You must have sufficient earnings over a number of years to be insured for benefits. . Still have questions? Residual Functional Capacity from Physician. The amount the husband and wife will each receive in SSI benefits. We have a variety of calculators to help you plan for the future or to assist you with your needs now. Generally, individuals who have lost their ability to work normally in more recent years are able to collect more benefits than those who have lost this ability farther in the past. Similar to how this calculator adjusts to your year of birth, the last full year you worked will have a dramatic effect on your potential disability earnings. ), today's dollars If you are able to work while receiving SSI benefits and you earn money, your SSI check will decrease. Copyright © 2020 Disability Help Group Arizona All rights Reserved. Using the disability calculator, you can estimate the monetary amount of benefits you are entitled to receive, broken down into three key factors: year of birth, last full year of work, and total yearly income. As a result, you need not have worked a certain amount, or paid FICA taxes, to be eligible. Compensation (husband), $315.00        total countable unearned income, $500.00        gross work earnings (husband), $400.00        gross work earnings (wife), $900.00        total countable earned income, /          2     second earned income exclusion. The $20 general income exclusion applies to child support, so the SSA doesn't count the first $20 of the monthly child support payments. document.write(' covered by Social Security'); With the information you provided, these are the benefits you are eligible for: The Online Calculator is updated periodically* with new benefit increases and other benefit amounts. If you can’t manage your benefits yourself, an individual or organisation can do this on your behalf. Calculating Benefit Payment Amounts. Social Security Disability Calculator or SSDI Calculator Our Social Security Disability benefits calculator estimates depend on your date of birth and on your earnings history. Right now, the average … This means any other income you receive, such as earned income from work, will cause your SSI benefit payment amount to decrease.