The surface modification strategies discussed in the previous section can be achieved by the following specific techniques. Applications of coatings extend the running-in period, reduce the risk of scuffing and eliminate the requirements of environmentally unfriendly additives in lubricants. Quenching and tempering may be necessary to minimize distortion as there are microstructure changes that occur during the hardening process. This is due to “carbon-cycling” that allows for the case depth to be achieved more quickly. The main process parameters are: type of gas, pressure, gas flow and temperature plus time. Hiroshi Yamagata, in The Science and Technology of Materials in Automotive Engines, 2005. These cookies do not store any personal information. The Endocarb system is designed to both produce a protective atmosphere and an atmosphere having a high carbon potential for carburizing [1]. Mo prealloyed steels are particularly well suited here, and more recently Cr and Cr–Mo prealloyed steels have also been used.30 In general, chemically homogeneous prealloyed steel grades are better suited to thermochemical treatments than heterogeneous ones prepared from mixed or diffusion bonded powders. Therefore, the elongated MnS inclusions on the surface of the plunger-sleeve would react more preferentially with the oxygen in the carburizing atmosphere of excessive oxygen when an unsuitable gaseous media was operated. Case-hardening of gear-teeth surfaces can be done using various heat treatment methods such as gas carburizing and vacuum carburizing type conventional processes, and advanced methods such as plasma nitriding, induction hardening, and flame hardening. With manufacturing operations in the United States, India, and China, Oerlikon Fairfield has the capability to produce up to AGMA Class 14 spur, helical, or bevel custom gears from 20 mm to 2 m in diameter. This mechanical loading produces localized plastic flow in the near surface, and results in the work hardening of the surface layer. In these processes the layer (film) of deposited material is thin and usually ranges from 0.1 µm to 1 mm. The parts were furnace-cooled after carburizing from both processes, then reheated and quenched in the same furnace to eliminate any difference related to the quenching process. Generally, sinter hardening is more economical than separate heat treatment and also results in cleaner parts without oil; the penalty is the higher alloy element content necessary. Thin films of carbides are prepared by chemical and physical deposition techniques. The surfaces of gear-teeth therefore needs to be hard enough to prevent wear whereas the core needs to be soft enough for adequate toughness (not brittle). Today manufacturers carefully control temperatures to achieve optimum levels of carburization. Each parameter has four levels which, these parameters include; the DC power, substrate temperature, the nitrogen flow rate and DC substrate biases voltage. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, The Science and Technology of Materials in Automotive Engines, Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels, Failure analysis cases of components of automotive and locomotive engines, Handbook of Materials Failure Analysis with Case Studies from the Aerospace and Automotive Industries, Evolution of microstructure in ferrous and non-ferrous materials, Sintered steels can be heat treated in the same way as wrought steels when considering their special features. These challenges can be met with a cost-effective surface-hardening solution such as gas carburizing. Microstructures of surface densified sintered steel gears, differently carburized: (a) low pressure carburized, (b) standard gas carburized. Gas carburizing allows for accurate control of both the process temperature and carburizing atmosphere (referred to as carbon potential). Oerlikon Fairfield has been a technology leader and product innovator in gear and drive design for nearly 100 years. Too much carbon within the case, however, can lead to microstructures with large or continuous carbide networks (aka carbide necklaces) leading to premature fracture in the field. Case-hardening produces a hard, wear-resistant case on top of a softer, shock-resistant core. Carburizing is a time/temperature process; the carburizing atmosphere is introduced into the furnace for the required time to ensure the correct depth of case. Surface hardening treatment is called case-hardening, while the hardening of the entire part is through-hardening. E. Zalnezhad, A.A.D. The main experimental difference, defined here as more than 10 percent or 3 HRC difference, comes from the ECD measurement of bull gear B. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Heat treatment of aluminum, part II: Water quenching, Modeling can improve press quenching process,, Low pressure carburization modeling with carbide formation and dissociation, Case study: Insights on a Nadcap accreditation, Ceramic fiber module lining installation on a curved vessel wall, Getting the thermal treat results you want, Some Basic Mathematical Elements On Steel Heat Treating: Modeling, Freeware Packages And Numerical Simulation, Single-piece flow case hardening can be worked into in-line manufacturing, Carburizing and Nitriding Treatment Modeling, A study of temperature effect on properties of nitride layers on X37CrMoV51 tool steel used in the extrusion aluminum industry, Tooth-by-Tooth Induction Hardening of Gears (and How To Avoid Some Common Problems), Filament-Wound Composites Have Specialized Curing Requirements, Reducing measurement error when making thermocouple transmitter connections, The cutting edge of thermal processing in a forge environment, Case study: Determining the cause of cracking using computer modeling, Typical Heat Treatment Defects of Gears and Solutions Using FEA Modeling, How to Avoid Heat Treatment Problems When Launching New Gear Programs, Heat Treatments and Critical Quenching Rates in Additively Manufactured Al–Si–Mg Alloys. Another advantage is the capability to carburize parts with complex geometry. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. That is why the process has gained wide acceptance with diesel injection systems. The carburized steel part is resistant to the repetitive small stresses that result in fatigue and wear. Then propane gas is released into the furnace. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. By adapting these parameters, the LPC process can be used for all steel grades, case depth and surface carbon content requirements. Microstructures of carburized parts are shown in Fig. Carburizing is a popular case hardening method because it is relatively quick, low-cost, and capable of achieving both high hardness (>62HRC) and deep case depths (>0.090 in. The constant carbon cycling also produces a uniform case depth. Desired part case depths are designed by product engineers, and controlled by several heat treat process […] To test the claim that the Endocarb system produces the same quality of parts with better efficiencies at a lower cycle time, a trial plan was devised by Oerlikon Fairfield to test whether there was a significant difference in part quality between the two gas carburization methods. Sarhan, in Recent Advances in Structural Integrity Analysis - Proceedings of the International Congress (APCF/SIF-2014), 2014. Ningthoujam, in Materials Under Extreme Conditions, 2017. Some important mechanical hardening processes for gears include shot peening (utilizing metallic or ceramic spheres of various sizes), shotless water jet peening (using a jet of water with cavitation at high velocity and pressure), ultrasonic peening (using ultrasonically vibrated shot to impart compressive residual stresses), and laser peening (impacting the surface with impulses from a laser). 11.20. VC is prepared at 1100°C from vanadium metal and carbon in vacuum. Another advantage is the capability to carburize parts with complex geometry. The system can easily be set up so that the furnace runs at reduced gas flowrates. The Endocarb system acts to create and control the furnace atmosphere. Another reason for the wide acceptance of low pressure carburizing in the industry is the excellent and easy process control. The hardware is mounted directly on top of the furnace, simplifying gas piping and avoiding transmission issues. The principal conclusions reached were: Given that the Endocarb system appears to produce parts of identical quality in less time at lower cost, the heat-treatment department will operate more efficiently, shorten product lead times, and still meet or exceed customer expectation. The application of gears involve dynamic forces, occasional impacts, and constant friction. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Sintered steel parts are frequently sinter hardened, by blowing cold gas onto them immediately upon leaving the sintering zone of the furnace. This mixture also serves to rejuvenate the atmosphere accelerating carbon absorption at the high carbon potential. 8.5) needs carburizing only at the shaft portion. Figure 4 illustrates there is no significant difference in carbon weight percentage at varying depths on comparable samples. In order to determine potential cost savings with equal or better quality, Oerlikon Fairfield decided to conduct an investigation to determine whether the time savings claimed could be achieved without sacrificing metallurgical quality or performance characteristics of parts. Fuzzy logic is preferred in predicting coating adhesion based on the input variables due to nonlinear condition in coating process [7]. The major process advantage of LPC is that no internal oxidation occurs during the carburizing process due to the fact that no oxygen is present in the carburizing gas. The carburizing time to achieve a 2.3-mm effective case in a large bull gear was decreased by nearly 18 percent. With the advent of new technologies, such as vacuum processing and advances in materials, such as ceramics and composites, the surface modification techniques based on new technologies have attracted more attention with respect to the traditional surface modifications ranging from glazing and painting to gas carburizing and electroplating over past decade [2]. R.S. The open pores cause problems when quenching in an oil or salt bath, being filled with the quench media, and during gas carburizing or nitriding, resulting in a tendency to ‘through treatment’, that is carburizing or nitriding of the cores. To raise the carbon concentration (carbon potential) further on the surface, a little hydrocarbon is added to enrich the gas. A sharper drop-off in carbon after the case can also be expected, producing a soft, ductile core. Also, metal carbides are prepared by either metal/metal chloride (MCln) with a carburizing gas. First, we'll discuss the process of vacuum carburization. Figure 3. Synthesis of cemented tungsten carbides and their properties have been explored [163].