On the off chance that I am representing my privileges, for the privileges of young ladies, I am not doing anything incorrectly. During one meeting, a Taliban representative should be there to be met also. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. What is the author's point of view and purpose in I Am Malala? As Malala documents, the Taliban has leveraged global discrepancies in Arabic fluency to promote its own brand of Islam. Malala's grandfather (whom she calls Baba) wrote a speech for him, and he ended up winning first place. Here we see that the Taliban have, in some ways, been successful in their goals: they’ve used terrorism to inspire fear and anxiety in millions of people, showing them that they’re in danger of losing their lives if they persist in attending school. The agent will not answer Malala’s dad’s nullifications and questions. She continues attending school, encouraged by both her father and mother. Hai Kakar told her about a girl named Anne Frank who kept a similar diary. I Am Malala study guide contains a biography of Malala Yousafzai, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. His father, her grandfather Rohul Amin, was a great speaker who had studied in India, and he loved to talk about the politics of Swat and Pakistan. Swat's beauty and culture has defined her entire life, becoming such a part of her that to be forcibly separated from it takes a huge toll on her and her family. In order to fully understand the Taliban's goals, it is important to understand exactly what it means to implement sharia law in a country or region. They escaped Mingora in the car of a friend, Dr. Afzal; they chose not to stay in the refugee camps that had been set up for IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons), since they were overcrowded and terrible living conditions. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. The short, unstable history of the state of Pakistan and Swat Valley is extremely important to Malala's life story, because it paved the way for the oppressive Taliban group that would eventually overtake the valley. In the beginning of the memoir Malala was a carefree student, happy in school and at home, whose greatest concern was beating the other girls for the top rank in her class. Pages: 2 Words: 277 Views: 612. Undeterred, the Taliban bombed the Sangota Convent School for girls and the Excelsior College for boys on October 7, 2008. Please Sign Up to get full document. Her purpose is to share her experiences as a young girl growing up in Pakistan under the Taliban’s control. Malala insinuates that this peaceful campaign is a threat to the Taliban because they react to it with violence. I Am Malala Chapter 11 Summary. The Taliban begin blowing up schools at night. Summary. Interwoven throughout these first few chapters are Malala's feelings on the type of female oppression encouraged by leaders in their conservative nation. The Question and Answer section for I Am Malala is a great Malala recounts how General Zia took power in Pakistan in 1977 under a campaign for Islamization in the country, which severely restricted the rights of Pakistani women. I Am Malala study guide contains a biography of Malala Yousafzai, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. I Am Malala Chapter 11 Summary. ©2020 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Malala Yousafzai narrates her story in the first-person (past tense). The group took great care to target people who had supposedly defied some aspect of Sharia law. Thus, this is a coming-of-age story for Malala, who was forced to grow up extremely quickly as she sought to make sense of what was going on around her. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our. Her dad and his companions become a portion of the couple of standing up. We are reliant on these mullahs to become familiar with the Quran… . The cameras followed her as her school closed officially on January 14, 2009. People volunteered with the Taliban not because they agreed with them, but rather because they wanted the security that came with being a part of them. Because Shabana was considered a woman of ill repute, many people rationalized the killing as an act of moral cleansing. Chapters 11–12 Summary and Analysis ... Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this I Am Malala study guide. It’s my obligation to do as such. Not affiliated with Harvard College. What is the effect of Malala’s father’s account. Malala Yousafzai begins telling her own personal story with the event that put her on international radar: being deliberately shot by the militant Taliban group that occupied her home for many years. "I Am Malala Prologue and Part One: Chapters 1-4 Summary and Analysis". After pressure from a number of people, including Hai Kakar, Fazlullah's Taliban regime lifted the ban on girls' education up to Year 4. What is the effect of Malala’s father’s account. Benazir is executed in an assault. Thus it introduces a new element to the memoir—that of Malala dealing with herself as a public persona, and struggling with the power and temptations of fame. In a patriarchal society ruled by the Taliban, women are expected to do the bidding of men and are not permitted to have any life of their own. She was afraid she would never see it again. At school, people talked about the diary, and although Malala tried to keep it secret, a number of fellow students guessed that she was the author. Chapters 7–8, - Topics: Summary. Course Hero. To overcome the dull days, the young ladies sketch and play. When Malala was born her family was very poor, living only off of the small amount of money her father made from the school he had started. Malala started going to the small school in Shangla with her cousins, and they heard on the news about the army battling to take Mingora back from the Taliban. In I Am Malala, why is there a preface and a prologue? His poem warns against the dangers of political and social apathy. At night, the Taliban dump bodies of people they killed in the village square so people would see them as they went to work in the morning. The Taliban begin to threaten people, including Ziauddin. Two brothers followed her: one, Kushal, is two years younger than she is, and the other, Atal, is seven years younger than she is. Be that as it may, you simply use him to get familiar with the exacting importance of the words; don’t … Although Malala was in Year 5, she pretended she was younger than she actually was and started going to school again. For centuries, the Muslim world has relied on mullahs and Islamic scholars to interpret the Arabic Quran for the masses. The sources of sharia law are the Quran, which is the Islamic holy book, and the Hadiths, which are narratives of the life of Islam's most prominent figure, the prophet Muhammad. The book's prologue gives an account of the day Malala Yousafzai, a fifteen-year-old girl from Pakistan's Swat Valley, was shot by the Taliban on her way home from school. The Taliban's deadline for the closure of all girls' schools was approaching, but Malala, her father, and the headmistress Madam Maryam were all determined to keep the Kushal School open for as long as possible. When. . Summary. freebooksummary.com © 2016 - 2020 All Rights Reserved. Because of their efforts, Malala was able to quite literally grow up in a school, which had a profound effect on her. The chapter begins three months after the events of the previous one. Web. I Am Malala Study Guide. Plot Summary. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. In Chapter 4, Malala talks of leaving Mingora to travel to her father's family's small village of Barkana for the Eid holidays. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://www.coursehero.com/lit/I-Am-Malala/. She and her family lived in Mingora, the largest city in Swat. By the end of 2008, the Taliban had destroyed around 400 schools, and it soon announced that it would close all girls' schools. But he always said that Malala was as free as a bird, and he promised to protect her freedom. He went onto a live show to meet close by an individual from the Taliban. Despite the worsening situation in Pakistan, Malala and her friends try to live normal lives. Generally imperative to her inspiration are the young ladies who contend with her: Moniba and Malka-e-Noor.