In a Social Studies Skill Builder, students analyze artifacts related to the six public services and then read about the services. Available in both print and digital formats. Reading Further: How Can We Improve Our Neighborhood? The database includes introductory questions about Basic Concepts & Skills, American History, Culture & Civilization, Government & Citizenship, and Geography & Map Skills. It is designed to be an entire year of geography/world cultures for students. Reading about people and events that shape our world is relevant. Illustrative Mathematics (6-12) Then they play a card game to better understand the importance of the historical periods in the past 200 years of U.S. history. There are days when you have very limited time for social studies. Hello You Designs, See my new curriculum line (all grades, all subjects in 1 unit!). From Native Americans to recent events, these topics span the history of the United States. Everyday Mathematics (PreK–6) Reading Further: Who Makes the Rules? 9–12 Program. Share your passion for literature while inspiring students to discover theirs with print & digital. While there’s a time for every type of learning, there are better (and certainly more fun) ways to go about teaching our children about history. What Do Good Neighbors Do? The latest in adaptive instruction, gamification, and digital project-based learning. Reading Further: Benjamin Franklin, Public Servant. In a Social Studies Skill Builder, students use a map and compass rose to locate their community, identify directions, and measure distances to other places. In a Social Studies Skill Builder, students work in pairs to label features on maps and a diagram. Voices in Concert (6–12) An application-based program that teaches the 10 critical health skills that align with the National Health Standards. The Effects of Geography on Life in the Southeast Video Essential Question: How has geography helped shape daily life in the Southeast? In a Visual Discovery, students analyze a series of images about the economy and bring two of them to life. Find out more. Reading Further: Recording Lakota History. Research-based, research-proven instruction that gives all children the opportunity to succeed. Browse & sample our social studies programs to find the solution that’s best for your classroom. 11. Direct Instruction (K–12) In a Social Studies Skill Builder, students work in pairs to interpret a series of special purpose maps depicting five regions of the United States and attempt to identify the locations where five images of the United States were taken. In a Problem Solving Groupwork activity, students follow an inquiry process to identify a local issue and suggest solutions in a multimedia presentation.