But fibro symptoms can dampen motivation. If you don't suffer from the condition (or have just recently been diagnosed), you may have no idea what fibromyalgia is and how it'll affect daily life. 3. I suggest looking at those to get an idea of which foods to start eliminating. People don’t understand how it affects us, and even when we try to explain, they just don’t get it. Again, if you suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (or FMS), the very idea of starting any type of exercise regimen becomes particularly daunting. I cope by scheduling my physical activities in the morning when I feel best after a night sleep. A good goal, according to the Mayo Clinic, is to work up to at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity three times per week. The more knowledge you have about it, the better you can understand things that are happening to you, and which things you need to discuss with your doctor. It’s not much, but it’s movement, and movement DOES help, in moderation. Finding fitness tips that specifically address fibromyalgia is critical to your success. Make a list of foods you think may be affecting you, and start eliminating them, one by one. Above all, keep your eyes on the prize: feeling your best, even with fibromyalgia. Don’t try to ramp up in time or intensity unless you notice an increase in energy. The best piece of advice is that no one knows your own body like you do. Many people are under the false assumption that exercise isn’t suitable for those dealing with fibromyalgia and will lead to more pain. American Academy of Family Physicians. Strength training includes resistance exercises and weight lifting. Slowly lower your left hand to meet the corresponding foot and grip your ankle, while extending your right hand as high above you as possible. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Figure out what your body can handle on an average day. Start an exercise program with a low-impact cardiovascular exercise such as walking. Take it down a notch when you feel a fibro flare. My lifestyle changes were made to deal with my specific symptoms and situations. Fibromyalgia Symptoms T-Shirt: A brief list of fibromyalgia symptoms that almost everyone with fibro suffering with. If you can't swim, find an aquatics class that includes gentle range of motion, flexibility, strengthening, and aerobic exercises. It makes joints more flexible and improves sleep and mood. 7. For your first pose, lower your weight onto your hands and extend your body forward. Research on women between the ages of 18 and 50, published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, showed that exercise in a pool was better than gym-based aerobic exercise or home-based stretching and strengthening exercise in relieving fibromyalgia symptoms. In these situations, using a recumbent bicycle can also be very helpful for exercising. She holds a bachelor’s degree in exercise science and a master’s degree in counseling. Water is easy on the joints, it relaxes muscles, and it allows you to stretch more. Reminders A technique that works together with the daily schedule is the use of reminders, such as notes posted in prominent places such as the refrigerator, bathroom mirror or computer. Findings from a study of almost 200 women, ages 20 to 70, showed that those who did the least amount of everyday physical activity had poorer functioning and greater fatigue than those who were more physically active in their day-to-day lives. It’s the type of physical activity people are doing. View our slideshows to learn more about your health. National Fibromyalgia Research Association. The problem with this treatment option is that most people with fibromyalgia find the average exercise regimen far too strenuous, and this usually exacerbates the pain instead of strengthening the muscles. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Though research is limited, the evidence shows that some diets reduce pain and symptoms related to fibromyalgia. All rights reserved. There are a ton of books and sites available about anti-inflammatory diets. To stay inspired, exercise with a friend or a fibro support group in your area. When you’ve finished your routine, sit up slowly and take some extra time to breathe before returning to your other activities. 5. 5. 3. Fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis (MS) are different conditions, but they can share similar symptoms and signs.