When filling out his application, Juul found himself in new territory, writing about a field he had no research experience in — planetary science. APS encourages the redistribution of the materials included in this newspaper provided that attribution to the source is noted and the materials are not truncated or changed. The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance the knowledge of physics. Known by many postgraduate institutions as the "premier undergraduate scholarship" for research, students must apply through a campus representative, and must be nominated by their home institution to become eligible. to go on to earn a Ph.D. in nuclear or particle physics and conduct research. solving is central to achieving your goal,” said Velasco. Submit a Manuscript ©1995 - 2020, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Looking at the numbers, each scholar can receive up to $7,500 in funding for each of their junior and senior years. Five of the awards have been received in the past 10 years; in fact, the The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and encourages applications from female and minority candidates and others who will enhance our community and advance our Mission. and juniors pursuing research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering. I've been hooked on particle physics ever since. [CDATA[ She Referees Look for a well written essay with strong technical content, 3 Recommendations: Look for content that speaks to research potential and commitment. "I haven't double-checked my math, but I believe that I will finally be able to quit my two jobs and devote all my spare time to research," stated O’Neel-Judy. Congratulations to Smith College’s 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 Goldwater Scholars and Honorable Mentions! ", Juul said that the application process in itself helped piece together his future goals. “In my current research, a research and development project, this kind of problem Against the backdrop of a picture perfect day, students, faculty and staff gathered on the mall in front of the Haggerty Science Center to pay tribute to veterans who have served our country. // 2010&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear()); this year. is also a self-professed musical theater junkie. His interest in particle physics led him to explore the mentoring available at Brown University early on in his undergraduate career. , University of Dallas. Review panels give equal weight to the following aspects of an application: Academic achievement:  Look for challenging loads, advanced work, awards, Progress towards research goals: Look for research activities, career goals, course work, consistency across whole of application, Research essay: Expected or obtained research results. Contributing Correspondent: Alaina G. Levine “She has incredible insights into physical phenomena and mathematical prowess to tackle The best research is motivated by curiosity, not desire for recognition!". With the Goldwater Scholarship now in hand, he says his future plans have only become more research-focused. to answer.”. And more importantly, what makes a student application stand out? Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. When she isn’t studying nuclear physics, Velasco likes to run, read and knit. Gabriel Juul is completing his junior year at Whitman College in physics. "I think students considering applying to Goldwater should be bold and unafraid to discuss their triumphs, as well as the trials they face throughout their journey. See FAQs explanation and examples. During WISE, I began working on my current project under the supervision of my NMC mentor, Rohana Wijewardhana.". © 1956 The Goldwater Scholarship is highly competitive and highly prestigious. "... [My advisor] Meenakshi Narain heard through one of his students that I was interested in research. "Our physics department has around 30 students per year," Coleman said. “I think that nuclear research is particularly fascinating since it examines the fundamental Class of 2020's valedictorian, Ana Henriquez, BA '20, received the scholarship last year. © 2020 American Physical Society | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, Headquarters: 1 Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3844 | Phone: 301.209.3200 Awardees have GPAs of about 3.9, The Goldwater Scholarship awards up to $7,500 p.a. to outstanding college sophomores (two years of scholarship) and juniors (one year of scholarship) intending to pursue research careers in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering. "I hold strong opinions on the purpose of physics, but I had not previously needed to write them down. "The fantastic concepts presented in these works dazzled me more than any sci-fi," O’Neel-Judy explained. Madelyn Leembruugen of the University of Cincinnati grew up knowing she wanted to be involved in research. Each applicant is encouraged to tell the story of their future goals, and explain their research intentions. It’s very exciting to uncover a new way to look at the ", Now with the application process behind him, Coleman says it has prepared him in the best way for graduate school. Pre-med students, psychology majors, and engineering students should consider if either of these guidelines affects their potential applications. components of the universe. Étude O'Neel-Judy of Northern Arizona University used to despise math and physics. The Goldwater Scholarship is intended to fund undergraduates with the ability to eventually pursue and excel in research. The program accepts matriculated junior or sophomore students currently pursuing a degree in an accredited 2- a year or 4-year institution during the academic year 2020-2021. “There’s always new questions with Assistant Professor of Physics Jacob Moldenhauer, Ph.D., and off-campus at Jefferson Labs, a national laboratory in Virginia. // ]]> To learn more about the Goldwater Scholarship and their requirements, visit the Barry Goldwater Scholarship Homepage.