is using a security service for protection against online attacks. - Read reviews and ratings of Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection from our experts, and see what our community says, too! The collection features two complete open-world experiences that are still a joy to play. Black Flag is a revelation in portable mode and looks and performs almost flawlessly as you blast your way around the Caribbean on Edward Kenway's captivating pirate adventures. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection gives you plenty of bang for your swashbuckling buck.Black Flag would make for a great game for commutes or trips, and it's still a ton of fun to play. Most of it is fun on paper — at least if the gameplay systems wouldn't frequently intervene in the fun. Your mileage may vary, but as a fan of the franchise, I was reminded of how dated the mechanics and controls are, so I didn't enjoy my return to the AC universe as much as I'd hoped. It offers two very strong games on their own, together for one price with the DLC on a wonderful port for the Nintendo Switch. While kill finisher moves look deadly and brutal, they aren't an adequate payoff if you haven't done anything to earn your victory. The star of the show in this collection is certainly Black Flag, the last mainline entry on the previous console generation that pretty much ran on everything, including the current-gen PS4, Wii U, and Xbox One. The Rebel Collection is an all-around enjoyable and if you can understand that these games have some age to them, then I think anybody will find themselves enjoying it. Given what's included, the $40 price tag is fair, and you'll have at least 30-40 hours of gameplay to enjoy. Overall, you’re getting a massive amount of content in Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection, with the port of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag being one of the more impressive examples of an open-world game on Nintendo’s handheld and Assassin’s Creed Rogue being worthy of a playthrough if you haven’t yet played it. There is a lot to explore here, and it feels like an interesting world to exist in. While favourite Assassin's Creed games are a more personal preference, Black Flag is still one of the best games in the series and helped give the franchise a breath of fresh air after the lagging Desmond saga. 25 Critic Reviews, Generally favorable reviews- based on 93 Ratings. It can feel weird going back to the older format after spending hours acclimating yourself to the gameplay of New Creed but neither Black Flag or Rogue feel dated in any way and remain insanely playable to this day. Two big games...Great miracle ports and great optimization for switch, a wonderful dream! And if that doesn’t sell you, perhaps knowing that the Rebel Collection offers the finest collection of sea shanties this side of the West Indies will have you galavanting over to the Nintendo eShop. It's a collection of solid entries in the franchise, but it comes with its own baggage. Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection provides a lot of gameplay for your money, even though overall Rogue feels a lot like Black Flag reskinned and moved to a new setting from a gameplay perspective. Rogue gets more city-based action, with much of it taking place in New York, but otherwise, the experience is relatively similar. Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection includes the Black Flag and Rogue episodes and features a comprehensive and very exciting experience, providing that you enjoy the piracy universe and the outdated structure of the games, published six years ago. If we were left to our own devices, that certainly would be good enough, but the game frequently puts you into situations where the controls and climbing behavior cause frustrating moments. Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection for Nintendo Switch significantly undermines visuals for portability; there are better (and cheaper) options for Black Flag and Rogue. Now we want Ezio Collection and (if possible) AC Unity! The downside is that there isn't much variety to it after a while, but there certainly is a lot of content. I've only tried BF, but am looking forward to Rogue. It includes a fan-favorite entry and an often-overlooked but enjoyable adventure that takes a different approach to storytelling than the rest of the bunch. I love having my own ship and crew, and in the game, you can pet the dogs! You may not be able to climb structures that look easy to scale, your character may decide to not grab things in the vicinity, or he might even jump to his death for no apparent reason. It's easy to recommend The Rebel Collection to action game fans, especially those who want to turn their daily commute into an adventure on the high seas. You will be redirected once the validation is complete. Both games remind you of how tedious some of the missions can be. And of course Rogue is no slouch either. The climbing system is as unwieldy as you remember. The graphics show their last-gen origins, but they run fluid at what seems to be a rather high resolution. What’s really striking about the two games in The Rebel Collection is that, like I said up top, unlike ACIII they’ve both aged fairly well. They do have their moments, even if it's just to tell an interesting story in a fictional historical setting. If you want to take the dive and explore some older titles, this is probably as good a starting point as any, besides the Ezio Trilogy. ". If you're new to the franchise, all of the charm, familiarity, and nostalgia will likely be lost on you, and the clunky gameplay systems are going to be frustrating. © 2020 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. All games in the collection are not quite as pretty as the versions on the PS4 and Xbox One, but only marginally so. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, November Preview: 19 TV Shows & New Movies to Watch at Home, Release Dates for All Notable Upcoming Games, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. Ubisoft has redeemed themselves with an almost perfect port of Black Flag while understanding the advantages that the Switch had to offer such as the motion controls. And for anyone who never experienced Black Flag, or indeed the series as a whole, this is a great entry point. With plenty of content to explore, whether on the water or dry land, the sea-based battles remain addictive to this day and the inclusion of all additional content makes this package a wonderful gem for everyone who wants to return to Assassin's Creed or simply try it for the first time.