Remove the Foods. Weevils will be present in contaminated foods. Weevils may not be dangerous but having them around can be a bit disgusting. Removing all the possible contaminated items won’t be effective if you don’t follow it up with thorough cleaning. The best strategy is to eradicate an infestation as early as possible, and then take all steps to prevent future infestations. How to Get Rid of Weevils in My Bedroom? In fact, if you have weevils, this is how they probably got into your house in the first place. A thorough cleaning from top to bottom is what you should do right now! Let’s view some of the potential possibilities and find the perfect solutions for your issue. It would be too gross! Don’t worry, food-grade DE is pet safe and child safe. Thoroughly and meticulously clean your house. Remove any damp items or spots. The weevils may start off in food closets, pantries, the kitchen, garage or basement. You don’t have to any chemical for that; just use bay leaves! Your email address will not be published. It may be enjoyable to eat popcorn or cookies in bed while watching a movie, but the food acts as a powerful weevil attractant. You can also purchase some of the brands or products designed to prevent the issue. Subsequent applications may be necessary as a preventative measure. It’s safe for indoor use. How to Get Rid of Firebrats in Your Home? Then place it inside a sealed bin. Mostly known as ‘flour insects’ and they are the most unpleasant thing to be found in someone’s bedroom. They have the knowledge, tools, and experience needed to get a nasty infestation under control. The sad truth about weevils is that they will come back again and again until you become fully vigilant. And they have done so using any food source mentioned above. Not only you need to remove the contaminants, you also need to vacuum all the spots. It will be tiring but it will be worth it. Simply call a pest control professional to help you. Weevils will be present in contaminated foods. Weevils are tiny members of the beetle family. Treating surfaces with a 50/50 vinegar and eucalyptus solution. Clean up your bedroom thoroughly. The best way is to check on your food supply and remove the potential contaminated foods. This is because the weevil infestations can be so pervasive. Some insecticides are not suitable for indoor use. They like to explore entire areas. But, once they get inside your home, they tend to spread out and explore. Being vigilant for such a problem will help you keep things under control. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Clean Your Bedroom. One safe and effective option is food-grade Diatomaceous Earth or DE. They also further contaminate the environment with eggs, larvae and dead weevil shells. Soap and water. Get rid of your cardboard containers since they are no good against such problems. The solution is a powerful repellent against weevils, but it’s non-toxic to people and pets. Vacuum the floor area, the windowsills, and underneath all furniture. Handle the boric acid with caution, as it is more harmful than DE. One way or another, you will find a way of getting the weevils out of your house (including your bedroom), permanently. If groceries like flour sits idly in the kitchen for a long time, you will have a weevil invasion pretty soon. If you are wondering how to get rid of weevils naturally, this is it! They will even find their way to the bedroom. This option is not harmful to people and pets. Clean everywhere like under your bed, under and behind your wardrobe, and any other places where you can reach easily.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'denresidence_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',110,'0','0'])); Never allow any food and candy in your bedroom as a preventive measure. Also, do not eat in your bedroom. To help protect your kitchen, and specifically your pantry, also try wiping down the counters and shelves with a 50/50 solution of vinegar and eucalyptus oil. If the weevils have infiltrated your bedroom, the first step is to remove any grains from the room. How to Get Rid Of Biting Flies at The Beach, Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), How To Get Rid Of Boxelder Bugs Permanently, Email Marketing Software Leverages Minimal Promotional Budgets, How to Choose The Best Web Hosting for Wordpress, Best Online Business Courses for Entrepreneurs. Locate such sources ASAP and take appropriate measures to seal such sources forever. In this article, I will share all these tricks step by step. They probably hid inside a bag of groceries. Process all dirty laundry. Do not leave anything on the floor or in your hamper. Find the source of the weevils. If you just throw out infested foods, that does not guarantee you have got rid of them. You should use pesticides only after you have located the sources and cleaned your bedroom and kitchen. They lay hundreds of eggs and their numbers multiply. This is how a weevil infestation can make its way throughout your entire home. Clear every food from the pantry and cabinet shelves. If you have the time (and energy), mop them. Change such traps once they are full of weevils. To keep it under control, grow a habit of regular inspection for such infestations. Preferably, keep the garbage bin outside of the house. To ensure the safety of you, your family, and your pets, follow the instructions carefully before using an insecticide. They invade and multiply, contaminating the foods that they come into contact with. Dust, vacuum and use disinfectants on all surfaces. Not just for weevils, for any other insects’ infestations you should give your bedroom a complete cleaning thoroughly. This may sound strange since most people do not store food in the bedroom. It is not worth risking the possible infestation that may happen in the future. Here is how you should do it: The weevils are in your bedroom, so they got there somehow. You must take preventive measures against such insects to avoid future invasions. This is probably the most infested area in your house. But it happens. When you see them in your bedroom that also indicates they are other areas of your house like in your kitchen and bathroom. The cold will prevent the weevils, larvae, or eggs from developing or hatching. But you have learned the drill and know how to deal with it. This is where the majority of weevil infestations start. Weevils appear to have a horn or long snout. It would be a good idea to take the trash further as far as possible from the house. Everything has to come out—canned goods, spices, aluminum foil, whatever you store in there—in order to get rid of every weevil. If you spot the insects inside the bedroom, maybe you... Clean the House. Weevil is a type of insects living in rice or foods. Keep no foods anywhere in your bedroom as well to have late-night snacks. NuWave Bravo XL Reviews 2020: Convection & Toaster-Oven – Air Fryer! They live in flour, corn, rice, oats, etc. Also, do not eat in … You clean one area leaving other areas untouched won’t solve anything. Emeril Lagasse Power Air Fryer 360 Reviews 2020. So, getting rid of them is just the job half done. As an Amazon Associate I Earn From Qualifying Purchases. Weevil traps are good measures to get rid of weevils, but there are other measures that you can take. Weevils live in pantries. that have starches in it. Clean the House. This is the most basic remedy you can try out to get rid of weevils from your pantry, … This allows a small number of weevils to turn into a massive infestation. You need to trade-off between saving money and preventing weevils. As you have seen, getting rid of weevils from your bedroom is easy but preventing it takes hard work from your end. For various reasons, however, it does happen. Only being vigilant can keep you protected against such insect years after years. If you've noticed small reddish brown beetles, weevils, in your flour, they may also be in other foods in your pantry. How to Get Rid of Weevils in My Bedroom. Once you have discarded and removed them, gather them up in the garbage plastic and take it outside. Use glass or hard plastic airtight containers instead. Disadvantages Of Air Fryer: Get Your FACTS Right! It is also safe to apply the solution in close proximity to food. Also, vacuum curtains. You should also check for weevils near your pet's food dishes since this may be their source of food. This will prevent all the cockroaches, ants, and other skin-crawling intersects from your bedroom. In such cold places like your fridge, they can’t survive but the foods/flours won’t be damaged at all. Never let your kids or partner have foods in your bedroom. Their most distinguishing characteristic is their prominent snout. Weevils are not resistant against such pesticides so they will die of it very quickly.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'denresidence_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',111,'0','0'])); It is pretty effective to kill insects like weevils. A regular cleanup of the cupboard will prevent any weevil existence. Weevils can easily chew through such containers and paper bags. If you’ve tried the measures listed above and you’re still seeing weevils, the next method of getting rid of weevils is using a chemical insecticide. Along with your bedroom, you have to clean every other area as well. You don’t want it happening to you, right? How can they get into the room from the first place, after all? How to Get Rid of Weevils in My Bedroom, Some Smart Moves.