Impression management is a conscious or subconscious attempt to influence the perception others have of you or an event that has happened. This 7 impressions are conformity, excuses, apologise, acclaiming, flattery, favours and association. To manipulate the causal beliefs of others, disparate impression management techniques are used. Four impression management strategies have been identified: denial, excuse, justification, and confession. Impression management Techniques and Tactics 1. Impression Management Techniques The purpose of the study was to know about impression management techniques adopted by teachers, lecturers and professors in schools, colleges and universities of Dehradun region. It is intuitively evident that individuals do not want others to blame them for failure or untoward actions. This is done to display a favorable impression of the company, its vision, … The goal of impression management is to steer others’ opinion or impression with the use of Erving Goffman • We are all actors within the Social World, a central theme from Goffman book “The presentation of self in everyday life” • In a sense, we are call “Fakers” or engaged in a “Con Job” on ourselves to effect other people. Impression Management -By - J.Deepak - Shyam Sundar -TSM -PGDM 2. Impression management turns out to be a continuous activity among newcomers, used in order to be accepted by the organization, and among those who have matured with the organization, used in order to be influential (Demir, 2002). 1 The term impression management has also been used to describe people’s efforts to managethe impressions others form of them. Conclusion From all the objectives, techniques, findings, tactics , and tips we can conclude that Impression Management plays a vital role in all fields such as in organisations, hospitals, education institutions etc. Impression Management is a technique of self-presentation based on controlling the perceptions of other people by rapidly expressing favorable aspects of yourself or team. Impression Management Techniques A research report by Gwal, [11] on tactics of impression management, relative success on workplace relationship stated that the most common tactic used in impression management … Impression management (IM) is the ways in which people’s behavior is influenced by their concerns with how they are perceived, evaluated, and accepted by others. Meaning. Q1. What is Impression Management? Within a business entity, it can be someone in a management position who might try to regulate information during his interaction with other employees or even the general public. Keywords: Impression Management, Social Media, Hospitality, Facebook INTRODUCTION Impression Management (IM) is the study of how people attempt to manage or control the perceptions others form of them (Bozeman & Kacmar, 1997; Drory & Zaidman, 2007). This is argued by the assumption that organiza- So, Impression Management is the process through which one person influence others.

This paper analyses impression management techniques followed by academic staff members based in Dehradun region of Uttarakhand, India. This technique is always used in daily life or work place and other occasion. The management impression means an attempt to control and the atmosphere of the impression from other individuals.

The study was done through cluster analysis and the parameters of the factors were taken from Jones and Impression Management Techniques - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.