Below is an example of a student’s reflection on their own learning experience. For instance, there are 4 stages of life, this, in itself, could serve as your blueprint. Jean Piaget’s theory is a great example. Throughout my education journey, I have had the opportunity to learn theories that have helped others including me in the past. The saying “When one door closes, another opens” could not be more apt to describe Ms Audrey Tang’s situation. I enjoy every bit of my life and enjoy things around me such as, beautiful landscape, budding flowers, green scenery, wonders of science seen in different forms, marvels of city life, the leisure of free time,. Piaget’s theories have helped a lot of students overcome difficulty in learning. Maybe so, and maybe it does. Learning to read and write is crucial for communication. A lot of people can’t find the learning resources they need, and have the perfect perspective to teach – the beginner’s perspective. Feb 26, 2020. Some of this learning takes place within a formal education system, and some through trainings that we participate in where we work. Beyond your average learning journey. By Cheryl Leong. This generally involves making connections between your own learning experiences and educational theories, as well as considering the implications for your future teaching practice. It didn’t happen over night; it was more of a slow deterioration of I everything I had dreamed of becoming. 3 Words to Describe My Career Journey – Upward, Learning, Evolving Call: 888-464-8770 I like to refer to it as spring-cleaning of the mind, your emotions and your surroundings (including the people in your life). Somewhere along that journey, my promising future tumbled right before my eyes. My Educational Journey By Angelica Rubio As I began my education years ago, I entered with high hopes. I have also come to a conclusion that the method of teaching will vary depending on the age factor. The journey however is not always an easy road. We interviewed an account executive at Access Systems to explore their career journey. Collectively, metaphors not only help people describe and make sense of their lives, but can serve as a source of encouragement, motivation, or gratitude.There are a number of common metaphors that can be used to inspire you (or help you get out of a rut) in your daily life. Learning to read and write is a different journey for everyone; it could be an easy journey or a rough one. For the most part, learning English language has been an interesting and a challenging journey for me owing to all the cycles that I have gone through to achieve a certain level of proficiency in English. The journey includes fear, confusion, misunderstanding, doubt and literally re-visiting all your choices in life. This paper offers an account of both a positive learning experience and a negative learning experience. Sample of student work. Maybe, with this bit of understanding, life won’t suck quite so bad. My literacy journey started in grade school, then junior high, then high school, and finally college. It requires making some tough decisions and sticking to them. Seems like it would be easier if life had a blueprint. Describe The Daily Journey To School. Pursuing Singapore’s first and only full-time bachelor’s degree in HRM at SUSS proves to be an eye-opening experience for Ms Audrey Tang. It could, in fact, give you a different perspective on your journey. All of us have had some very positive learning experiences, and some that were negative. My School Routine Life is an interesting adventure worth living. My Personal Learning Theory In My Educational Journey 1095 Words | 5 Pages. My future was bright and I was ready for the adventure.