Describe Angus in three wordsPatient, fun and thoughtful. Any connection issues?None. What did you talk about?Corrupt police tigers, our kimchi-making housemates, the fact that Angus is named after a blue Mini from Aberdeen, and Quidditch. Jack, 27, theatre revenue analyst, meets Nabil, 28, policy officer Either she is a quick eater or I was too focused on my saag paneer because I never actually saw her Chinese food. Blind date: ‘I think he thought I was trying to snog him’, Blind date: ‘Things got a bit spicy around the main course’, Blind date: ‘I asked if he could grow a proper beard’, Blind date: ‘He made it clear that he doesn’t share food’, Blind date: ‘She ate a whole sea bass with her fingers’, Blind date: ‘I announced my departure somewhat abruptly’, Blind date: ‘I think she was dumbing down to my level’, Blind date: 'It was awkward when the oysters came out', Blind date: ‘Awkward moment? There’s more to him than meets the eye. All rights reserved. We did. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. • Self-isolation doesn’t mean you have to stop looking for love, and Blind Date will continue with online video dates. Any awkward moments? Open, friendly, likes her food. The temperature gun check’, Blind date: ‘A kiss would definitely have been a possibility’, Blind date: 'Any awkward moments? He asked for my number, so who knows? • Alice and Angus ate at Cubé, London W1.Fancy a blind date? It runs in the family is my only excuse. We moved on to sofas for Pictionary and quizzing. Best thing about Olivia?She is a really genuine person, which made it easy for me to relax into the date. Angus, 26, civil servant, and Olivia, 27, charity comms worker, meet online, Sat 2 May 2020 01.00 EDT Blind date: ‘There’s more to him than meets the eye’. Last modified on Wed 21 Aug 2019 08.39 EDT. Would you meet again? What did you talk about? Blind date goes to Paris: ‘My hopes came true’ Petya, 39, French-Bulgarian, meets Olaf, 44, Dutch Sat 7 Mar 2020 01.00 EST Last modified on Thu 25 Jun 2020 10.09 EDT Good table manners?Impeccable. Best thing about Angus?He was really fun to chat to, and he laughed at my jokes (even the Line Of Duty ones, and he hasn’t seen Line Of Duty). Would you introduce her to your friends?For sure, I reckon they’d get on. And… did you swap numbers?Yes, so he could get my approval on a screenshot selfie. What do you think he made of you? Saying goodbye with a face mask on', Blind date: 'If he had gone in, I would've kissed him back', Blind date: ‘We were both flirting with the waiter’, Blind date: ‘I probably should have saved the massage parlour story for a second date’, Blind date: 'We discussed geography teachers as good date options', Blind date: ‘His housemate brought him his dinner dressed as a waiter’, Blind date: ‘We played the Guess How Old I Am? He is interesting and interested. ​• Self-isolation doesn’t mean you have to stop looking for love, and Blind Date will continue with online video dates. If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be? Available for everyone, funded by readers, Each week, we fix up two Guardian readers, Freddy, 29, journalist, meets Rufus, 25, production assistant, Ruby, 24, senior account manager, meets Alex, 24, PR account manager, Kieran, 36, hospital pharmacist, meets Tony, 28, marketing consultant, Sarah, 29, development officer, meets Matt, 32, HR manager, Kaisa, 24, research analyst and freelance writer, meets Rivkah, 24, philosophy master’s student, Ben, 29, freelance videographer, meets Fiona, 24, PhD student, Ollie, 26, data analyst, meets Rachel, 27, costume production coordinator, Frank, 46, financial analyst/football coach, meets Jen, 44, social researcher, Ella, 26, personal assistant, meets Josh, 26, actor/bar manager, Francine, 37, broadcast journalist, meets Jack, 35, freelance journalist, Will, 36, actor, meets Lauren, 32, project director, Annie, 26, campaign organiser, meets Patrick, 25, climate policy advisor, Olivia, 28, costume designer, meets Jeremy, 32, client relationship manager, Zachary, 24, audiologist, meets Laura, 25, conservation biologist, Pete, 36, writer, meets Claire, 40, journalist, Anushrut, 26, doctoral student in film history, meets Eleanor, 25, environmentalist, Lucy, 31, campaign manager, meets Alex, 25, auditor, Matt 42, NHS manager, meets Adam, 35, solicitor, James, 24, market researcher, meets Elizabeth, 26, app executive, Katie, 23, meets fellow medical student George, 29. We both wanted the last scallop. What did you talk about?Strange friends, odd Tinder dates and her favourite nostalgic box sets. Alice, 31, account manager, meets Angus, 25, PR consultant, Sat 14 Apr 2018 01.00 EDT If you’re looking to meet someone like-minded, visit, Available for everyone, funded by readers. What were you hoping for? © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Blind date: 'I put on perfume for a video call' Kayleigh, 28, marketing manager, and Josh, 28, senior account executive, meet online Kayleigh and Josh: ‘We discussed our love for Peep Show. Would you meet again in person?Yep, Angus has never been to a taproom; that needs to be resolved. What were you hoping for?Romance and an injection of excitement to jolt me out of my lockdown routine. Alluring. A fun and entertaining evening with a stranger… and that’s what I got! How long did you stay on the call?A respectable four hours. He nailed the chopsticks, let me choose the sushi and drink most of the wine. Would you introduce him to your friends? Although I didn’t set a high standard with my chopstick skills. Any awkward moments?We had a debate about whether Friends is funny or not. If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?That I’d figured out how to order the food beforehand. How long did you stay on the call?Until just past 11. Best thing about Angus? If … Angus had done his pre-date research and found a bar for us to go to if we didn’t hate each other. If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?Established social norms for how to end a video call gracefully. Any connection issues?At the beginning, the connection was so bad, I couldn’t understand anything Angus was saying. Did you introduce him to your housemates?He briefly met Emily, when she came to help with my food ordering crisis. Nervous, well-presented, with a kind face. game’, Blind date: 'My dad burst into the room – he likes to do that when I’m on Zoom', Blind date: 'He said he was in his 50s. To a bar around the corner for a G&T. Did you go on somewhere?To a bar around the corner for a G&T. I don’t think it is. Blind date: ‘There’s more to him than meets the eye’ Alice, 31, account manager, meets Angus, 25, PR consultant Alice and Angus: who got the last scallop? Astute. How did the call end?Rushing back to our tables to stage the selfie we forgot earlier on! First impressions?Chatty, confident and very pretty. Describe Angus in three words Genuine, funny, great name. I'm pleased to say that was a joke'. What do you think she made of you?I took it as a compliment that I reminded her of a cop from Line Of Duty. First impressions? A brief life history of Angus and Alice (we both had a lot to say for ourselves), all things Spanish, and our lack of regional accents. My awkward handshake at the beginning. What do you think she made of you?Hopefully good company – if a little young. I just hope my lockdown haircut didn’t count against me. First impressions?She’s a babe, with a backdrop worthy of a cabinet minister. All rights reserved. How did the call end?With a discussion on whether we’d see each other again. Good table manners?He was a saint for waiting an hour for my food to arrive, while his curry sat in the oven. Would you meet again in person?I would like to. Blind date: 'My dad burst into the room – he likes to do that when I’m on Zoom' James, 24, market researcher, meets Elizabeth, 26, app executive Published: 1:30 AM Last modified on Thu 25 Jun 2020 10.15 EDT. Yep, Angus has never been to a taproom; that needs to be resolved. Did you introduce her to your housemates?Yes, my housemate played waiter in exchange for a cut of the food and an attempt to score a date with her housemate. Today's Guardian Blind Date features Kaisa, a 24-year-old research analyst and freelance writer, who has put on her shiniest DMs... Impeccable Table Manners Ben and Fiona If you’re single and would like to be set up (with a takeaway on us), email, Available for everyone, funded by readers. Did you go on somewhere? Good table manners?Impeccable. First impressions?All I remember was it suddenly hit me I was on a Guardian Blind date in the middle of a global pandemic.