Another observant visitor found yet another book of the Bible in this paragraph which brings the known total up to 18! Flaming Hot (For Christians or anyone who is just curious). Relax now for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible in this paragraph. For 30% you are: You are Peter! It was a lulu, kept people looking so hard for facts...and for others it was a revelation. If a king addressed the copyist while he was writing the name of God, he was to ignore the king. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Though I couldn’t relate to Esther’s childhood as an orphan, I hoped to someday become a princess and do brave things that change lives. Thank God for everything you've done for me, Love the Lord your God with all your, mind , and soul in Yeshuas in amen. The Bible isn’t a storybook about saints who got it all right–it’s a story about a God who is faithful despite His people doing everything wrong. It’s easy to read the Bible as a fairy book even though we don’t mean to. Hate to say but its true, I'm a classic nice guy doormat :(, "I would just want to stay Alexander Wacker", "I would just stay Alexander Wacker", Hello my name in Garima and I got Jacob. This test was created by getting volunteers to rate the perceived personality of a variety of characters (currently 1,410). It’s easy to read the Bible as a fairy book even though we don’t mean to. We’re quick to judge “bad” people of the Bible and identify ourselves with “good” people of the Bible. This step of identifying with the characters helps us place ourselves in the story and internalize the teaching—because we realize we’re no better than they are. Because I can identify with messed-up sinners in need of grace. If I chose another sentence or two, maybe you could post them at the water cooler. Here is the alphabetical list the 16 names of the Bible hidden in the paragraph above:Acts     Amos     Hosea     James     Job     Judges     Kings     Lamentations     Luke     Mark     Matthew     Numbers     Peter     Revelation     Ruth     Titus. I got my name sake! Bible Characters and Themes. I hope you like my choices! As your children read the Scripture verses and answer the question, “Who Am I,” discuss with them facts about each man, such as his purpose and his character. Receive a FREE 3-video series on Jumpstarting Your Creative Devotion Experience, By subscribing you agree to our terms & conditions. Aaron 6. “Esther,” I finally decided. The Bible isn’t about saints who got it all #right–it’s about a God who’s #faithful despite His people doing it all #wrong. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. Abimelech wants Sarah for himself. We’re quick to judge “bad” people of the Bible and identify ourselves with “good” people of the Bible. You are a natural leader, always with something to say, always ready to take charge. Noah 5. For 50 % you are: You are Barnabas! Another observant visitor found yet another book of the Bible in this paragraph which brings the known total up to 18! Thank you for becoming a member. One of our visitors found an additional book of the Bible hidden among this paragraph. Abraham lies and says Sarah is his sister. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalized. But that’s another discussion for another day. I racked my brain to come up with something. Adam 3. The truth finally struck home to numbers of readers. “Um… I don’t know.” Belle from Beauty and the Beast seemed a childish answer to give at age 11, and I needed something more respectable. Everyone likes you. We want to be courageous like David, faithful like Daniel, obedient like Noah, and loyal like Ruth. To others it was a real job. We're not listing this 18th one below either, but you will find it on the solution page! Click here for Answer 1. (Thanks to the observant visitor!) Use this short worksheet to introduce your children or class to a few of the men in the Old Testament, who they were, and what they did. God created you uniquely and creatively, and He delights in you when you worship Him just as you are. Esther 8. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Print this page if you want to work on paper. Give your answers in the comments and share this with your friends and family and see if they can guess all the characters from the bible. Determine which one you are. It isn't listed in the help below, but is on the solution page. P.S. A user's self ratings are compared against these profiles and the closest match is found. I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. Joshua 9. The documentation on how this quiz works can be found here. God speaks to Abimelech and preservers his innocence. Here is the alphabetical list the 16 names of the Bible hidden in the paragraph above: So that means there are 17 names! I was existing before. I’m so glad the Bible includes stories of David’s adultery, Noah’s alcoholism, Abraham’s doubt, and Esther’s immorality. When we spend time in our Bible study identifying with the characters in the story, whether they first appear to be “good” or “bad,” we’ll find that we are more similar to them than we first thought.