I've since bought the Seasoned Hardwood F17 Span table supplement and they appear to suggest that no matter what span or size of timber they will need to be two lengths nail laminated. 0000568888 00000 n Flat roof span tables allow for a maximum roof pitch of 5º. 0000569994 00000 n 0000003010 00000 n 0000002124 00000 n 0000603827 00000 n 0000127420 00000 n 0000001601 00000 n Roof Pitch Use recommended minimum roof pitches as specified by roof sheet supplier. 0000002680 00000 n 0000603864 00000 n startxref If you are looking for span tables, design guides, install guides, product catalogues or safety data sheets then you’ve landed on the right page. i.e. 0000034796 00000 n 2.0 APPLICATION The span tables included in this Supplement are only applicable for use with timber 0000002011 00000 n Posts These span tables are designed for a minimum post size of 50 x 50 x 2.5mm up to a maximum height of 3.0m. 0000607979 00000 n 0000617004 00000 n SEASONED HARDWOOD — F17. 0000001166 00000 n 0000084352 00000 n Wesbeam e-beam+ [F17] LVL Span Tables. 0000000016 00000 n Long lengths remove the need for mechanical joints and speed up installation. 0000405993 00000 n In preparation of these span tables, reliance has been placed upon the characteristic strength and stiffness material properties for F14 and F17 given in AS 1720.1 2010, Timber Structures: Part 1 – Design methods and the design software, ‘Timbaspan Professional’, developed for the preparation of the span tables contained in AS 1684 – 2010. 0000002161 00000 n 0000057126 00000 n Our experienced support team can assist with enquiries ranging from beam sizing to installation advice. (Span tables on reverse side) Goodwood SUPALAM H3 treated sub-deck is rated F17 for longer span and features: • Available in set lengths • H3 durability • Local and Sustainable Resource • PEFC Certified • 25 Year Guarantee on treatment • Longer span than treated pine • Full penetration H3 Treatment FLW of 2400, RLW 4500, with tiled roof and cont. 0000595864 00000 n %%EOF 246 22 0000568448 00000 n span tables. 0000073617 00000 n trailer <<7CC7EC551E6E45B796D43E09F0858635>]/Prev 825726>> startxref 0 %%EOF 95 0 obj <>stream 0000478219 00000 n 2 3 engineered to load engineered to length engineered to last end of story e-beam+ [F17] LVL is a direct substitute for F17 hardwood at competitive prices and is engineered to maximise the efficient use of material and time. 0000001491 00000 n The span tables are specific to recycled timber which will include recycled timber features. 0000195303 00000 n 0000003455 00000 n 132. Use AS1684 F17 Span Tables knowing that e-beam + [F17] is equal or superior in span to equivalent F17 hardwood section sizes. 0000005591 00000 n 65 0 obj <> endobj xref 65 31 0000000016 00000 n Can’t find what you are looking for? TABLE 1A — BEARERS SUPPORTING SINGLE STOREY LOADBEARING WALLS Maximum Floor Load Width – 1800mm. Wesbeam e-beam+ [F17] LVL Span Tables. 0000003203 00000 n 246 0 obj <> endobj H�|WK�$���)�]b�ϭdžVlx�Ж-=������$�����Ǩb���D������O�������/���>��O�����~~����m���)�͚�#�-۞{�~�����?��>�=l�/[�S���9ض}y���x��/�_7��l�1��孅������|�Ϸ{ڻ��������n�lw�{cK{̶�#������0�*�(���3��=Z�]_��&��{lšqr�טeX������8�{K+�q���:g�azS��VL˥�O\��9��7n�� � ,��9. Sheet Roofing Tiled Roofing Roof Load Width (RLW) mm 1500 2100 4500 7500 1500 2100 4500 7500. 0000552216 00000 n span of 1900 = 2/120X35 bearers. 0000406417 00000 n 0000608016 00000 n 0000001392 00000 n 0000569957 00000 n 0000595901 00000 n TECHNICAL DIAGRAM ON PAGE 35 – 30mm M AXIMUM ALLOW ABLE SP ANS (mm) Sheet Roof Spacing (mm) Rafter Size 600 760 900 1000 1200 66 x 30 850 750 700 700 600 90 x 30 1200 1050 1000 900 850 138 x 30 1700 1550 1400 1300 1200 185 x 30 2000 1750 1600 1550 1400 230 x 30 2000 <]>> 0000000736 00000 n x�b```"OVvcAd`a`b�'����|�!�W�"w��t%T����"ͥ�p?�`�� -�����{�*��^����SIII�- `��J(V����:5�-�p{\㏤>���.