Just give me a good preset like you gave the female characters in the series. Bloodborne Character Creation: Hot or Not. But looking to the impending PC release, seeing the engine potentially run at a flawless locked 60fps for once is very exciting prospect indeed. However, the prospects after five hours of playing Dark Souls 3 are very positive, and we'll be sure to update this piece if anything particularly egregious crops up. I don't remember where, most likely Reddit, that someone mentioned Berserk as a source of influence. Just be sure to go in with a raised shield when the time comes. It's even harder than in the previous games to make a decent looking woman. His favourite games include Gitaroo Man, F-Zero GX and StarCraft 2. Visually it's a clear-cut case in favour of PS4, and we'd have hoped Xbox One's graphical sacrifices might translate to a matching level of performance. Putting its recurring frame-pacing issue aside, the technology realises some of the most striking fantasy concepts we've seen on PS4 and Xbox One. None of these cuts dampen the quality of the experience to any radical degree, and it's perfectly enjoyable on Xbox One as-is. Finally building my Guts build for a Souls game! I was pretty fucking scared. Yay! 3. Rather than setting these 2D elements to display at 1080p over gameplay - a tactic used in most sub-native titles - they're instead put through the same scaling process. Well, I'd post mine but shes uh... well lets just say not looking that great these days without spoiling anything. The most obscure thing about dark souls is what some of these face settings actually do. Find out more about the benefits of our Patreon. I'd like to make my dude look like a badass as well, but I'm gunna age him. Dark Souls 3's worldwide release looms on April 12th, and for those happy to hold off on the Japanese version, it's well worth the wait. Almost every area prone to a 25fps drop on Xbox One instead runs at the intended 30fps on PS4. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Frame-rates drop to near 20fps on Xbox One during boss battles around the Lothric wall - but PS4 largely sticks to the 30fps line. 6. As a comparison point between PS4 and Xbox One though, the division is clear, and sets a precedent for how frame-rates in rest of the game will bear out. I made a kinda okay looking Joker, so I'm satisfied. You guys are doing this again! Got as close to what I wanted as I could though. However, that bandwidth isn't free and so we charge a small monthly Will you support the Digital Foundry team? For more information, go here. Embers glow from between armour cracks, and though aspects of this initial area appear a touch plain (notably in plots of grass strewn across the terrain) the craft behind each new environment shows its focused three years of development. we now get the third installment in the series as we struggle to make an attractive character. top-tier quality encodes of our content. Worthy of passing to the next generation. @probablytuna: @a_turtle: I first got into Berserk after playing Demon's Souls and consuming pretty much every available information on it. I really hate the beard (there's no real full beard? The Dark Souls character creator always seems pretty sub-par on the surface, but if you really dig in (and fight against what it WANTS to do) you can get some pretty good stuff! I tried my best. Thanks for taking part! Unless they actually have the Berserker armour..... One can only hope. It's not a major issue at gentler velocities, but it bears mention when compared to the PS4's implementation of the effect at its extremes. Here's my creation of Fiora (name taken from Xenoblade Chronicles - but it isn't based on her): The Dark Souls character creator allows for some amazing caricatures.