I always feel so sad that I ever did what I did and so hopeless. His rest to let me know that everything I’m so worried about will be okay. Thank you for your prayers and may God bless you, How to stop thinking, and just let Him speak. Longing for things to slow down. God is having to reteach me how to rest in Him. Because His idea of rest and my idea of rest are completely different. Well, there's only one cheese puff flavor. No drums. I will not grow. I keep praying for you!! Then I will find that all the things that drain me are actually meant to redirect me towards Jesus. We need to respect...Eve: No! If we want to get over being tired and weary, we have to learn how to go to God on a regular basis. For you are a daughter of the King, the head of the angel armies!! I am no longer in His way. For Him to give me the rest that only He can give. | HONOR HIM FOR HE IS YOUR LORD.” -Psalm 45:11. He will fight for you and me to bring us to the point where we have no other source of rest apart from Him. And right there, God started working in my heart. If it were, I would have left for the night, went back to my hotel room and went to sleep. Our leaders had told us during community group time to walk back silent as we walked back for the worship night. Please help me to be obedient to what you have called me to. No flashing colors. I started whispering to the Lord, “God, I’m tired. Rest in God’s grace. I don’t want to run away. Tired and spent and a little discouraged about why I was feeling this way, I walked with a new friend to the arena. With a busy schedule and responsibilities beckoning, I just wanted some time to relax. It was a look that asked how Ronan, of all people, could be so stupid to think that sleep was just a thing that could be so easily acquired. I am glad this has happened even though it cut so badly I thought my scars would never heal…. Killing Eve Season 1 Episode 8: "God, I'm Tired" Quotes Villanelle: Shut up or I'll blow your tiny head to pieces! He did it through bringing my shame and pain and transforming it into love and peace. Lies that told me I was striving for nothing. To take my focus off of myself and put it onto God. For He alone can provide the rest my soul is thirsting for. And anyone who knows me knows this is a rarity for me as I am a music fanatic! Konstantin: Villanelle. Before this I wanted to know God with all my heart and prayed he would reveal himself to me. May we get to know Christ better and find that in Him is rest everlasting. It's me, huh, a little bit? I can’t get past it. You are one of those profound kids. I wish it so bad but I know that I can never turn back time. I just didn’t understand why I was feeling so tired in a place that has always been a place of restoration for me. I just want it to be over. You are a treasured daughter of the King and He looks into your eyes lovingly inviting you in. By the second day of the conference I still found myself exhausted. It is my worst fear so please pray that I will continue to be able to resist the devil and overcome. Carolyn: Do you want a cheese puff?Kenny: Did you bring them with you?Carolyn: Always.Kenny: Are they the normal flavor?Carolyn: Well, there's only one cheese puff flavor.Kenny. Through this experience, God is teaching me that expecting rest and relaxation through accumulating knowledge of God doesn’t always promise the rest of God. [looks at Eve] You either. I know it is a lie sent by the devil, but I can’t stop feeling this way even though I pray continually and read God’s word. OF COURSE! I have been made stronger in my return and love of God through this and though I am still struggling a tiny bit I know God is with me and that he will never leave me or forsake me. In that moment I sensed God moving in my heart reminding me of the power of stillness. Paul says “and I am confident in this, that He will began a good work in you shall carry it on to completion until the day of Christ.” And it certainly is a good work. No one tires of dreaming, because to dream is to forget, and forgetting does not weigh on us, it is a dreamless sleep throughout which we remain awake. Your testimony will be used to help others see the love and redemption of our Lord. Reminding me of the simplicity of His presence. I enjoyed the drive down and felt a peace with the Lord that I so needed. But as the following day or so progressed, my anticipated relaxation morphed into an apparent fatigue. It will rather give me a false sense of serenity. That I needed to hide away from it all. May the God of comfort soothe your soul and remove all guilt and shame from your mind. So strange as it may seem, God’s rest flourishes best in me in the torrent of my exhaustion. Feb 1, 2020 - Explore Gabby Moore's board "I'm tired quotes" on Pinterest. His rest to calm me. Are you frightened of your own mother?Kenny. I was not letting God’s spirit wash over me. Konstantin: I need to find my daughter. I would have missed out on a chance to be still before Him in total exhaustion, desperate need, and emptiness. Help me as I am so weak. And through my pain he never did. I needed Him to put my soul at rest. Reply. She's so annoying. For my emptiness makes room for Him to move in my heart. Jesus gave me his life on the cross and so I will praise him with my life. God is showing me that despite my impoverished soul God can bring forth rest from His Spirit to impart to me. I am now slipping into feelings of guilt again and though they are not nearly as strong as before I just don’t want to go back to the depression I was in before. I trust God–but will he take this away? I was too busy doing. And the same goes for you too. I don’t know what to do to make the feeling go away. I just want to read a book so for a blessed moment I can be someone else who doesn’t feel like this. OF COURSE! But I was just so tired. Wait. OK. No thanks. As we continued, I sat down in the arena and we waited for the music to start. God gave me the rest He knew I needed even when I didn’t know it myself. Oh did I mention I am only 12? Your sister in Christ. Now I’m realizing that real rest is not found in the place that I wanted to look for rest. Let your friends and family surround you and be looking out for those God will place in your life to encourage you, restore you, soothe you and love you. I cannot find peace. And he did. I am not sad. I have to let God teach me how to rest in Him even when I feel exhausted so that I can learn how to practice obedience and faithfulness. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28-29 that we will find rest for our souls when we come to Him. Please reply. Now I’m learning that God has not been giving me the rest I’ve been wanting because the rest that I want will not help me whatsoever in finding peace. But I see now that I was not resting. Please continue to pray for me because I really do think your prayers have helped me greatly please do not stop. Just worship. I needed His rest to quiet me. All condemnation you are feeling is not from the Lord!!! Just silence. And I began to experience how He was giving me rest. “THE KING IS ENTHRALLED WITH YOUR BEAUTY. He has brought me closer to o him than I had be ever been and has fulfilled his promises to me. God understood this. And that’s why I was feeling so drained and so spent. But the place He wanted me to go to rest. This week I’m feeling the enemy’s presence. But I was getting more fatigued by the minute. That is not from the Lord!!!! And I pray that we would all come to that place where we are so desperate for God that He becomes our only source of rest, our only source of peace and our only source of hope. I just want it all to be over. Getting ready to depart for a Christian young adult conference this past weekend called Passion, I was so excited to get away for a few days and have a refreshing time with the Lord. I am so tired I don’t even want to think about this. The devil will try to seduce you with lies of shame. True, all nails leave holes but, as a man who serves the Lord once told me, Jesus has nail holes too. Guard your mind from lies that try to make you feel shame again that you are not meant to feel. In looking back on this it seems strange to me that I would have been longing for rest in my soul. I spent a Christmas entirely away from all of my guilt and felt so blessed. Claim your rightful inheritance as a loved and forgiven child of the most high God and don’t let anyone rob you of that inheritance!! For as I get to know Him, I do find rest. And that He would take care of me. Needing relaxation. My only source of life. My desire wasn’t the issue. And give me the rest that only You can provide. Now I see that this kind of real rest can only come from God. No words. I’m so happy to hear how God is working in your heart giving you peace and comfort. How to stop singing, and just let Him still me. © 2020 TV Fanatic No chatter. Just a sound. We need to ask her what the HELL she was getting out of my girlfriend. Kenny. Not into all of eternity. I’m tired now from dreaming but not tired of dreaming. I am feeling God’s grace in my life very much. By the end of the day he was calling them things like cat, dog, cow). The past two years have been the years where I’ve prayed, “God, I’m so tired.” It’s been a weird season of life but also filled with a lot of good and blessings. “God, I’m tired.” “So sleep.” Gansey gave him a look. Lately I’ve found myself longing for rest. God is good. But my feeling of guilt and shame and sadness and regret remains. I prayed for revival, and revival He gave. I know that He will be faithful to answer, even when it’s hard for me to feel joyful in that moment. She's amazing, but so annoying. There were no lights like the session before. I was not resting in Him. Psalm 51:17 says God will not despise a broken and contrite spirit. Please. Please help me to be obedient to what you have called me to. claim it!!! About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. And I will not be taught anything if I rest how I want to rest. Ronan said, “So let’s drive to the Barns.” Gansey gave him another look. And that there is purpose in what I’m doing because it is preparing me for the next step. He did but not good I thought. I’m a little worn out and emotionally exhausted, but the Lord reminded of this sermon. His rest to put me at ease. Only God could. Run to him! We need to ask her what the HELL she was getting out of my girlfriend. And He will always do what is best for us, even despite us. I just don’t know how I can stand this any longer. Praying for you!!!!! I am free! Get all our latest content delivered to your email. God is having to teach me how to just sit quietly with Him. I don’t think I can go…I just want to go back and rest.