Here are some useful links regarding the labour market: You are also welcome to send us an enquiry for more specific information. National holidays and public holidays are not included in the vacation duration calculations. You may opt-out of your consent at any time by changing the settings of the device you are using and deleting your saved cookies. globally in human capital potential maximization, Cleveron and Itochu begin developing technology for last-mile delivery, James S. York builds bridges between Estonia and America, Estonian digital nomad visa welcomes remote workers, How Estonian startup Visory is using AI to turn cameras into sensors, This website uses cookies. arvestades, et enamikus liikmesriikides ei arvesta sotsiaalhoolekandesüsteemid piisavalt vaesuses elavate naiste eriomase olukorraga; arvestades, et naiste hulgas on vaesumise oht palju suurem; arvestades, et perekonnaelu ja kodutöödega seotud vastutuse jagamine meeste ja naiste vahel, eelkõige vanemapuhkuse kasutamise mõlema vanema poolt võrdselt ni, The Commission’s consultation documents20 addressed legislative and other measures to support reconciliation and identified a number of options for new types of leave which could meet the needs of workers better by reconciling professional, private and family life, na, Komisjoni konsulteerimisdokumentides20 käsitleti seadusandlikke ja muid töö- ja pereelu ühitamist toetavaid meetmeid ning määrati kindlaks mitu uut puhkusevormi, mis rahuldaksid paremini töötajate vajadusi töö-, era- ja pereelu ühit, Since it cannot be ruled out that the negotiations will also address other forms of family-rel, Kuna ei saa välistada, et läbirääkimistel käsitletakse ka muid perekondlikel põhjustel võetava puhkuse vor, The Commission looked at ways in which the existing legislation on maternity protection and on parental leave could be improved and also identified new types of family-rel, Komisjon vaatles võimalusi, kuidas saaks emaduse kaitset ja lapsehoolduspuhkust käsitlevaid kehtivaid õigusakte täiustada, ning määras kindlaks perekonnaga, The aid is aimed at improving working conditions by meeting part of the costs arising from the use of replacement services for whatever reason, with the exception of mater. Find out, what exciting Estonia has to offer in the fields of IT, industry, EdTech, HealthTech, and FoodTech. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "paternity leave". Work during public holidays may be compensated either by offering time off or by paying 2 times the wages for the work. Rapidly growing economy. Maternity leave – A woman is granted 140 days pregnancy and maternity leave, which may commence at least 70 days before the estimated birth date of the child. Special leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave and special paid leave Eripuhkus, abiellumispuhkus ni ng rasedus- j a sünnituspuhkus, lapse sünni korral isale antav pu hk us, lapsehoolduspuhkus ja ta suline eripuhkus Modern transportation, telecommunications, and IT infrastructure. In accordance with Article 138(2) and (3) of the Treaty, the Commission consulted the European social partners in 2006 and 2007 on ways of further improving the reconciliation of work, private and family life and, in particular, the existing Community legislation on maternity protection and parental leave, and on the possibility of introducing new types of family-rel, Kooskõlas EÜ asutamislepingu artikli 138 lõigetega 2 ja 3 konsulteeris komisjon 2006. ja 2007. aastal Euroopa sotsiaalpartneritega küsimuses, kuidas paremini ühitada töö-, pere- ja eraelu ning millisel viisil täiustada olemasolevaid õigusakte raseduse ja sünnituse korral pakutava kaitse ja lapsehoolduspuhkuse vallas, keskendudes ka uutele perekondlike põhjuste, In the second stage of the consultation process9 launched on 30 May 2007, the Commission looked at various ways to improve existing maternity-protection and parental-leave legislation, and highlighted new types of family-rel, Konsultatsiooni teisel etapil,9 mis käivitati 30. mail 2007, uuris komisjon, millisel viisil saaks täiustada olemasolevaid õigusakte raseduse ja sünnituse korral pakutava kaitse ning lapsehoolduspuhkuse vallas, ning tõi esile uued perekondlike põhjuste, In the Resolution of the Council and of the Ministers for Employment and Social Policy, meeting within the Council, of 29 June 2000 on the balanced participation of women and men in family and working life (3 ), Member States were encouraged to consider examining the scope for their respective legal systems to grant working men an individual and non‑transferable righ, Nõukogu ning nõukogus 29. juunil 2000 kokku tulnud tööhõive ja sotsiaalpoliitika ministrite resolutsioonis meeste ja naiste tasakaalustatud osalemise kohta perekonna- ja tööelus (3 ) julgustati liikmesriike kaaluma oma vastavate õigussüsteemide kohaldamisala läbivaatamist, et anda töötavatele meestele individuaalne ja võõrandamatu õigus saada lapse sünni korral isale antavat puhkust, säilitades samal ajal, L. whereas the sharing between women and men of domestic and family responsibilities, notably through greater recourse to parental, L. arvestades, et perekonnaelu ja kodutöödega seotud vastutuse jagamine nais, AC. An employee may cancel the agreement at any time, giving two weeks’ advance notice thereof. 0% income tax on retained and reinvested profits. Great opportunities in various business sectors, among others: Establish a company fully online and only in a few hours. The magazine that helps you understand and enjoy Estonia. Because of their short length, workers on paternity leave often continue to receive full wage payments. A list of sample contracts in English can be found on the Work in Estonia webpage. In general, periods of paternity leave are much shorter than periods of maternity leave. The legislation is liberal and offers a lot of flexibility in agreeing on terms and conditions of employment. A success story in maximizing human capital potential. Maternity leave – A woman is granted 140 days pregnancy and maternity leave, which may commence at least 70 days before the estimated birth date of the child. The Estonian labour market can be described by: In addition, if employees from abroad are needed, the process for hiring is as simple and straight-forward.