Choose a cover that has some meaning for the story. Use alliterations to make your title easier to read and remember. Not only can this help you gain perspective on the title landscape of your field, but also give you further ideas. (Audio with slides) Join me on a fascinating journey as I find one of my ancestors and write her story. For example, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in children’s literature that uses the image of a rainstorm of meatballs. Valerie Peterson wrote about publishing for The Balance Careers. Dictate Your Stories Using Speech-to-text Software. What are the most important ideas in your book? Read bestseller lists from sources such as the The New York Review of Books or The London Review of Books. How can you further address your innovative solution in the subtitle? A catchy and elegant title can create interest in your book, and help generate sales. Are We There Yet? Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond (aka the Pioneer Woman blogger). Instead, we tested a huge list and decided that these are truly the only ones worth your time. There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. They’re usually simple and have something that catches a child’s eye such as Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs or The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. If your book is being published by a traditional publishing house, there are many people—from editors to sales representatives, marketing managers, publicists, nd book buyers—who will weigh in on the consumer appeal and effectiveness of the title. How to Write a "Tribute" Life Story Book, Tips for Photographing Sentimental Objects. Will a cleverly written title stand out from other books in this genre? Take advantage of this offer so you can spark multiple book title ideas in as little as an hour! The Pros and Cons of Keeping Your Life in the Cloud. To leverage this idea, here are a set of rules to consider: There are a ton of book title generators out there. A good title sums up what the essay is all about. This reader explores disability issues from a variety of perspectives. Cool new genealogy charting tool - Puzilla, How do you write a story that’s not yours? Although popular imagination consigns self-discovery to adolescence, the work of finding yourself is lifelong. Your title should be crystal clear on what your readers will achieve by reading your book. Book Highlight: Tribute to a Loving Sister, Your Autobiography: Writing a Purpose Statement, Turning Dry Genealogical Facts into Interesting Family History, My Dad's Heroic Struggle to Write a Memoir with Broca's Aphasia, The "Low-Hanging Fruit" Method of Autobiographical Writing, A Dozen Unusual Questions to Ask Your Dad, 5 Ways to Stay Sane While Writing Your Life Stories, An Easy and Fun Way to Find Your Famous Relatives, How to Interview Yourself for a Personal History, The Busy Person's Guide to Writing a Memoir, A Dozen Unusual Questions to Ask Your Mom, From Here to There: How to Get to Your Best Memoir Writing (Link), Book Highlight: A Triumphant Family History, The Mental Health Benefits of Writing a Memoir, Book Highlight: Mini-memoir for the Grandkids, Curating and Digitizing Your Family History Assets, Link: 20 Reasons Why You Should Write Your Family History, Book Highlight: Cadet Nurse & Fighter Pilot, What Adult Children Want to Know About Their Parents, How to Tell the Ten Best Stories of Your Life. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. Can the plot of the story be summed up as a title? Often, the writing process itself will reveal a theme, phrase, or tone that suggests a title. The Perfect has 1,000's of title to choice from for that Perfect Title! Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. What are the biggest pain points that your subtitle can provide a solution for? White. Great Kick off with this post, which is all about how to choose your book title. You can combine your name in a subtitle with a more thematic title, like Papa Genius: the Extraordinary Life of Marvin Johnson or Merline Leaming: a Modern Classic. This means that you must know your book’s genre and words that best fit the style of title. People who dislike your genre may dislike your title as well, even if it's a good one. However, some of these tools can fall very flat, resulting in names that don’t make sense and should not be used as actual titles. Some examples include: War and Peace, which details personal lives between situations of war and peace; Beyond Totalitarianism: Stalinism and Nazism Compared contrasts two dictatorships that are often paralleled to get at their unique features; and The Drowned and the Saved uses juxtaposition to get at those who survived and those who fell victim to the Holocaust. These books about finding yourself are full of thoughtful ideas, but this list is not definitive. It’s difficult because titles are essentially short hooks that advertise your book using the fewest words possible. For more tips from our reviewer on how to pick the perfect title, like how to pitch your final idea to an editor, read on! Not only will a great title help your book to stand out from the crowd, but it will be more likely to stick in the minds of prospective readers. Book Highlight: Turning a Dry Genealogical Report into a Coffee-Table Stunner, Five Things You Need to Know About Digitizing Photos, The Heart vs. the Chart - an Interview with FamilySearch CEO Stephen Rockwood, Ten Ways to Celebrate Family History Month, Writing a One-Hour Life History? Others wait for the title to be revealed to them in the writing. If you find yourself hitting the wall where your title is concerned, juice up your creativity by trying one or more exercises, tips, or tricks to get the titles flowing. For example, Gone with the Wind or Monsters of Men, Intrigue may work best with works of fiction or genres like historical fiction. What Tense and Point of View Should I Use in My Memoir? Recognize that most editors know what “works” and doesn’t in your specific genre of writing. If you have a compelling title and cover, your book is more likely to be read and enjoyed. This memoir is an exploration of cultural identity with the structure of a bike travelogue. For more tips from our reviewer on how to pick the perfect title, like how to pitch your final idea to an editor, read on! And if you’re someone who... #2 – Your Title Must Include a Solution to a Problem. Is Honesty the Best Policy when Writing Your Life Stories? Telling the stories of your ancestors, The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Writing a Memoir, JPEG, TIF, PNG - What you need to know about file formats, Top Ten Reasons to Convert Old Film to Digital, A Read Down Memory Lane: Lessons from Your Former Self. A sinister name can convey a sense of dread and expectation for what’s to come like Doctor Sleep by Stephen King. Use these as inspiration when you're brainstorming title ideas. You may also include creative words or themes to further showcase the character’s unique qualities or the journey itself. If your autobiography is lighthearted, then a humorous title will help prepare the reader for what to expect.