ChL 7.1, If after a course of provocation and injustice on their part, you treat them as you would an innocent person, you even take pains to show them special acts of kindness, then you have acted the part of a Christian, and they become surprised and ashamed and see their course of action and meanness more clearly than if you plainly stated their aggravated acts to rebuke them. Please enter your email address below to create account. While Ellen White did not invent the term 'servant leadership,' she put it to practice in her own life. Human souls have cost too much to be trifled with, or treated with harshness or indifference. Shall not we, partakers of this great salvation, value the souls for whom He gave His life! Then you have the staff in your own hands. ', 'Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing. Author Cindy Tutsch answers the question "If Ellen White wrote a book about how to be a good leader, what would she say?" They do not exercise the precious tact that should bind and heal those who go astray, but instead they exhibit cruelty of spirit, that drives the wanderer still further into the dark, and makes angels weep. Never be unkind to any soul, for by the grace of God that soul may become an heir of God and joint heir with Christ. ChL 8.2, Kind to the Erring—In the advancement of his cause in the earth, he would have men appointed to deal with the erring who will be kind and considerate, and whose characters reveal the similitude of the divine,—men who will show the wisdom of Christ in dealing with matters that should be kept private, and who, when a work of correction and reproof must be done, will know how to keep silence before those whom it does not concern. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. All information and content on this web site is copyrighted by Pacific Press Publishing Association, Inc. ("Pacific Press®"), the owner of this web site. They do not even cultivate and manifest love toward their brethren and sisters who are in the faith. A soul hurt is often a soul destroyed. These elements must be purified from the soul, and the gentleness of Christ take possession. Never be unkind to any soul, for by the grace of God that soul may become an heir of God and joint heir with Christ. The greatest want of the world is the want of men - men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. All Rights Reserved. Let those who have light and privileges remember that their very position of trust makes them responsible for souls. Co-workers with Christ will manifest no harshness, no self-sufficiency. You should feel the necessity of approaching your brethren with kindness and courtesy, not with harshness and severity. Ellen White often said that every follower of Christ has influence on others and in that sense, every member is a leader. You occupy vantage ground, and when you show a solicitude for their souls, they know that you are no hypocrite, but that you mean every word you say. Ellen White often said that every follower of Christ has influence on others and in that sense, every member is a leader. True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. If after a course of provocation and injustice on their part, you treat them as you would an innocent person, you even take pains to show them special acts of kindness, then you have acted the part of a Christian, and they become surprised and ashamed and see their course of action and meanness more clearly than if you plainly stated their aggravated acts to rebuke them. ChL 7.5, A defective life is a dishonor to God. ChL 7.4, Representatives of Jesus—It would be well if those occupying positions of trust in our institutions would remember that they are to be representatives of Jesus. He is known for her works such as ‘Steps to Christ’ and ‘The Ministry of Healing’. By your manner of dealing you have separated the hearts of your brethren from you, so that your counsel has not had much influence over them for good. Quotations by Ellen G. White, American Writer, Born November 26, 1827. Let us labor with a perseverance and energy proportionate to the value Christ places upon His blood-bought heritage. Leadership Lessons from the Life of Neal C. Wilson, El líder y el liderazgo según Elena G. de White (Espanol), Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination, Preguntas y respuestas acerca de la ordenación de la mujer (Espanol). BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. Ever remember that we must all meet again around the great white throne, there to receive the approval or disapproval of God. If you had laid their wrong course of action before them, they would have braced themselves in stubbornness and defiance; but to be treated in tenderness and consideration, they feel more deeply their own course of action and contrast it with yours. God's promises are all on condition of humble obedience. A person whose mind is quiet and satisfied in God is in the pathway to health. Practical topics touch on issues such as management and business practices, cooperation among the brethren, and the important foundation of personal piety. The very idea of their being in darkness, under the temptation of Satan and blinded by his bewitching power, should make you feel deep sympathy for them—the same that you would feel for a diseased patient who suffers, but, on account of his disease, is not aware of his danger.—. The very idea of their being in darkness, under the temptation of Satan and blinded by his bewitching power, should make you feel deep sympathy for them—the same that you would feel for a diseased patient who suffers, but, on account of his disease, is not aware of his danger.—Letter 20, 1892 (October 17, 1892 to J. H. Kellogg). A defective life is a dishonor to God. True goodness, holiness, love, compassion for tempted souls must be revealed in their lives. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Ellen White On Leadership by Cindy Tutsch While Ellen White did not invent the term 'servant leadership,' she put it to practice in her own life. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. The human agent is a savor of life unto life, or he is a savor of death unto death. A Christian reveals true humility by showing the gentleness of Christ, by being always ready to help others, by speaking kind words and performing unselfish acts, which elevate and ennoble the most sacred message that has come to our world. They will have to meet again those whom they have driven from Christ bruised and wounded to death. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. ChL 6.2, Kindness, Courtesy, and the Lowliness of Christ—You need the kindness, courtesy, meekness, and lowliness of Christ. ChL 6.1, Pleasure in Bruising Souls—I am sorry that there are those in positions of trust who very sparingly cultivate the sympathy and tenderness of Christ. Do not bruise the hearts of Christ's purchased ones, for in doing this you bruise the heart of Christ. Their first work is to be so kind to the youth, so thoughtful of their interests, that they will feel at home in their presence.—The Review and Herald, April 28, 1903. Then you have the staff in your own hands. In His love and mercy, God provided through Ellen G. White a rich treasure of inspired counsel on a wide variety of subjects that are important to the remnant church in its task of carrying the three angels’ messages to the world. 636 quotes from Ellen G. White: 'It is not earthly rank, nor birth, nor nationality, nor religious privilege, which proves that we are members of the family of God; it is love, a love that embraces all humanity. They are to deal with them as they themselves wish to be dealt with by Christ. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Ellen G. White (1999). “All About Herbs, Charcoal, Medications, and Drugs: A Spirit of Prophecy Compilation”, p.460, Digital Inspiration 153 Copy quote You do not realize the harm you do by your sharp, domineering spirit toward them. And you may be surprised at some of Ellen’s responses to situations you may be likely to encounter today. The ministers in your conference become disheartened, losing the courage they might have if you would give then respect, kindness, confidence, and love. Do not bruise the hearts of Christ's purchased ones, for in doing this you bruise the heart of Christ. Ever remember that we must all meet again around the great white throne, there to receive the approval or disapproval of God. They will have to meet again those whom they have driven from Christ bruised and wounded to death. He either draws with Christ, or he draws away from Christ.—Manuscript 143, 1899 (October 4, 1899, “Co-Workers With Christ”). Enjoy the best Ellen G. White Quotes at BrainyQuote. Talk unbelief, and you will have unbelief; but talk faith, and you will have faith. These elements must be purified from the soul, and the gentleness of Christ take possession. Do not neglect secret prayer, for it is the soul of religion. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding. Co-workers with Christ will manifest no harshness, no self-sufficiency. He is not pleased with your attitude toward your brethren.—Letter 3, 1888, p. 4 (January 10, 1888). The hope of eternal life is not to be taken up upon slight grounds. Christian Leadership Preface. Whether your daily routine includes presiding over church board meetings, scheduling music lessons and soccer games, or planning company strategies for the next year, this helpful book will give you special insight into the life of a servant-leader. Messages to Young People by Ellen G. White 387 ratings, 4.41 average rating, 15 reviews Messages to Young People Quotes Showing 1-4 of 4 “Let the youth remember that here they are to build characters for eternity, and that God requires them to do their best.