Deathstroke shoots and misses Deadpool while he keeps teleporting closer, even moving to the other side of the bridge at one point. Deadpool would come a decade later, when Nicieza told Liefeld his new character was too similar to Deathstroke. During one of DEATH BATTLE! Deadpool this is a surprisingly even match up, though Deathstroke is the superior fighter of the two, and has the better armor, Deadpool can take all his punishment and give just as much. did the match-up first before BatintheSun. Deadpool (replacing lines): This is totally racist. Deathstroke’s own senses are actually enhanced giving him all sorts of advantages during combat. Not that it mattered, since Deadpool had yet to be recognized as a mainstream entity. Also, he has armor composed of promethium. Wiz: What's important here is that Deathstroke's mind can process information nine times more efficiently than an ordinary man. Deadpool: *sings* Splick splick, Dynamite! Slade Wilson was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, first appearing in The New Teen Titans (vol. Wiz: Facing the inevitability of death, Wade gave up. Deadpool attaches his limbs in the correct places while Deathstroke pulls his sword out of his chest, then struggles to get up. Boomstick: You'd think these guys would've learned by now. in reference to. Wiz: Unfortunately, life back home was rough for Slade. As a result, Deadpool is the definitive winner of this round. We should put him and Captain America into a staring contest! Deathstroke goes after Deadpool. And offers some huge distinctions between the two, though they're almost more humorous than anything else. Nicieza was not making a stretch, here. YOUR! He's best known outside of comics for appearing in Arrow and the Teen Titans cartoon adaptations (where he went by the name Slade, presumably because the name Deathstroke the Terminator was considered a little much by kid cartoon standards). Deathstroke was introduced to the DC universe in 1980 in New Teen Titans No. Patients would place bets on each other's survival under the knife. Wiz: They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but sometimes it's nothing but a slap in the face. Over the years, Deathstroke’s contracts have become more and more challenging. Ten years before Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld created Deadpool (aka Wade Wilson) at Marvel Comics, DC Comics had created Deathstroke (aka Slade Wilson). Deathstroke: If you spent half as much time concentrating as you do talking, perhaps you would be less predictable. They each have also been shown using advanced technology, though nothing really sticks around for the character to use more than once. But unlike Wade, whose brain damage has turned him into a fun-loving, albeit dangerous, hitman, Slade is a super serious supervillain. How Does Morena Baccarin Really Feel About Her Reduced Screen Time in Deadpool 2?