It provides us lots of confidence by giving us a bulk of knowledge in many fields. To say Education is important is an understatement. Apart from imparting knowledge, people are also vested in civic and social responsibilities. All profits of the book are going to the World Wild Life Fund. And he came up with the discovery of gravity later on. Education is a word we almost hear every single day of our lives. The answer is clear – without study, we would not have doctors and nurses. Education is one of the most important factors for the personal development as well as for the social and economical growth of our country. A nation with a large pool of educated people such as doctors, engineers, and scientists is regarded as an advanced nation. Here and there education is something that is affiliated with almost everything in the world somehow. I want to conclude my speech here. Higher Education is essential for training and skill development. A lot of crimes that happen in today’s society are carried out by uneducated people. A good education is not just about success and money. Speech on Importance of Education. Without Education, there is little prospect of a country’s development and excellency. Education and knowledge are not only essential for personal development, but it is also required for the development of the economy. Below, we have compiled one long speech on the topic of 500 words, one short speech of 100-150 words. I could convey to all the purpose, need and importance of Education in life. In this competitive world, after health, food, shelter, and clothing, education has become the fifth most basic necessity in life. Getting proper education is very necessary to get success and happy life just like food is necessary for healthy body. Educated people become successful in different areas of life. Proper and correct Education means the Education that can help a person to lead a successful and happy life. Education is the most important tool offers inner and outer strength to a person. It brings great respect for individuals and the nation. As fortunate individuals, who have the privilege of attaining proper Education, we should all gather together and make it possible for the underprivileged individuals to become entitled to their right to learning and achieving Education. You would just ignore the happening but Newton grew curious…Curious to know what was actually happening? Education is necessary for a student as after being educated enough, a student will be able to select a good career option for them, thus progressing towards a good and secured future. It shapes their personality, ability to work and helps them discover their true potential. Your email address will not be published. Without the power to read gaining knowledge would be much harder. But even apart from that, our very own lives teach us lessons. But education is not limited to that obtained from educational institutes. This will help the country to grow and develop further and become one of the largest think-tanks in the world. Education for a child begins at home. Some of them are visible and some of them are not but overall they have contributed immensely to the development of society.