Since you don’t even have a character of the correct level, and most zones need you to be of a certain level, you won’t be able to go there. This new area is where you’ll find Legion’s new content, including class halls, quests, and dungeons. I think you are talking about the character you are using. Congrats! You’ll be prompted to begin the scenario after logging into a character on a World of Warcraft account that has purchased the Legion expansion. So how can I get to Broken Isles from Exodar as Alliance? Recommended leveling paths for new players between 1 and 60 in World of Warcraft. Just inside and to the right you’ll find a portal to the Broken Isles Dalaran. Following the objectives will lead you through the Broken Shore, and eventually to Dalaran. From Exodar you will need to grab a boat to Teldrassil and from there you can catch a boat to Stormwind which has a portal for you AFAIK. You should have a Dalaran HS in your bags. An envoy will greet you near Krasus’ Landing, and shortly after a courier will approach you with instructions on how to find your class hall. Later on, you’ll find the portal by entering Stormwind Keep, and hanging a left into a room just past the entrance. You should keep levelling. I’m feeling so lost now. If you’ve been to the Broken Isles at least once with the character you’re using, go to the Mage Tower in Stormwind (if you’re using an Alliance character, not sure about Horde unfortunately), go to the portal room and you should find a portal that takes you to Azsuna. During the initial Legion quests, you can find a mage holding open a portal to the Broken Isles Dalaran in the Stormwind Harbor. Once this quest moment is complete, you will have officially reached Legion’s new zone. Go to Darnassus, then take the quest to go to Darkshore. If you completed the introduction beforehand, then you’re already at Dalaran in the Broken Shore and should have your Dalaran Hearthstone. This video shows you... How to get to The broken isles from stormwind. New replies are no longer allowed. He’s right up the stairs that lead from the docks up to the city, next to the giant lion statue. One portal to ancient Dalaran coming right up! if you are underlevel, the fastest way is to find a friendly lvl 100 lock to summon you, fastest way is to find a friendly lvl 100 lock to summon you. If you bought a boost to 110, you would be going to Kul Tiras, not Broken Isles. Good luck! Broken Isles is open to characters level 98 and up. If you’ve been to the Broken Isles at least once with the character you’re using, go to the Mage Tower in Stormwind (if you’re using an Alliance character, not sure about Horde unfortunately), go to the portal room and you should find a portal that takes you to Azsuna. – Thanks for all the help! Includes tips for questing zones and leveling dungeons. If not; But how do you get there? Level 12s would not last a second on the Broken Isles. Have you been in Broken Isles before? If you’ve already completed the Broken Shore story and received a new Dalaran Hearthstone on at least one character, you’ll be able to skip it when beginning Legion on another character. Maybe this site can help: Between The Valley of Strength and The Valley of Spirits is a dark tunnel that leads underground into The Cleft of Shadow. So yeah didn’t know I had to be on a certain level to go there, so I think that’s why the boat in Exodar won’t take me to Teldrassil and so on…? You’ll be able to turn in your log-in quest to an NPC at the Horde’s Dranosh’ar Blockade or the Alliance’s Stormwind Harbor and be given the option to skip these introductory bits. I’ve tried to find help from google, but there’s only advices for Horde, which I’m not. WoW Battle For Azeroth: How to Get to Silithus From Dalaran, World of Warcraft: How to Get to Kalimdor from Stormwind, NieR: Automata Getting 9S Play Arts Kai Action Figure in Two Editions, GameStop to Offer Limited PS5 Console Bundles Tonight, Project xCloud Preview Coming to Japan, Australia, Brazil, & Mexico This Month, Walmart Will Have Online PS5 Orders on Launch Day, Best Nintendo Switch Black Friday 2020 Deals, WoW Legion: How to Get to Broken Isles from Both Orgrimmar and Stormwind.