When I choose cars, it … Sep 3, 2015 @ 6:34pm take the buggy and the dog to destroy the mines? All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... You will first need to get the buggy and put the dog in it (there is a quest in the storyline for that). PEEPEEPOOPOO MAN. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... how to get chums buggy + dog I completed the mission and I have built the project in jeets stronghold. When you get closer he will start to bark more often and louder. ". So you need that mission to get the buggy and the dog back. Hope this helps. Mad Max. In Jeet stronghold go close to Magnus Opus, two options, use it or open your collection of stolen cars, Buggy included. Mad Max > General Discussions > Topic Details. For Mad Max on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "the Dog and the Buggy, please HELP!!! I just got to the mission to reclaim the buggy from Chumbuckets hideout. The dog is primarily for sniffing out mines in the mine fields. how can I choose the buggy to drive with it? Take Chum Buckets buggy and drive to a mine field, the dog will start barking at the location of a mine also facing the direction the said mine is in. Mad Max.