Now you have learned how to remove dark spots caused by pimples using home remedies, remember to start with a small amount on a small affected area, make you way up to a larger area. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Individuals with severe acne outbreaks may benefit from seeing a dermatologist. Mix the two and then apply the mixture on the affected areas of your face, then gently scrub with your hands. People may choose to see a dermatologist if dark spots interfere with their personal, social, or professional lives. Tomatoes do not only perform wonders in the kitchen, but they will also benefit your skin greatly. But most of these methods will take quite some time to fade the spots. In this article, we look at the symptoms, causes, and…, Dark spots, usually due to hyperpigmentation, are a common issue for people with black skin. They can help a person find the most effective treatment and lower the chances of developing dark spots. Although current research is not conclusive, studies have found promising results for: The AAD recommends that people avoid using skin lighteners that contain mercury due to the risk of kidney damage, nerve damage, and mercury poisoning. Treating dark spots from acne is different than treating acne scars. Firstly, you must clear your face with warm water and then pat dry with a face towel. It is also more common in Latinx females than Asian, Indian, or white females. One general tip is to avoid skin care regimens or products that could increase dryness and irritation. The first step is to treat the acne. There are also plenty of OTC treatments for dark spots that you can try if home remedies aren’t helping. The cost can vary, but expect to pay in the range of $600 or more out of pocket. Is Light Therapy for Acne the Treatment You’ve Been Looking For? Dark spots from pimples are a common result of acne. How to use. 2. Apply lemon juice to your dark spots. Another method is to mix 3 tablespoons of orange juice with half a tablespoon of vinegar and apply it to the area. Once you’ve received your doctor’s OK, look for products that contain some mix of the following ingredients: As a next step up from OTC treatments, you may want to look into treatments you can only get in a dermatologist’s office. Treatments for dark spots aren’t typically covered by health insurance, as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation doesn’t pose a danger to your health. There aren’t any studies on the topical use of grapeseed extract for this purpose. Salicylic Acid vs. Benzoyl Peroxide: Which Is Better for Acne? The first step is to treat the acne. For quick effective results make sure you repeat the procedure every day in the morning when starting your day and at night when going to sleep. Add one teaspoon of water to dilute it. This is referred to as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. However, it can take years for deeper, or dermal, spots to go away. If the skin appears irritated after trying a product, they should discontinue use or consider only applying it every other day. If dark spots only occur on the forehead or temples, hair products may be causing the acne. Apply the castor oil of the affected areas of the skin, the dark spots area, twice a day, morning and evening. After that apply to the affected areas and leave for about 20 minutes then rinse off with warm water and pat dry. It is a natural skin exfoliator which promotes the fading of dark spots caused by pimples. Lemon works by breaking down melanin pigmentation and also curbing its overproduction which then reduces dark spots. If you look online, you’ll find many fans of using aloe vera to heal dark spots from acne. Besides the use of the best serum for hyperpigmentation treatment, there are potent natural dark spot treatments and home remedies you can use to get rid of uneven skin tone. Scars require tissue to be damaged or overgrown. For the aspirin to be more effective you should mix it with honey. While that may result in skin that feels more smooth and looks more evenly toned, that leaves you more vulnerable to damage caused by sun exposure. Dark spots from acne, on the other hand, are flat against the surface of your skin. Having a plan and a professional to call on can make all the difference. After that apply and massage the aloe vera directly onto the affected areas. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), although dark spots caused by pimples will clear, it may take months. Acne Treatment Home Remedies And Everything You Need To Know About Causes, Cystic Acne Treatment – How Dermatologists Treat Cystic Acne, Acne Treatment – best skincare products for combination acne-prone skin, Cerave Moisturizing Cream[The Best Moisturizing Cream For Oily Skin]. This is because it has anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help to smooth the skin. Aspirin also works wonders on dark spots, 4. Speak to your doctor if you’re at all concerned about dark spots from acne on your skin. People should maintain their skin care and treatment routines to accelerate the healing process. For acne or oily skin, add some lemon or lime juice, mix together and apply on dark spot then rinse after 15 – 20 minutes. Experts say dark spots on the upper layers of the skin, or epidermal PIH, may last for 6–12 months. Just in two weeks of application, your skin will start to appear more smooth and supple. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'graciedeguzman_com-leader-2','ezslot_4',111,'0','0']));The kind of food you consume such as fried chips, crackers, cookies, bread, and bagels e.t.c may also cause pimples.