.frmSearch { margin: 2px 0px;padding:10px;border-radius:4px;} See how far it is from Kumasi Ghana to somewhere else driving, click on a link to see or calculate a distance for yourself using the search form above. display = document.querySelector('#time'); document.getElementById("search-box").value = rob; if (!e.ctrlKey && code!=9 && code!=46 && code!=8 && code!=36 && code!=37 && code!=38 && (code!=39 || (code==39 && character=="'")) && code!=40) { You can calculate fuel (gas) costs and get the straight line flight distances as the crow might fly too...(read more). Raise awareness for your local business or service. Travelling to the US: What do I need to know. document.getElementById("search-box").value = locationt; For the latest travel status, please check the official page for Ghana. var queryString = "?ref=/distance-from-kumasi-ghana-to-kintampo-ghana.htm&liked=" + likehit; window.___gcfg = {lang: 'en'}; Be polite, be specific, abuse will not be tolerated. Rome2rio's Travel Guide series provide vital information for the global traveller. } var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); - Routes often vary and as a result, distance does too. Price Per Gallon: How long does it generally take to fly between these two places in a modern commercial jet airliner? var ajaxRequest; // The variable that makes Ajax possible! Calculated place name addresses; upon which, these distances were arrived at.Address 1: Kumasi,ghana Kintampo or Kintapo is a town and tourist destination in the Bono East Region of Ghana. setTimeout(function(){ Kumasi is approximately 300 mi north of the Equator and 100 mi north of the Gulf of Guinea. Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary is a bird sanctuary, located in Kumasi, Ghana. } See Multiple Alternative Route Options On A Map? Some travel restrictions are being lifted in Ghana. Did you like these answers, did you get what you needed? function restrictCharacters(myfield, e, restrictionType) { Address 2: Kintampo,ghanaIf the locations above aren't what you expected, then please try a New Search below including specific town and country names. Calculate the distance from Kumasi Ghana to Kintampo Ghana. //$('#calculations').delay(1000).slideDown( "slow" ); Kintampo or Kintapo is a town and tourist destination in the Bono East Region of Ghana. } Which hotels or places to stay are there in and around Kintampo Ghana. Use our travel planning tools to get the distance, driving directions, mileage and road journey times for a trip. Currently, we are unable to provide international travel restriction information for Ghana relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19). $("#search-box2").css("background","#FFF url(LoaderIcon.gif) no-repeat 165px"); It takes approximately 2h 37m to drive from Kumasi to Kintampo. #country-list2 li{font-face:arial; font-size:12px; padding: 10px; background: #ffffff; border-bottom: #bbb9b9 0.5px solid; border:1px solid #a8d4b1;} var locationt = latitude + ", " + longitude +""; The second largest city in Ghana after the capital Accra, Kumasi known as Ghana's second city. "); // Something went wrong One of your locations doesn't have a country or town, please be more precise if you can. #country-list2 li:hover{background:#a8d4b1;color:white;cursor: pointer;} The Kumasi Zoo (Kumasi Zoological Garden) is a zoo located in the heart of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Copyright Distantias.com 2020 Social Distances and Mapping - Calculating the. beforeSend: function(){ After payment you will be redirected to the ad set up page. try{ Please review supplied maps and driving directions for a more accurate view. function voteFunction(){ } Our local business advertising opportunities might be just the ticket and cost less than $5 per month.