… From the stores amp the sound was tube like and heavy with lots of sustain and the bass and high eq works. Boneshaker. Checking YouTube gave me an idea of what it sounds like. I really dig my EHX Glove MosFET OD. I’ve heard great things about the Carcossa. The Gunslinger packs features like separate Low and High tone controls, a wide range of gain, tons of output and your choice of 9 or 18v operation to keep you on target and in control. Went out looking for a distortion pedal to replace my boss heavy metal when i came acros a DOD gunslinger mosfet distortion on sale. I need to check it out. I was unaware that this pedal was even in the making. I can think twitter to bringing it to my attention. I really need to grab a 250 or the bifet boost and see how those are. Der Gunslinger lässt sich im Gegensatz zu seinem Kollegen nicht nur ausschließlich mit 9 Volt, sondern mit bis zu 18 Volt betreiben, was einen etwas offeneren Ton erzeugt. The Gunslinger's brushed-metal housing looks as tough as it sounds and its true bypass circuitry keeps your tone pristine. The Gunslinger's brushed-metal housing looks as tough as it sounds and its true bypass circuitry keeps your tone pristine. A few days ago DigiTech posted on there website that the DOD Gunslinger is available for sale. Der Boneshaker ist laut Aussage des Herstellers besonders für Instrumente mit tiefen Tunings geeignet, wie z.B. I’ve also heard good things about the Looking Glass, but the appeal of the Gunslinger was that I got it for $29.99. I am a bit of a MosFET fan. Zwei Freunde ließen zwischen den Auftritten ihrer Band die Lötkolben glühen und verdienten sich mit eigenen Effektgeräte ein paar Dollar nebenher. Der DOD Gunslinger MOSFET Distortion gehört zu einer langen Reihe von Effektpedalen, die 1974 ihren Anfang nahm. The Gunslinger packs features like separate Low and High tone controls, a wide range of gain, tons of output and your choice of 9 or 18v operation to keep you on target and in control. I got a Boneshaker when DOD blew them out. After checking reviews i was interested enough to try it out and i liked what i heard so it went home with me. Die Knöpfe zeigen sich im gewohnten, typischen DOD Stil.