Hera turned both of her dead monsters into constellations; Hydra became the constellation of the same name, while the crab turned into the constellation Cancer. Heracles, Iolaus and the Hydra, Athenian red-figure stamnos C5th B.C., Regional Archeological Museum Antonio Salinas. Once again, the tentacles on the logo have a lot of meaning. There were also other Hydra, called Hydrae, that had some physical differences. Anyway, I’m happy you found this post worthwhile. The myth says that the serpent Hydra had nine heads, and if one head was cut, two more grew in its place. Did you know that the modern Hydra logo is very different from the one that was used much much earlier? But while the stars and the stripes represent Captain America, the Hydra logo represents the Red Skull. Hydra's logo and the Nazi swastika are symbolic of the ideology the members of the respective groups followed. Hydra's logo uses two: red and black. The Hydra lived in a lake called Lerna. In the first part of Matrix Agent Smith says these words to Morpheus: “Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. HYDRA LERNAIA (Lernaean Hydra) was a gigantic, nine-headed water-serpent, which haunted the swamps of Lerna. Some members of Hydra did the same thing, but they wore the Hydra logo instead. Let's take a look at the logo that heralds so much misery... Hydra was responsible for many deaths in the Marvel Universe. If you think about it, Steve Rogers is very similar to this ancient hero. The difference is that they are fighting for completely unrelated things. Hydra, also called the Lernean Hydra, in Greek legend, the offspring of Typhon and Echidna (according to the early Greek poet Hesiod ’s Theogony ), a gigantic water-snake-like monster with nine heads (the number varies), one of which was immortal. In the artbook The Art of Captain America: The First Avenger, artist Ryan Meinerding explains the design a little. Hidden on the island of Argos, the Hydra would target the livestock and population of nearby Lerna. His worshipers formed a society that aimed at bringing him back. These necks could easily be associated with the tentacles (that look like an octopus's tentacles) on Hydra's logo. I haven’t even a credit card But anyway I thank you for giving me the chance to read and enjoy them with my soul and mind stay safe and take care , Haha, no worries, I’m grateful for all my readers and everything will always be free on my blog. In Greek and Roman mythology, the hydra (“water snake”) dwelled in the marshes near the Lake of Lerna, a bottomless lake connected to the Underworld, sometimes known as Hades. Toward the end of the year, The Tower kept appearing in my personal readings, and things quickly fell apart in a big way. This cauterization of the wound to seal it had been recommended by Athena. As you can see, the logo symbol used to be less intimidating and resembled the head of a ram (it was also used upside-down which is sometimes said to be the inspiration for the modern version). This monster that we are facing cannot be clubbed to death. Both are very strong and have improved human abilities. I would if I could, giving you all the treasure in the world because your writing is brilliant One of the reasons why it is so powerful is its logo. by Ami Ronnberg. Once you chop off one head, several others grow out in its place.