Wi-Fi does not guarantee any QoS but WiMax will provide your several level of QoS. WiFi works in two frequency bands 2.4GHz and 5GHz. This technique enables the signal to be transmitted at a lower power per frequency and also allows multiple devices to use the same Wi-Fi transmitter. Although both are wireless forms of communication, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi differ in terms of their purpose, capabilities, and other factors. WiFi vs Bluetooth. In addition, Bluetooth, because it requires only an adapter on each connecting device, tends to be simpler to use and needs less power than Wi-Fi, although this is achieved at the expense of range and speed of data transfer, in which Wi-Fi typically exceeds Bluetooth’s capabilities. Bluetooth device and WiMAX device both are wireless technologies that communicate with each other and also have to interconnect with each other. But what exactly are Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and how do they differ? WiFi or Wireless Fidelity, has a range of about 100m and allows for faster data transfer rate between 10 - 54Mbps. Interference is the main problem in increasing capacity. There are three different wireless standards under WiFi, 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g. WiMAX is Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. For more technical resources and information relating to Bluetooth see the official Bluetooth site. For more technical resources and information relating to Bluetooth see the official Bluetooth site. Bluetooth, developed in the late 1990s, is a technology designed to enable short-range wireless communication between electronic devices, such as between a laptop and a smartphone or between a computer and a television. She joined Britannica in 2006 and... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Bluetooth allows for short-range data transfer between devices. Basically, the main difference between them is that Bluetooth is primarily used to connect devices without using cables, whereas WiMAX is Worldwide Inter-portability for Microwave Access. As a result, it consumes less power and are suited for very small battery powered devices and portable devices. At the 2 - 11GHz frquency range it works by non-line-of-sight, where a computer inside a building communicates with a tower/antenna outside the building. WiMax, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Femtocell and 4G are some of the most significant standards of Wireless technology for the next generations. The most widely used standard is 802.11b and 802.11g is expexcted to grow rapidly. See chart below for a comparison of these technologies. It is also able to provide high speed wireless broadband access to users. basica... FSK stands for Frequency shift keying. Infrared requires a line of sight, bluetooth only needs to be in reasonable vicinity. These technologies are radio frequencies. BATTERY CARE As an example, it is commonly employed in headsets for mobile phones, enabling hands-free phone use. This enables smaller wireless LANs to be interconnected by WiMAX creating a large wireless MAN. An interesting thing about the name “Bluetooth” is that it is far older than wireless technology. The cell with low traffic speed is called as micro-cells and large high-speed traffic called macro-cells. While Wi-Fi uses techniques similar to the Ethernet standard to specify how physically to configure a wireless network. Initially developed in the 1990s, Wi-Fi has undergone several standardization processes, approved by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), to allow for greater bandwidth in data transfer. Although both are wireless forms of communication, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi differ in terms of their purpose, capabilities, and other factors. Two wireless connection options that are very common in portable devices are WiFi and Bluetooth. WiFi or Wireless Fidelity, has a range of about 100m and allows for faster data transfer rate between 10 - 54Mbps. BATTERY POWER WiMAX operates on two frequency bands, 2 - 11GHz and 10 - 66GHz and has a range of about 50km with speeds of upto 80Mbps. WiFi is used to create wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). )The Birth of Bluetooth. Normally, to send data from device A to device C you must form a direct link between device A and device C. This is the case for peer-to-peer technologies such as Bluetooth and WiFi Direct. But with mesh networking you can instead send data from device A to device C via device B. Basically, the main difference between them is that Bluetooth is primarily used to connect devices without using cables, whereas WiMAX is Worldwide Inter-portability for Microwave Access. 802.11b has data transfer rate of upto 11Mbps and 802.11g has a rate of upto 54Mbps. Here ... A modem is a basic type of network device that both modulates and also has demodulated for analog carrier signals called as a sine wave fo... We all know that the Zener diode is a unique diode that allows the current to flow in one direction like a regular diode but is also permit... Engineering is Humanity, Electronics is Religion. Wi-Fi works at 2.7 bps/Hz and can peak up to 54 Mbps in 20 MHz channel. PROCESSORS Wi-Fi works by breaking a signal into pieces and transmitting those fragments over multiple radio frequencies. LINKS. wimax is designed for only data applications. Wi-Fi is similar to Bluetooth in that it also uses radio waves for high-speed data transfer over short distances without the need for a wire connection. BlueTooth ZigBee WiFi ZigBee By: Mostafa Ali 2. Media Access - Distributed/central CSMA/CA, MACAW, Application using Bluetooth - Microwave ovens, DVD players, cameras, banking, office, etc, Application using WiMAX - Healthcare, travelers, small business, wireless ISP, home/residential areas etc, "Fall in Love with ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY by Easiest Way of Learning. wimax is the completely new standard developed for providing high data rate internet services. Due to its low cost, manufacturers are willing to implement this technology in most devices. Due to infrastructure and costs involved it would be more suited to provide the backbone services for ISPs and large corporations providing wireless networking and internet access. As a result, Bluetooth eliminates the need not only for a wire connection but also for maintaining a clear line of sight to communicate between devices. Powered by, Bluetooth device and WiMAX device both are wireless technologies that communicate with each other and also have. Bluetooth allows for short-range data transfer between devices. In fact WiFi (technically standard 802.11) and WiMAX (802.16) don't compete for broadband users or applications today. 802.11g is a relatively new and has yet to be adopted widely. If you have a smartphone, laptop, tablet, or similar device, it is probably equipped with both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless capabilities. As such, WiMAX can bring the underlying Internet connection needed to service local Wi-Fi networks. Bluetooth allows for a wireless Personal Area Network (PAN) with it's short range. A hexagonal cell  method is on... As we know that a full-wave rectifier, which can convert an alternating voltage (AC) voltage into a pulsating direct current (DC) voltage ... Zigbee network technology is a wireless protocol used for wireless networking and connectivity. The performance of the cellular system is highly affected by interference. It is designed for short range communications with a range of about 10m. The IEEE standard for WiMAX is 802.16 and falls under the category of wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN). 802.11a is more expensive and as a result it not available for public access. As an example, it is commonly employed in headsets for mobile phones, enabling hands-free phone use. HOME See chart below for a comparison of these technologies. Radio waves are electomagnetic waves and have different frequencies. Bluetooth limits the number of devices that can connect at any one time, whereas Wi-Fi is open to more devices and more users. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. WiMAX works in two frequency bands, 2 - 11GHz and 10 - 66GHz. Networking between cities can beachieved without the need for expensive cabling. WiFi is a wireless networking solution that allows computers to connect to the network via an access point. WiMAX works at 5 bps/Hz and can peak up to 100 Mbps in a 20 MHz channel. This enables to towers/antennae to communicate with each other over a greater distance. Short frequency transmissions are not easily disrupted by physical obstructions. This page on wimax vs LTE describes difference between wimax and LTE.Both wimax and LTE are used for providing broadband wireless internet services. However, radio waves are still key to the way Bluetooth and Wi-Fi operate, enabling your devices to connect to each other or to the internet. SCENARIO Difference Between WiMAX and WiFi is that WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), also known as 802.16, is a newer network standard developed by IEEE that specifies how wireless devices communicate over the air in a wide area. There are three different wireless standards under WiFi, 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g. Our latest podcast episode features popular TED speaker Mara Mintzer. These two standards are relatively inexpensive and can be found providing wireless connectivity in airports, railway stations, cafes, bars, restaurants and other public areas. What’s the Difference Between the Deep Web and the Dark Web? See chart below for a comparison of these technologies. ©2017-2020 ecstuff4u.com The content is copyrighted and may not be reproduced. As it can operate in two frequency bands WiMAX can work by line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight. Bluetooth works by using radio frequencies, rather than the infrared spectrum used by traditional remote controls. The Differences Between Bluetooth, ZigBee and WiFi 1. Bluetooth, WiFi and WiMAX are wireless technologies which allow devices to inter-connect and communicate with each other. WIRELESS wimax vs LTE. Problems associated when devices communicate via infrared or cables are removed.