Some kids just want to play games with their favorite cousin. Content may be released after this review, and may have more adult content in it. They really should have a childhood, and a chance to enjoy the things they wouldn't once they're older. Sex & Nudity One mission in particular contains BDSM content, with the player being subject to masochism in order to obtain a necessary mission item. It is supposed to be funny. Most missions feature some sort of violence, lethal or non-lethal. However, when it happens it's incredibly graphic and this is without a doubt one of the most violent games of all time. It is unknown whether the daughter is underage or not (I believe she is either 16 or 18). The two are shown from the side and from behind. In the strip club, the player is free (but not required) to view dancers perform erotic dance moves and throw money at them. If you trust your kids, this game is a great game. GTA 5 And Crossplay - Does GTA Online Support Crossplay? Don’t forget our complete GTA 5 cheats lists either. Despite Jimmy stating the Landstalker is a charcoal color, it may sometimes appear in either blue or green instead. A tooth will be ripped out with pliers, knees, the crotch, or the head can be hit with a large socket wrench, the man may be water boarded (virtually drowning someone), and he can be electrocuted from a car battery. It isn't a game for kids. You cannot interact with them but they do say suggestive things to you. Here the women are clothed (top and bottom) in lingerie. A glitch on this mission can render the Landstalker invisible. GTA BOOM is the original source for all things Grand Theft Auto. At first, I thought getting my son GTA was a terrible idea. 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Back to me personal review, Now I'm very disappointed to see so many parents who let younger kids play games like these,and I also don't like when parents rate these games and they have not played them, and also when provide a lack of details.This is a really mature game and It's a blast, but it comes down to knowing if your older teen can handle it,I definitely don't recommend this game to be played in large quantities of time but little snippets here and there. Shortly after the game’s release, media brought attention to an interactive torture scene within the game. Grand Theft Auto V If the player refuses this mission, Michael will have to pay $10,000 in ransom money. The online mode should be 13+, but the story is 18+, There is a online mode which is pretty much contains no sex/nudity, while still maintaining the fun parts of GTA V, Gta V has a mode called Online which features no sexual content. I actually couldn’t keep up with the amount of language used, because I would have to pause the game every few seconds. | Parenting 101 is an optional mission in Grand Theft Auto V given to protagonist Michael De Santa by his son Jimmy. However, sometimes kids are a little ahead of their peers on the learning curve. Since it's a cutscene, the player can skip it at any time. Eventually I came up with a plan, I was going to let him get the game with his own money and then I would see how bad it really was. While the woman is fully clothed, the man's buttock is seen. Its great gameplay, great graphics and definitely has my vote, as a game producer and critic, for the 2013 game of the year. However, this is not the case. The world of Grand Theft Auto is vast, and awesome to explore, but there are quite a few things parents should know before making any decision about the game. Players may wield all sorts of weapons, including Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, and other explosives. Also some kids are interested in Car driving in GTA V Because Car driving is very realestic in GTA V. The other day my daughter who was 10 asked if she can get this game called GTA V .Of course me as a parent who didn’t really research this game I just based it on from hearing about it being inappropriate having cuss words and being really violent.But when my daughter told me to research more I decided to research more and find out if it would be ok.Its a perfect game because your kids and there friends can go racing and your kids can play together.You can just turn the volume all the way down to 0 or put your tv on mute so you can’t here the bad words and also it is very hard to find the inappropriate places that you don’t want your kids to see or go to.It isn’t as bad as I thought so I decided to allow her to have it and she didn’t become different by playing this game and got better grades when they talked about money an financial things.She plays with her friends every day and has been doing still good in school.I would allow your kid to have it if you believe that your kid won’t become different from playing this game.Also if your kids watch Pg 13 movies and play Call of duty Halo or games like that I’m pretty sure it’s ok blood wise.Don’t allow your kids to do the story mode but the other is ok.