12  The men of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh crossed over, armed, in front of the Israelites, as Moses had directed them. There is an appointed time for everything. Under his wing we’ll surely be OK. Now Joseph winds up in jail after being falsely accused of making a move on Potiphar’s wife. Through everything Joseph went through, the bible says over and over that “the Lord was with Joseph” Genesis 39:2. Scripture: None. He can never be late. What can we learn from this? 3)      Have you placed expectations on God to answer your prayers a certain way or at a certain time…your way and your timing? 18  And the priests came up out of the river carrying the ark of the covenant of the LORD. God’s timing is perfect and his timing is never late. 17  So Joshua commanded the priests, “Come up out of the Jordan.” See, God is never late--He demonstrates His Patience--When right time came, Jesus was born. Let’s go! Nov 9, 2014 - God is never late nor is He early. God has his own sense of timing: ‘With the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day’ (2 Peter 3:8, AMP). 1)      What prayers are you waiting for God to answer? This makes us think that it is the same with God. 19  On the tenth day of the first month the people went up from the Jordan and camped at Gilgal on the eastern border of Jericho. She ended up passing away… I may not always understand God’s timing but what I do know is that she has received her healing in heaven. 23  For the LORD your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. But God’s timing is never early…you see if God had rescued Joseph from prison at that time because of what the cupbearer told the king, Joseph would be put back into his original position as Potphar’s servant. Today’s passage is Joshua 4:11-24. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. Also, notice that as a result of this miracle, just as God had planned earlier (Joshua 3:7), the Israelites revered Joshua the same way they revered Moses. I may not always understand his timing but I continue to trust and believe that my Creator and the Creator of this universe has got it together more than I do! Or maybe you are praying for guidance in making life decisions such as when to buy a house, when to change jobs/careers, when to move to another location. Thank You that Your provision always comes at the perfect time, never too early and never too late. My first son came one day after my due date while my second son arrived 9 days early. Related Sermon Illustrations . ( Log Out /  While waiting for God to command our next step, we might be tempted to get anxious and nervous. Just as mankind awaited the coming of Jesus (The Messiah). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. She believed that even as a child, it was God who placed in her heart the dream to become a lawyer. Either he will never die, or if he does die, he will not stay dead. ” — R. T. Kendall. On verses 10-18:  If I was one of the priests carrying the ark, and I had to remain standing in the middle of the Jordan River while everyone else is passing through, I would probably be more than a little nervous, thinking, “Can we go over already? God’s timing is not the same as our timing because God’s timing is always perfect. Inspirational Entrepreneurship Quotes. 1Thess. ( Log Out /  Why? How much later can you get than that?! Another example of God’s perfect timing is in John 11: 1-44 in the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. Pharaoh called upon Joseph from prison and God once again gave Joseph favor and the ability to interpret the king’s dream. Likewise, there is always a meaning behind every miracle. Father pray for the grace to wait patiently because I know your promises are forever sure. After Joseph interpreted the cupbearer’s dream he asked him, “But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness, mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison.” Genesis 40:14. He was sold in Egypt to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials who was the captain of the guard. 20  And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan. Jesus raised Lazarus form the dead and said “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” John 11:40. He may not answer you too early because he has something much greater in store for you! In Jesus’ name, AMEN! What is crazy is that Jesus loved Lazarus, Mary and Martha very much but when he heard of the news, he stayed where he was for 2 more days! Would you expect his timing to be anything less than perfect from a God who is perfect himself? I soo needed this too, indeed, God is perfect and he has perfect timing, all we need to do is trust in his plan for us. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. He is always exactly right on time--His time.” ― Dillon Burroughs, Hunger No More: A 1-Year Devotional Journey Through the Psalms But Jesus has the power over life and death because he is the creator of life…and he who is life can certainly restore it. It is also important to remember that we may not always see God’s timing here on this earth. It wasn’t until all the soldiers crossed over that God gave the command for the priests to come out of the Jordan (v13-17), and the moment the priests stepped foot on the other side of the Jordan River the river waters returned to flood stage as before (v18). He knows what He is doing and if you're trusting in Him for the answer, He will come through for you. 1)      Pray for God to help you develop greater trust in him and in his timing. And there is a time for every event under heaven. Never Late . I will patiently wait for the manifestation in the physical realm praying fervently as well. 12 WALLPAPERS 42 POINTS. He will make sure His people are protected and taken care of. 24  He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God.”. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. These 2 men had dreams one night and God had given Joseph the ability to interpret the dreams. Joseph was remembered years later by the cupbearer when Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had a dream that no one could interpret.