Given that aging tourists already have particular needs regarding their physical health, it is critical that tour guides are able to ensure that the quality of the tour experience is high and that the health and medication issues of this demographic are well managed, In the seedy confines of his one-bedroom apartment, reclusive loner Harris Babel delights in watching the camcorder images of others: images he buys from a strange, smoke-filled store at the end of an alleyway. The boat is so cool our little boy loved the opportunity to steer it. Founded in 1979 Search Beyond Adventures provides all-inclusive escorted vacations for travelers with disabilities and special needs, ages 17 and up. at 30%, then nature at 25% and lastly 10% for adventure. Questionnaires with missing or incorrect data were removed and 453 questionnaires were used in total. They even sell loads of craft beers etc on board. All grads of The Way Corps are required to attend this meeting which precedes the Rock of Ages each year, so attendance is normally near one hundred percent. This had the highest percenta, as the equipment that the tour guiding facilities had were, not tailor made for use by tourists with disabilities. This research endeavoured to explore the state of affairs in Zimbabwe's tourism sector where accessibility is concerned. Please select your preferred time and we will check availability. A number of activities are planned such as monthly video blogs for the web site and updates on the conservation program, facilitated public tours to the gallery and studio and presentations to specialist and general interest groups. If you are visiting Athlone this is a must must must! The UNCRPD, has 25 preamble paragraphs and 50 articles that form a, framework for the realisation of the rights of the disabled, (UNCRPD, 2006). Many statistics show that The Way International is splintering: • Enrollment at The Way College of Emporia, Kansas, fell from 350 students to 90. perceptions of older adults with dev elopmental disabilities”. related since most of them use wheel chairs, crutches, limping legs.. Previous studies have indicated that aging foreign tourists comprise one of the strongest markets in today’s tourism industry. nature-based sites has fewer guides putting pressur, them to deliver and end up sacrificing persons with dis, abilities as they demand more time and attention which, disabilities. The concerns of the tourists with disabilities were, done to see that a change had been implemented on the, game parks the tourists with disabilities alway, equipment and environmental barriers were conc, with people with disabilities mainly due to the issues dis-, cussed above. Admission and guided tours are free of charge for bus drivers, tour guides and children under 6 years. This paper will explore the writing and directing process involved in the making of Baggage, analysing structure, cause-and-effect, character identification, suspense, style and substance.