Inviting consultation with all stakeholders Children, families and child care professionals often come from a range of backgrounds and lifestyles, which blend to produce a diverse group of stakeholders. In today’s knowledge economy, curriculum development plays a vital role in improving a country’s economy. Prof. Dr.Marut Patphol Graduate School Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok Thailand . CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT by Prof. S.SWAMINATHA PILLAI. DEFINITIONS OF CURRICULUM • That which is taught in schools • A set of subjects. As society changes, curriculum changes in order to reflect those changes and make it relevant. Political factors shouldn’t influence curriculum development but inevitably they do. The philosophy that they have embraced will help them define the purpose of the school, the important subjects to be taught, the kind of learning … What constitutes knowledge of them, and is such knowledge discovered or constructed? Therefore, the national curriculum should concern itself with the requirements of the economy. • Their life experiences, common sense, social and economic background, education, and general beliefs about people are brought into and reflected through their work. According to Orstein Hunkins, philosophy is an important foundation of curriculum because the philosophy advocated or reflected by a particular school and its officials influences its goals or aims and content, as well as the organization of its curriculum. It provides educators, teachers and curriculum makers with framework for planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum in schools. Factors affecting curriculum development include government rules, which in turn brings other factors into the process. In the selection of text-books, therefore, there is as much need of ideals and principles as in the choice of subjects. One of the reasons why education is financed by governments is to improve the country’s economy. The skills needed by industry should be Curriculum development has a broad scope because it is not only about the school, the learners, and the teachers. In our drive to study philosophy, it helps us to deal with our personal beliefs and values. Philosophy and Text-Books: Text-books are important instruments, through which the aims of education are realized. Philosophy of education - Philosophy of education - Teaching, learning, and curriculum: Many problems of educational practice that raise philosophical issues fall under this heading. Thus, we conclude that philosophy not only influences the curriculum, it also determines the subjects of study that meets its requirements. All aspects of curriculum depend on local, state and national political standards. EconomicEconomic Economics influences curriculum development.Economics influences curriculum development. Whereas perceptions of the term may vary, it must be recognized that curriculum … As philosophical issues have always influenced society and institutions of learning, a study of the philosophy of education in terms of Curriculum development is essential. Curriculum development follows the same structure as curriculum planning in that; it starts with the establishing of educational philosophy. Both private and public educational institutions rely on funding for hiring personnel, building and maintaining facilities and equipment. • The philosophy of the curriculum worker is reflected in his/her work. History shapes- indeed it essentially creates - the present - and curriculum is no exception. It is good to know things because people are counting on us.” ~ child, 4 years. How does a strong belief of philosophy influence curriculum In addition, the type of professional development provided to teachers can also have a major influence on curriculum development and design. Philosophy probably has more influence on curriculum access than development. A comprehensive philosophy of education is necessary to guide in making analysis objectives. This is because different age groups have unique problems which require … Curriculum design is the deliberate organization of curriculum within a course or classroom. Now that we’ve gone over curriculum development and planning, let’s discuss curriculum design. Ever since the term curriculum was added to educators' vocabularies, it has seemed to convey many things to many people. When instructors design their curriculums, they identity what will be done, who will do it and when, as well as what the objective of each course is. How politics influences curriculum design and development starts with funding. truth, existence and reality). Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organized academic settings and corporation learning centers. This condition of development in the flow of philosophy one of which is essentialism. This discipline contributes an integral part to the development of the curriculum; it is the foundation in which decisions and scrutinies are made. Philosophy and Curriculum "It is important that we learn, because we learn things and it makes us know a lot. those basic forces that influence and shapes of minds of curriculum developers and enhance the content and structure of the subsequent curriculum. b. In essence, a philosophy of education influences, and to a large extent determines, our educational decisions and alternatives. Educational Philosophy lays strong foundation of any curriculum. Such ideas are actually based upon views about nature, source of values, worthwhile, knowledge and the role of teachers and the school. A philosophy in the context of curriculum development can be defined simply as a formal set of statements about the purpose of educating.