The 1940 Varscona Theatre was one of Edmonton's first theatre's to be built in the Moderne Style. It was typically very ornate and employed a lot of details. Central, Themes: Built in 1914, this two and half storey Foursquare house is located in the Cromdale neighbourhood. Area: The residence is an excellent example of upper-class Edwardian era architecture in the Scottish Baronial style. Among the most iconic buildings in Edmonton is the Legislature, which overlooks the river valley and is the seat of power for the provincial government. Art Deco influenced buildings are not common in Edmonton, through there are some noteworthy examples. Built at the peak of the economic boom prior to the First World War, ths apartment block retains much of its original Edwardian character inside and out. It advises City Council on historical issues and heritage policy, liaises with community groups involved with heritage issues, and works to educate citizens on the history of Edmonton. Arguably Edmonton's most iconic building, the Hotel Macdonald has been a fixture on the city’s skyline since it was completed in 1915. Built in 1946, this home is a good example of the local use of the International style after the Second World War. The Spanish Revival style served to romanticize not only theatres and commercial structures, but residential buildings as well. The William Blakey Residence is an excellent example of the International style as applied to a modest home. As well, the Board has a mandate to encourage, promote and advocate for the preservation and safeguarding of historical properties, resources, communities, and documentary heritage. Homes The Scottish Baronial style can be seen in some of Edmonton’s most iconic structures, such as the Hotel Macdonald or the Provincial Legislature. [13], Headquarters Army Western Command Building J3, Strathcona Canadian Pacific Railway Station, Category:Provincial Historic Resources in Edmonton, Category:Municipal Historic Resources of Edmonton, Regina's historic buildings and precincts, "Fort Edmonton III National Historic Site of Canada", "The Directory of Designated Heritage Railway Stations in Alberta", "Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Historic Resources Management - Historic Places Stewardship Section - Alberta's Historic Places Designation Program",, Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Historic Resources Management - Historic Places Stewardship Section - Alberta's Historic Places Designation Program - Municipal Historic Resource Designation,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 July 2020, at 16:45. Trade & Industry The iconic Flat Iron style is easily identifiable by its triangular footprint a flat roof. Explore Edmonton's heritage through its landmarks and sites of significance. [10] Since 2007 the provincial government has also recognized the Old Strathcona district as a "Provincial Historic Area", only the second such area in Alberta. Orriginally constructed in the Classical Revival style, a 1940s renovation gave it a Moderne twist. Central, Themes: Built in the 1860s, the Peter Erasmus House, now located in Fort Edmonton Park, is the oldest building in Edmonton. Select items from the menu below to see buildings and sites marking the city's development. This small jewel of a building holds its own nestled among downtown high-rises. As well, the Board has a mandate to encourage, promote and advocate for the preservation and safeguarding of historical properties, resources, communities, and documentary heritage. Trade & Industry Sites can be put on the Register, which is simply a list of buildings the city deems "historic," by the City's staff at any time without the knowledge of the owner or city council. Rapid growth, new technologies and changing lifestyles and world views dramatically altered Edmonton’s built landscape. This 1927 Craftsman style house, located on a corner lot in The Highlands, uses clinker bricks to create a very pleasing look. EHC members are invited to celebrate an extraordinary year of Edmonton heritage. Renseignements suite à un email de description de votre projet. [8], The City of Edmonton maintains the "Register of Historic Resources in Edmonton" which has several different categories of buildings and sites: Municipal Historic Resources (76 sites), A-List Resources (190 sites), and B-List Resources (305 sites), for a total of 571 sites on the register. Era: City Modern Ornate examples of the Arts and Crafts style such as the R. W. McKinnell Residence are uncommon in Edmonton. This Classical Revival building featured prominently in the downtown skyline until its demolition in 1968. Edmonton’s oldest men’s club met in this three-storey brick building, once located on College Avenue and McDougall Street overlooking the river valley. The Edmonton Historical Board (EHB) is an advisory board to City Council. Edmonton's architecture was a product of its time. Central, Themes: For seventy years the Tegler Building represented the hub of Edmonton's downtown. Because of its size, detailing and impressive profile, St. Josaphat's is the best known of Edmonton's Byzantine style churches. Era: The War Years Completed in 1931, this Freemasons Hall was designed by WIlliam G. Blakey in the Gothic Revival style. The Ross Flats Apartments are a large Edwardian style building and serve as an important historical landmark in Rossdale. The home of pioneering women's rights activist Emily Murphy has strong elements of the Craftsman style. Changer la langue cible pour obtenir des traductions. [6][7], Historic designation in Alberta is governed by the Historic Resources Act. It was demolished in 1972. It advises City Council on historical issues and heritage policy, liaises with community groups involved with heritage issues, and works to educate citizens on the history of Edmonton. Classical Revival architecture is a romantic style that makes use of elements found in Greek and Roman buildings from antiquity. The 1914 H.V. Guest Post: Edmonton Heritage Council & interVivos 2019 Mentorship Program. The Edmonton Historical Board (EHB) is an advisory board to City Council. Lettris est un jeu de lettres gravitationnelles proche de Tetris. ○ Lettris Area: Sports, Leisure & Entertainment A bit of information about the city’s past will help you understand the buildings you see today. Dr. Allan Barton Cameron ran his practice from this residence, one of the earliest homes remaining in Calder. Built in response to a request by local citizens, the Elm Park School was a good example of the Arts and Crafts style in Calder.