careers. Successful completion of GS 290 is a prerequisite for GS400. Within each concentration, eight units must be taken from three or more departments (with no more than three units from a single department). The GS major and these concentrations provide a well … Jobs for a global studies degree graduate include: Human resources with a … And global studies majors don’t just think on a large scale. But for those with a global studies major, career opportunities tend to be plentiful. Like most answers on Quora, it depends. Students majoring in Global Studies select one of four concentrations, each coordinated by advisors with special expertise in the areas. A global studies major is a broad, interdisciplinary social science major. All Global Studies students should experience significant cultural immersion via a study abroad program of at least one semester in length, related to the major concentration. Many people have a tough time finding a job right out of college. These skills include strong verbal and written communication skills, deep understanding of the institutions and processes that shape the world, cross-cultural knowledge, and … Students work with faculty advisors to choose additional electives, including courses taken abroad, within each concentration. (804) 289-8000 Global Studies is a rigorous but flexible interdisciplinary major that combines courses across departments and schools at the University of Richmond and at least a semester of study abroad. Most global studies program also offer you the ability to concentrate on a particular culture or issue, especially during your last year or two in college. Global Studies is a rigorous but flexible interdisciplinary major that combines courses across departments and schools at the University of Richmond and at least a semester of study abroad.