“aggravated her illness deliberately” App 559. Their adoptive father devoted time and energy Suet Aug 64 3. imperium maius This is not explicitly stated in the sources; I follow Levick, pp. He is a diligent and careful writer, but anachronistically applies the political system of his day to the Augustan age. The description of the Palatine is indebted to the official guidebook, The Palatine (Milan: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma, pub. 1, abridged edition (London: Paladin, 1970), Goldsworthy, Adrian Keith. Lollius had been taking bribes Vell Pat 2 102 1, Pliny 958. “for he often helped others” Plut Ant 43. “had earnestly devoted himself” Dio 48 27 2. surprised by a sudden sortie Suet Aug 14. accused of plotting Ibid., 19 1, and Scholiast on Juvenal 6 158; see Green, Erot, p. 57. Furthermore, any man executing imperium within his sphere of influence was entitled to the curule chair. In fact, the Latin word imperator is the root of the English word emperor. “old Republican constitution” Suet Clau 14. some truth in the claim See Levick, pp. “This dress” Macr 255. “Wars, both civil and foreign” Res Gest 13. Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23 or 24–A.D. “Turn not your country’s hand” Ibid., 6833. “beauty of person” Florus 223; Florus (c. A.D. 70 to c. A.D. 140) wrote a history of Rome based on Livy. Ovid fell foul of the authorities in a major political and sexual scandal that implicated Augustus’ granddaughter, and much of his later poetry took the form of appeals against his banishment. “Your soldiers have no claim” Plut Ant 55 2. “extraordinary and intolerable” Plut Ant 58 4. the promontory of Actium My treatment of the battle of Actium, which follows, is indebted to John M. Carter’s The Battle of Actium, an authoritative account. “Don’t suppose you’ll ever catch her” Ovid Pont 31142. a certain standard See Barrett, pp. “my purest of pricks” All the anecdotes in this section about Augustus and Horace come from the life of Horace in Suet De Vir Ill. “They came very near to killing” Ibid., 48 9. Maius imperium ("greater power") 2. Fuller’s classic study, The Decisive Battles of the Western World. This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Herbermann, Charles, ed. It may have been Armin. most significant constitutional power a magistrate could hold was that of, In doing so, he deliberately broke the law on. Armenia was turned into a Roman province Within a couple of years the political situation went into reverse, and both Armenia and Media returned to the Parthian fold. A promagistrate, or a man executing a curule office without actually holding that office, also possessed imperium in the same degree as the actual incumbents (i.e., proconsular imperium being more or less equal to consular imperium, propraetorian imperium to praetorian) and was attended by an equal number of lictors. and the lex Aelia Sentia in A.D. 4. Some modern historians discount the historicity of this jaunt, largely on the grounds that Caesar would not be so irresponsible.