Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmities. Parents who discipline their child by discussing the consequences of their actions produce children who have better moral development , compared to children whose parents use authoritarian methods and punishment. Their is also cluster of knowledge. 5-6 years old- children this age are eager to understand and follow the rules. 9-11 years old - children this age are now fully aware of the rules and the consequences of their behaviour. ...Moral Development Anyone wants to get answer about any question just ask that question and everyone is ready to answer that and you can get your answer in a best possible way. Thanks>. distinctive consumer buying behaviour and preferences exist as well among social classes Jean Piaget is the most renowned psychologist for his work on moral development. This include mental strength, physically strengthen also internally strong person. A child's home environment, friends with whom he spends time with, the food that he eats and the types of movies he watches -- not to mention the content and or education background – are all the factors that influence his physical, social and cognitive development in both positive and negative perspective. 4 years old- some children are sometimes thoughtful towards other but do things mainly for adult approval. Like other forms of development, morality occurs in stages throughout childhood and adolescence, and is effected by factors in your child’s environment 2. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, A Father's Role in Cognitive Development During Late Childhood, How to Stop a Child From Being a Follower. However the third stage moral relativism which is also called autonomous morality, children in this stage are older than ten years old, and rules here can be flexible to accommodate the situation, and the punishment is adjusted to fit the... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, The relationship between education and ecomony in China. The older child understands that it is permissible to change rules if everyone agrees. much on how rigid the social stratification is in a given society (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Morally every individual should be strong because their is no value of people which are not morally strong. and Keller, 2006, p.174). Cultural, social and personal factors are always considered to be the major forces 1. Such reference groups expose an individual to new behaviours and The acquisition of these moral behaviors is usually due to modeling the behavior of people or characters the child admires, and by learned emotional responses to what is seen in the media. Starting with Piaget’s theory, which was focused on children and how do they recognise right and wrong. There are two major theories of moral development: Piaget's and Kohlberg's. Moral development develop a sense of right and wrong in a child. It involves the acquisition of concepts such as manners, empathy, guilt, shame and understanding the difference between right and wrong. HA4: The relationship between gender and moral behaviour of students. Portrayals of violence and negativity can influence immoral decisions in children such as aggression against others that can extend into later adolescence and adulthood, according Dr. Marjorie J. Hogan in the Handbook of Moral and Character Education. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings by local magistrates and county court trials to prosecute people alleged to have committed acts of witchcraft in Essex, Suffolk and Middlesex Counties of the British colony of Massachusetts in 1692 and 1693. The New England society was shaped socially by the Half-way covenant, Roger Williams, and by the Salem witch trials. It is important to note that intelligence is not restricted just to the scholarly; it encompasses the various sides to one’s personality – linguistic, logical, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and spiritual, to name a few.... ...1 Factors Influences Consumer Behaviour The Chesapeake, which is Maryland and Virginia, was shaped socially by the Act of toleration, slavery, and the State & Church.... ...Kohlberg’s Moral Development Tun Dr. Mahathir was the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia. Mr. Heinz cared for his cancer-ridden wife by providing her with the proper medication needed. Piaget's two-stage model proposes a premoral period where preschool children are indifferent about rules and make them up as they go along. This was the type of question Lawrence Kohlberg, an American-born Harvard Professor, would ask of his research subjects. The recognition, and consequently, the maintenance and progress of these factors – whether physiological or psychological, whether internal or external – is essential for ‘personality development’. The basic difference between the two is that health is a definite requisite for one’s life, while fitness is only a measure. In conclusion, we can say that moral development is an complicated process in which interaction with other people and surrounding plays an important role. What your child sees on TV, in video games, on the Internet and in the news can also influence the development of moral behavior 2. Thanks>. During adolescence, moral development is also influenced by close friends and social groups 2. What your child sees on TV, in video games, on the Internet and in the news can also influence the development of moral behavior 2⭐⭐This is a verified and trusted source Goto Source . When your child enters school, she must learn to share, resolve conflict, follow rules outside of the home, tolerance of others and the importance of fairness. The Half-way covenant permitted the children of all baptized members including non-saints to receive baptism. Both terms are relative, but health is more of a necessity than fitness, especially for developing one’s personality. An individual’s values, perceptions, preferences and behaviours in a direct or indirect way ...Personality development, therefore, is to allow new ideas to influence our personality, and to allow introspection to bring to the forefront latent qualities, effecting a change for the better. Portrayals of violence and negativity can influence immoral decisions in children such as aggression against others that can extend into later adolescence and adulthood, according Dr. Marjorie J. Hogan in the Handbook of Moral and Character Education. It is also the same in communication development for example a baby has to be able to recognise words before they can produce them. In the study of development, nurture is defined as the environmental conditions that influence a child’s development (T. M McDevitt and J. E. Ormrod , 2010).