presedent, akhil bhartiya yuva jat mahasabha, sheopur. With all the dozens of tactics and strategies available for use in marketing, how do businesses pick the winning combination? The most popular of these frameworks is the "4Ps" – product, price, place and promotion. in Speech from Catawba College and a J.D. Forbes: Evolution Of The Four Ps: Revisiting The Marketing Mix, Cleverism: Understanding the Marketing Mix Concept – 4Ps. Growth … These “4Ps” reflect the key top-level marketing decisions the company must make for each product or service it sells. But with proper rural marketing strategy, some of these problems can be dealt. Since behavioral factors of rural consumers are different and almost unpredictable in nature, the marketers have a challenging task to design marketing mix strategies for the rural sectors. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Scribd will begin operating the SlideShare business on December 1, 2020 Businesses also need to persuade prospective clients to select their products or services, instead of those offered by its competitors. Public Relations − Public relations in case of marketing promotions in case of rural areas are highly important so as to create the formal relationship with the newly acquired customers. Winning the rural market is very important in widening the loyal customer base, leads, sales, and profits. Companies use the marketing mix, revealed by analytic frameworks such as the 4Ps, to determine which marketing strategies and tactics will most likely produce the best results for a specific product or service. Improved Rural Infrastructures: Rural marketing and basic infrastructures go hand to hand. Customer service is no longer simply an afterthought to help people who have already made purchases. The importance of agricultural marketing is as follows: Provides raw materials for industries. Generally, the truth of that statement is immediately apparent, even to people who don’t know much about marketing. One of the most well-known concepts in marketing is the marketing mix, also known as the 4P’s of marketing. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Due to considerable level of heterogeneity, marketers need to design specific programs to cater needs and wants of specific groups. A manager needs to understand his rural market carefully, considering all important characteristics of rural customers. While the 4Ps provide a convenient framework for thinking about and choosing marketing strategies, they aren’t the same thing as the marketing mix itself. To create and execute a successful marketing plan, it’s important to use the 4Ps to analyze the specific challenges and opportunities for that product or service. Product Decisions: The product for rural market must be little bit different from the product for urban market. To ensure success, a business should take care to integrate a variety of strategies into its marketing plan. Shoppers want to know how well your business will help them make the most out of their purchase. Product is the most important element of marketing-mix. 1. However, they're only a starting point. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Learn more. She holds a B.A. Importance of retail marketing cannot be denied for today’s manufacturers. Rural Marketing in India – Marketing Mix for the Rural Markets . The reasons all boil down to those basic elements: the products, their different price points, their disparate intended purchasers and the different methods and places of distribution for each, among other things. Annie Sisk is a freelance writer who lives in upstate New York. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Marketers designing the promotional marketing plan for these products could take the same analytical approach, using the 4Ps (or 7Ps) framework to compose that plan. The marketing mix is carried out through what is called the “4 Ps of marketing.”. challenges and opportunities of rural market, Advertising & Sales Promotional Strategies In Rural Market, No public clipboards found for this slide, Student at apex group of institutions, rampur, bilaspur(up), dist. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Rural Marketing Wrap Up! Increase the chance of converting leads into sales. Since behaviour of rural consumers is different and less predictable, the marketing manager has a challenging task to design marketing mix strategies for the rural segments. Companies naturally want to get their products and services out in front of as many prospective customers who are ready, willing and able to purchase as possible. On it, Coke displays an instantly recognizable logo and distinctive shape, which propelled the product to global fame. A thorough examination of the marketing mix for the product in question yields a more effective and ultimately successful marketing plan. Despite its popularity and longevity, the 4P’s model has been criticized for a variety of reasons. As an example, a company will inevitably market a simple $8 household storage bin quite differently from a complex $8,000 business storage system. As a result, packaging should be included amongst the four P’s of marketing: product, place, promotion and price.