The reason for his strange tint and colouring? As humans developed agricultural societies, it’s likely that cats became helpful in controlling rodent populations. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For one thing, without them, cats would not be able to navigate through tight spaces. Cats lick themselves to get your scent off. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. For cats, it’s almost always a good time to take a catnap. The heaviest cat on record weighed in at around 47 lbs, just over three stone in weight. When a kitten is orphaned, there is special kitten formula you can use to ensure the kitten develops into a healthy adult cat. margin-right: 1rem; Cats have ears which can swivel around up to 180 degrees, thanks to a series of intricate muscles that allow them to hear in virtually all directions. Cats have held all kinds of positions of power. Privacy Policy | However, did you know that a town in Alaska had a feline mayor for around 20 years? There are apparently 44 different breeds of cat, according to the. } Dogs may be good at learning tricks and remembering people they love, but cats are thought, generally, to have better long-term memories. width: auto; Kittens typically meow to their mother for milk, but most adult cats are only known to meow in the presence of humans. Cats lick themselves for a variety of reasons. No wonder the Egyptians adored cats and many people still treat them like gods today! Write for us | That’s why it’s always crucial to make sure your cats have plenty to do, and that you refrain from overfeeding them wherever possible. background-image: url('/wp-content/themes/cassiopeia/assets/icons/facebook-icon.svg'); A cat’s whiskers connect to a part of their brain that is similar to the visual cortex. If you own dogs, you’ll know that a wagging tail will generally mean that your pet is happy and healthy. The love affair of Egyptians and cats is perhaps one of the best-known cat facts in history. There are plenty of features which set cats apart, but their noses are unique. The rhythmic vibration of the purr comes from the cat’s throat, but, as yet, there is no agreement on how exactly the sound is made. Open Next Page […] to Continue Reading……, 8 Fun Facts About Cats One of the biggest feline inheritors in recent history was Blackie, a cat who received a princely sum of around £7,000,000 from his late owner! Veterinary neuroscientists have established some incredible cat facts relating to whiskers. While human beings can move their jaws in various ways, cats can only move theirs up and down. Our cats might look like they don’t hear us when they’re sitting on the middle of the stairs and we tell them to get out of the way, but they’re only pretending they don’t! background-image: url('/wp-content/themes/cassiopeia/assets/icons/twitter-icon.svg'); 60 Curious Facts about Cats cursor: pointer; Cats generally have an even number of whiskers. } display: inline-block; This supposed cat fact is really a myth. a.facebook-find, It’s thought that a housecat has the ability to run faster than most humans, with even Usain Bolt finding it hard to keep up to your average moggy. font-size: 14px; Cats Can Make Over 90 Different Sounds, Lions, Tigers, Jaguars, and Leopards Purr Too, Milk Is Not Good For Cats! As mentioned, cats will spend an inordinate amount of time asleep. The Egyptians worshiped them as gods. However, this is actually unlikely to be the case. The old saying that a cat always lands on its feet is true. A cat rubs against people to mark its territory. Kittens produce a certain type of growth hormone only during their sleep cycle. The ability of one species of cat to purr and another species to roar is based on their anatomy, including specific features of the vocal folds and the length of the vocal tract. It might be showing that it declares you to be their property! Recent studies show that domestic cats are all descendants of one species, Felis sylvestris. Someone has already cloned a cat – Little Nicky was the product of a $50,000 cloning program, and he was the first to be cloned on a commercial basis. This is the … Use our interactive map to navigate our fascinating planet and discover many interesting and fun facts for every country…, © 2020 Planet Numbers Ltd.