Maureen Malone started writing in 2008. SERE specialists normally operate in the field of personnel recovery, supporting tasks such as location, reporting, supporting, recovering and reintegrating. What Is the Equivalent to the Navy SEALs in Other Military Branches? We don't kick down doors and kill bad guys. The Code of Conduct lays out the obligations and responsibilities service members have if they find themselves in harm's way. Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Specialists are part of the Guardian Angel weapons system of Air Combat Command along with pararescuemen and combat rescue officers. USAF SERE Specialists are not direct action combatants. Level B training is intermediate SERE education for enlisted service members and officers who have a moderate risk of being captured. They help pararescuemen and combat rescue officers with the five steps of personnel recovery: report, locate, support, recover, and reintegrate. That doesn't mean you'll never deploy to a combat zone. For help, or to report any issues you're currently having, please visit the ProBoards Support Forum. Airmen must meet stringent requirements to fulfill the roles of this elite team. What Is the Pay Grade for a Lance Corporal in the Marine Corps? Once personnel are rescued, specialists fulfill their final role by debriefing the service member and helping him to return to his job with honor. Level A offers entry-level SERE instruction at basic military training and at courses designed for officers. As a part of the Guardian Angels, SERE specialists assist with recovery of isolated personnel. SERE specialists provide three levels of Code of Conduct training for service members to prepare them for deployment in hostile territories. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. What Do SERE Specialists Do?. Level C is the most advanced level of training and is provided for service members who are at a high risk of capture due to their military occupational specialty or who are at risk of being held hostage by enemy forces. Specialists not only learn to survive in captivity, they also learn to survive when isolated in any situation, including arctic, desert, jungle, and mountain climates and even on the open ocean. Responsibilities expand until a specialist is not only teaching all aspects of the material, but is also doing the day-to-day planning, including creating lesson plans and material and arranging locations for exercises to complete training objectives for survival skills.