Press J to jump to the feed. When I try doing something cool it always looks like an uglier than ugly Shrek. This is a Wiki, not a cheat code book. You can change your hair now and whatnot or whatever, or maybe you like the mini Cloud spike hair or whatever all up to you. Good job, skeleton. So stick to clowny cosmetic changes like this: Dark Souls 3: Over 99 Strength It's the closest match to the Victorian / Gothic attire in Bloodborne. If you do not, your character simply reverts back to it's default proportions. Definitely another nice build--about how long does it take for you to create these? Cookies help us deliver our Services. Dark Souls. These changes are saved in Cheat Engine itself and does not in any way touch the game's save file. Making a pretty character is harder than msot boss fights for me. so i (somehow) got invaded earlier today and this guy had a massive head,i'm talking 2 or 3 times his body size, he started doing the channelers dance and ened up dropping me some +5 level items and then killed himself,so my question is, how (specifically) did he do this? DO NOT touch the preset area, just skip right past it and go to adv settings. It should be encouraged by the community. In fact, every time you restart the game, you need to re-apply the body proportion modifiers in order to keep the modified body shape. Will be using for my next ds3 toon anyway. OMG FINE now I have to create another build for this character, Nice, gonna try it out. Choosing the Firekeeper's Set was obvious. Thank you. This page gives an easy access list with some official information as well as fan observations. You deserve a salute for this. CG videos and images are great, the Witcher characters had some amazing material to work from. Here's an example of how they can affect a face with Alfred as a volunteer. That's some good reference material, I'll definitely be saving that idea. She's got plenty of close-up shots of her face in Blizzard's CG videos to work with. Always start at the center of each bar and count outward according to the numbers next to the sliders. This was in effort to draw further links between Hunter, Lady Maria and the Doll's likeness. While people who do fun stuff get banned when they alter their appearance in their save file. 5 hours of recording, 2-3 days of editing and an hour to upload to YouTube with my internet speed, haha. Imgur link for pics, ADV SETTINGS OVERALL • Age: Full Left • Hormones: 3R • Form Emphasis: Full Left • Color Emphasis: Full Left, SHAPE 1 • *Relative Nose Size=4R • *Ratio Nose to Forehead=11R • Face Width=10R • *Face Round= center • Face Vertical Spacing= 4R • *Face horizontal Spacing= C or 1L (TRUE EXPRESSION EDITOR, DO NOT USE EXPRESSION SLIDER FOR EXPRESSION!!) They control the angle of facial features, like eyes, and can offset them one side or the other. Character Showcase & Tutorial: There are special hidden sliders that you would never expect to be important at all, BUT ALAS they are! Trying to loosely follow the lore of Bloodborne, I opted for the White Hair Talisman. It was a lot more difficult to make an attractive female character, but after 2 or so hours I was finally able to get her looking DS3 decent. DO NOT touch the preset area, just skip right past it and go to adv settings. Anything with a “*” should be adjusted, but can be circled back to at the end to create dramatically (and still waifu acceptable(hopefully)(no returns)) results! 1) You're a disrespectful jackass Dark Souls Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Second decide if you wanna be swol and ripped, or sexy, your preference (This is waifu souls might I add). I AM ASKING HOW TO DO SOMETHING THAT IS PURELY COSMETIC, AND AS I SAID,I ALREADY LOOKED AND COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING. I've recently finished creating Bloodborne's Plain Doll in Dark Souls III., In the time I played DS1,2&3 I encountered many cheaty hackers but not a single funny stuff hacker. I've yet to see somebody send me an outright bad character without it being intentional. The Manikin Claws were very suited to the Doll in both name and style. [15L=pleased] [5-6L=neutral in screenshot] [5R=frown] • Lip Thickness= C • Lipstick 1= 1L • Lipstick 2= C-2R, MOUTH 2 • Expression= 15L (FAKE EXPRESSION SLIDER READ ABOVE)(way up there at the beginning) • Mouth Slant= 3L-3R (I think I went with 2R) • Mouth Protrusion= 7R • Position= 6L • Width= 8R • Distance mouth to Chin= 4R, JAW • Position=21R • Length= 27R • Protrusion= 11L • Size=6L • Height= 5-6R • Spread=10-11R • Outline=14L, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SoulsSliders community, Press J to jump to the feed. • Glabella Width= 5L, SHAPE 2 • Cheekbone Height= 10R • Cheekbone Depth= 2-3L • Cheekbone Spread= 5-6L • Cheek Fullness= 5R • Cheeks= 3-4R • Chin Tip Depth= 9-12R • Jaw Breadth= 14R • Chin= 26R, EYEBROWS • Glabella Height = 10R • Glabella Width= 2L • Brow Height= 7R • Inner Brow= (OPTIONS!!!! Making a good looking character in this game creator would give even da Vinci a run for his money. I want to cosplay as Frog from Chrono Trigger without getting banned! Following in the footsteps of Dark Souls 2 Character Creation: Hot or Not? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So long as changes you make don't get saved, you are safe. It is impermanent, meaning so long as you turn off the modifications in the table and close cheat engine prior to quitting the game, your save file remains unedited and thus will not be banned. All cheaters do not get banned because the cheats are temporary and do not show up in the game file. They all have their merits! I'd rather have hackers that do funny stuff than hackers that just cheat godmode or worse ( almost everything but godmode is worse because with godmode I at least know my opponent is a dirty cheater) Sure Changing hitboxes would suck but bighead mode/wierd unlocked slider faces is just hilarious. I'd considered Leonhard's Boots but it looked far too masculine for the Doll's character. Character Planner; Browse Builds; Top Builds Don't forget, Shrek was "dead-sexy" once. If you're willing to share what you've done, I'd love to see it. i know he used cheat engine,but i can't seem to find any tutorials. I hope you find this to be a welcome addition to your character library! This is a place for facts about the game and how to get through it, not around it. First set the body preset to the bottom right (The large headed one. Below you'll find a links to both a character showcase & tutorial, an Imgur gallery containing screenshots of the character, armour selection, accompanying video and a brief explanation of my choices. Whoa, ok Samo. Thank you very much. i found out the most important thing to create a nice (female) char is to not be afraid to fuck things up at first with setting sliders like the female tone one. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Unfortunately I found no contenders for leggings other than the accompanying skirt. Here are the sliders for my male and female characters, which I found on the internet and just copied the numbers. Let's have more funny hackers and less griefy hackers! [sorry if this is in the wrong place just felt like sharing this character setting and my findings on using expressions in DS-SotFS], GRRR THIS LOOKS BAD< go to my google drive to download the cleaner list if you want to and Bloodborne Character Creation: Hot or Not? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Off the top of my head, anywhere between 10-20 hours over 2 days depending on how well the face goes first try and if the character tool behaves. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Anyone got any good character faces with sliders? It is impermanent, meaning so long as you turn off the modifications in the table and close cheat engine prior to quitting the game, your save file remains unedited and thus will not be banned. Thank you very much! Real sad. Also here’s a fair bit of advice for this. If you do no pressure, just this probably isn’t the guide for you. This means it's a perfectly bannable offense, and quite an obvious one at that, which means the Wiki has no interest in promoting its use. we now get the third installment in the series as we struggle to make an attractive character. Second decide if you wanna be swol and ripped, or sexy, your preference (This is waifu souls might I add). Click to show a quick list of all NPCs