The act of surrendering is very difficult for those who realize that the battle is lost. This may be hard for you if you do not want to do the thing that God is asking of you, at least not straight away. Consider your attitude of thanksgiving and worship. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. May my mind be full of your truth. So what does it take to surrender to God? You must let go and forgive any offences as Christ forgave us of all our offences. The first thing God wants us to do is obey these two commandments: That's a major task; we can't do it on our own strength. We Christians sing ‘I Surrender’ all the time but I believe that not many people even know what it really means. Our thought life is absolutely powerful. What about you? Come to think of it, when they're translated, they're the scariest words in any language. God is the only true God. I held offence and unforgiveness in my heart for many years that only brought torment and heartache to myself and others. Decide what your attitude toward God or your spiritual life is. He can do it, but he won't step in until you ask him. Jesus actively chose God’s will over His own. As Queen Esther surrendered her life in order to intercede for her people, she left her very life in God’s hands. Romans 12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is … 2. Why to Surrender to God – God is the God above all else. yet, we're often smart enough to realize that we've messed up our own life--big time. Jesus redeemed us. Or do you pay your bills, buy what you want and then give God the leftovers? Consider reviving your love of reading the Word of God and surrendering your life in this area. What does surrendering to God mean and why do we need to surrender to Him? We need to let go of control, stripping away all the things that do not speak of God in our lives. It's very difficult to surrender completely to God, but out of love for Him we can make our best effort and ask the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance. from sur- “over” + rendre “give back”, to give (something) up, give up, deliver over, to give oneself up. Your Will – Or in other words, your control over the choices you make. Doing The Will of God. It’s impossible to please God without faith, otherwise we would be full of knowledge, revelation and understanding, but no application. This process isn’t easy, and in fact can feel very raw and revealing. I did that for a long time. If you can admit defeat, if you can surrender yourself over to God in the area of “salvation” then you can (and should) do the same thing in every other area of your life. God wants your whole heart, and through surrender, you will do AMAZING things for Him! If we're completely honest, it's that we just don't trust him. When you think about it, it's sort of funny. However, God may not desire the same things for us that we desire for ourselves. The only person who knows if your heart is pure and if you have a relationship with the Lord, is you and the Lord. Are you in a place of surrender to freely worship Him? (Matthew 6:33). How to Totally Surrender Your Life to God, What It Means to Totally Surrender to God. Prayer can even affect our homeschool endeavours, changing the atmosphere with our family. May my words be full of your wisdom. (1 John 5:14-15). I challenge you to choose to surrender today to what He is asking you to do.