Given Data: An experiment was conducted and it is known that the sample contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. Step 2: The molar mass of carbon and hydrogen is 12.011 g mol−1 and 1.008 g mol−1. Let's take a moment to review how to calculate the formula mass of a compound: But what if you don't know the formula for your molecule? So, it contains 60.30 g of magnesium and 39.70 g of oxygen. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? The standard unit is g mol −1.The SI unit is kg mol −1, however, it is very uncommon.. Mole. 25th Aug 2019 @ 22 min read. - Definition, Types & Examples, The Law of Conservation of Mass: Definition, Equation & Examples, Empirical Formula: Definition, Steps & Examples, How to Calculate Percent Yield: Definition, Formula & Example, Redox (Oxidation-Reduction) Reactions: Definitions and Examples, What Are Isotopes? For example, 6.230 mol is the smallest. - Definition, Formula & Examples, Law of Multiple Proportions: Definition & Examples, Calculating Percent Composition and Determining Empirical Formulas, What is a Chemical Formula? A qualitative analysis tells us which elements are present in a sample while a quantitative analysis determines the mass composition of elements in a sample. An atom of each element has a characteristic mass and in like manner each molecule of a compound has a characteristic formula mass. The moles of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are calculated as follows: Step 3: nO = 1.387 0 mol is the smallest number. French chemist Antoine Lavoisier was well known for quantitative elemental analysis. Formula Mass. The nucleus of the parent atom has a mass number of 55. 1 C = 12 - Definition & Effects, Quiz & Worksheet - Causes of Soil Erosion, Quiz & Worksheet - Composition & Uses of Topsoil, Quiz & Worksheet - The Deformation Process, Geologic Time and Earth Science: Tutoring Solution, Earth's Spheres and Internal Structure: Tutoring Solution, CPA Subtest IV - Regulation (REG): Study Guide & Practice, CPA Subtest III - Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR): Study Guide & Practice, ANCC Family Nurse Practitioner: Study Guide & Practice, Elements, Principles & Development of Art, Developing Physical Fitness & Correct Posture, Planning & Strategies for Theater Instruction in Texas, Finding Good Online Homeschool Programs for the 2020-2021 School Year, Coronavirus Safety Tips for Students Headed Back to School, Parent's Guide for Supporting Stressed Students During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Interrogation: Definition, Techniques & Types, How Scientific Objectivity Influences Scientific Progress, Modifying Planned Procedures in Audit Engagements, Leading System Change to Improve Health Outcomes in Nursing, Quiz & Worksheet - Historical Research Reference Sources & Materials, Quiz & Worksheet - Strategic Model of Judicial Decision Making, Quiz & Worksheet - Manorialism vs. Feudalism, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, Macroeconomics for Teachers: Professional Development, Microbiology Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Information Systems for Teachers: Professional Development, CLEP Social Sciences and History: Study Guide & Test Prep, MoGEA Mathematics Subtest: Data Analysis & Statistics, Analyzing and Interpreting Scientific Data, Quiz & Worksheet - Group Experience Stages in Counseling, Quiz & Worksheet - Translating the Bible from Latin to the Vernacular, Quiz & Worksheet - Artificial Selection's Role in Evolution, Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers.