Terms of Service, If You’re In Your 20s, This Is The Only Dating Advice You Need To Follow, 14 Little Things That Look Like Love But Are Actually Manipulation, They Might Not Seem Like It, But These 12 Things Are Emotional Abuse, You Know You’re In An Almost Relationship If You’re Sending Him These Texts, Your Drunk Self Is Your Truest Self, Science Says, 17 Life Struggles Of Women Who Are Naturally Loud, 12 Reasons You’re Single Even Though You’re A Catch, “Duty Dating” Is A Thing And You Need To Start Doing It ASAP, What’s Your Hottest Quality? I first met my girlfriend because she was selling a pair of Vetements shoes on Instagram. Don’t allow the bad guys to make you jaded or hold you back from having fun. Love is a battlefield, especially when you’re young. Instead of thinking you’re only into one kind of guy, go out there and give them all a test drive. Don’t know if you’re straight or gay but if you’re single…’ Maybe do a bend and snap, drop your wallet and see if they look at you.”, AS: “One of the few couples I know like this met when she was just sat opposite him on the Tube and she wrote her number down on paper and gave it to him as he got off. We bumped into this guy and I swear he was giving me eyes all night. I would say avoid the classic topics of religion and conspiracies, but that was the first thing my girlfriend and I started discussing. It was a sign. God knows how many times she’s tried it before. Related: Mansplainers. I’m Hotline Blinging you, you don’t have time for more.”, RK: “I think if you’ve been ‘seeing each other’ for over a month, out of respect you shouldn’t be dating others. It’s whether that takes the form of arranged marriages with very little detail that were conducted with my grandparents in India, or arranged meetings with very little detail, which is app dates. It’s important to listen and learn. AS: “Discuss their attitude towards the film Cats. Some of my friends are so confident they just go straight up to people, whereas I’ve always been a bit more shy. Here’s why that’s such amazing advice: There’s plenty of time for seriousness later. Finding out if they’re into you takes the whole night and then the Addison Lee is outside. I’m coming.’ Very that. It’s just a bit intense. If I start dating someone, I don’t expect to see them in the streets with anyone else, period. Thinking you’ve met your soulmate when it’s only been three dates just creates expectations and completely rules out other opportunities. Dating in the late 20s suck because everyone is still hustling, relationships aren't a priority yet and most people are only starting to get their shit together. End things and be with someone who treats you like the goddess you are. The guy who doesn't know what he wants. Dating in your twenties is like being given free range with the finger paints as a toddler. You best believe that you’re both judging each other’s every move, so be the gent your mum wants you to be. I had to educate my mum and my own boyfriend: now that you’ve got some black spice on your arm, let’s get you woke. I knew [my boyfriend] was really into art, a portrait artist, so we went to the Tate. I got overwhelmed. “When it comes to opening lines, my missus always rinses me for sending her two emojis – a smiley face and the peace sign – as my opening gambit. You’re not really getting to know someone, you’re just judging people on looks and stuff straightaway. It takes the pressure off and you can just enjoy the day and see if you’ve got similar personalities.”, LW: “I don’t think you should go for street food on a first date; it’s a bit much to be ramming your face. You’re young and still have time to clean the messes up. It’s a bit awkward, because you don’t know each other yet and it’s very intense. We saw some art, felt cultured. You know in films when you always see people on a date asking things like, ‘What music do you enjoy?’ I’ve never asked that question in my life. I’m 100 per cent not smart enough to discuss these things but I went for it, so maybe it’s good to try something new? You’ll never get all these amazing cellulite-free years back, so don’t waste them waiting around for a guy. God, I wish I’d listened to her. If so, avoid. You never know. But then again, you need to find this stuff out, so maybe find it out early on. I knew I had a good ’un, I knew I needed to lock him down. Promise. It’s a real treasure to be single in your 20s. You’re not signing your life away, you’re just giving them a bit of respect and reassurance.”, LW: “I asked my boyfriend by laying it out in beans on toast.