We aim to have the examinations on campus. Informationen for our students or about our courses. Collaborative Research Center 1173 - Wave Phenomena, Research Training Group 2229 - Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces, KIT Center MathSEE - Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering, and Economics, Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Study with us; Students; PhD students; Researchers; Alumni; Staff; Teaching during the autumn 2020. This diversity makes it an ideal environment for Bachelor's and Master's degree students. are taught for students of other departments. in Zoom, Double-dimer condensation and the dP3 Quiver – in Y27 H 28, Generalizations of planar contact manifolds to higher dimensions – More Events. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Department of Mathematics. We invite applications for Hermann-​Weyl-Instructorships (postdoctoral positions) in all areas of mathematics. Collaborative Research Center 1173 - Wave Phenomena, the Research Training Group 2229 - Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces, as well as the KIT Center MathSEE - Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering, and Economics. The Department of Mathematics teaches and conducts research in all areas of mathematics at the highest international level and fosters further education and knowledge transfer. Christian Beck successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Numerical approximation methods for high-dimensional partial differential equations of second order". (1/3), Contribution from the university's newsroom, https://www.kus.uni-hamburg.de/en/aktuelles.json?recentnews=true, Prospective continuing education students, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School), Office of Affairs for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases, The Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe, The Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts, Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL), Center for a Sustainable University (KNU), Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Information on the impact of the corona virus on studies and teaching, Clusters of Excellence, Research Training Groups and Collaborative Research Centres, Interdisciplinary Work Groups and Centres, FAQ zum Coronavirus und dessen Auswirkungen auf die UHH, Zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze für Studierende. The library of the Department offers a wide range of mathematics literature for faculty, guests and students. Das Angebot... Im Wintersemester fragen wir sechs Professorinnen und Professoren des Fachbereichs Mathematik, was sie an der Mathematik... © 2020 Universität Hamburg. : +49 721 608-43800 QU Online Colloquium: Vitor Cardoso (IST, Lisbon) – Black holes: the last frontier . Information about emergency operations plan of the D-MATH (ETH login required). 17. In the autumn we return to having some teaching on campus, but many courses are still taught entirely online. The Department of Mathematics teaches and conducts research in all areas of mathematics at the highest international level and fosters further education and knowledge transfer. We are delighted to announce that Professor Sara van de Geer was elected to the Academia Europaea. On 26 October, Professor Afonso Bandeira gave his inaugural lecture entitled: "Computation, statistics, and optimization of random functions". : +49 721 608-43800. Department of Mathematics. Department of Mathematics RSS Print. The second four and a half year funding of the German Research Foundation was just approved and begins April 1st, 2021. Student information. (ETH Zürich) Technische Hochschule Zürich. The department offers 4 Bachelor of Science and Master of Science programmes. Department of Mathematics, ETH-ITS Institute for Theoretical Studies, JavaScript has been disabled in your browser, Stochastic optimal control in economics, finance, and learning theory. Dr. Helen Jenne Nähere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Seite zur Abschlussfeier. Laurin Koehler-Schindler The Department of Mathematics is offering a number of interesting events during the information week for prospective students from 18. The Research Training Group 2229 "Asymptotic invariants and limits of groups and spaces" deals with asymptotic geometry. Germany Karlsruhe Institute of Technology D-76128 Karlsruhe Germany Tel. He has been professor at the Department since September 2019. (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Alexander von Humboldt-Forschungspreisträger Prof. Dr. Frank den Hollander kommt wieder nach … Department of Mathematics Science Center Room 325 1 Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138 USA latest changes because of new regulations starting November 2, 2020. Read more about our plans for the autumn . LATEST NEWS: all information on teaching this winter! It is also responsible for running and teaching mathematics courses at each of ETH Zurich's 16 departments. (Université de Tours) The Department of Mathematics maintains a lively scientific environment, bringing together researchers from all areas of mathematics. Photo: UHH/Denstorf. - 25. Nov. 4:00 PM. ETH Zurich There you will also find answers to the most important questions. D-76128 Karlsruhe Prof. Dr. Dimitry Dolgopyat Brückenkurs Mathematik Probestudium entfällt Trauer um Kurt Keilhofer drucken; nach oben; Servicebereich. Both live presentations and recorded videos are on offer. in Zoom, The combinatorial PT-DT correspondence – Choose a degree at The University of Manchester's Department of Mathematics, and join one of the UK's largest maths departments. Department of Mathematics. Startseite Online- Abschlussfeier des Departments. Research The Department of Mathematics maintains a lively scientific environment, bringing together researchers from all areas of mathematics. Weiterlesen . Imperial is a proud member of the Athena SWAN Charter, which recognises commitment to advancing women's careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in academia. Nov. 2:30 PM. Department of Mathematics HG G 33.4, ETH Zurich The Department of Mathematics (D-MATH) at ETH Zurich conducts high level research in most areas of pure and applied mathematics. We are very proud about that. in Zoom. Congratulations! Tel. Bahar Acu (University of Oregon) All rights reserved, QU Online Colloquium: Vitor Cardoso (IST, Lisbon) – Black holes: the last frontier, Quantum Universe Lectures: I. Gregor – What you always wanted to know about detectors but never dared to ask! (Graphic: Jos Leys). Leider wird die Abschlussfeier corona-bedingt dieses Jahr nicht stattfinden können und wird deshalb auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben. The Department of Mathematics (Fachgruppe Mathematik) coordinates teaching and research in Mathematics within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bonn. here you can find up to date information about teaching this winter semester (incl. In addition, many classes In addition to its four institutes, the department concentrates its research activities in the Wie denken Mathematikerinnen und Mathematiker. Conference in honour of Martin Schweizer’s 60th birthday, Calculus of variations and PDEs: recent developments and future directions, Series of lectures on waves and imaging IV, Please use the central website to keep yourself informed about further, Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Sara van de Geer elected to Academia Europaea, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar, Intranet for department members and students, Eidgenössische KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Research Group Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry, Research Group Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, Workgroup Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Junior Research Group Nonlinear Helmholtz Equations, Junior Research Group Singularity formation in nonlinear PDEs, Stability and Instability in Fluids and Materials, Research Group 2: Numerics of Partial Differential Equations, Arbeitsgruppe 5: Computational Science and Mathematical Methods, Junior Research Group: Numerical analysis of multiscale methods, Work group Spatial Stochastic and Stochastic Geometry, Stochastic Processes in Finance, Actuarial Science and Engineering. Department Mathematik. About The Department; Members; Studies; Research; Research Training Group RTG 2583; Library; Location / Directions; This page: UHH > MIN > Department of Mathematics. University of Hamburg. Dear students, 20. The Mathematics department has a regular series of seminars and an active events programme, including the Departmental Colloquia. November 2020. We invite applications for one or more postdoctoral faculty appointments to start in September 2021, funded by the ERC research project CHANGE led by Professor Alessandro Carlotto. Department of Mathematics. Prof. Dr. Ben Young Percolation in the plane and beyond – Please use the central website to keep yourself informed about further measures taken by ETH Zürich. Termine. The Department of Mathematics covers a broad spectrum of study topics. in Zoom, Multiple Borel Cantelli Lemma and MultiLog Law for Recurrence (e-seminar) – (University of Maryland) Die Corona-Pandemie verändert weiterhin die Abläufe an der Universität – vom digitalen Studium über Auslandreisen bis zum... Seit Anfang der Woche bietet die Universität Hamburg für Studierende zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze in Seminarräumen an.