Forrester Research, Inc. <>stream
KPMG International Cooperative. endobj
Gartner, Inc. CREST is an international not-for-profit accreditation and certification body that represents and supports the technical information security market. endobj
A minimum of two years’ experience collecting, analysing and documenting threat intelligence is expected. CREST Security Review. gHHQ Tools and standards for cyber threat intelligence projects. Threat Intelligence & Criminal Innovation Max Vetter Chief Cyber Officer max.vetter@immersivelabs.com. �)�Ov�4TU���?v�1����`z$`�a��g܇��=�3��d�oϧt�ՎU۹�v�`0����S^����5ۑ��������#Y���3�/�ȑ��П�Mo~�U>�������/���8�~N��OYG�}�{χ�R��N��~n��O���1�o��}�ٗ_=���/Oo�~����ǧ�>}}~x��o���?��|�����/���?5��r��U~1�G���S��S_=��㷏O�����Ӈ�������~��S|뷧�%��. '��B�!p�ﭢ|2�[�����x{�Ji����͘�Vn�>������[���"��#&`JeFW�|e'�#�g�+�r]6 ��zغ��sгj�=.�R������C_��7T���5��G$�c�䱱��n�[��Gk�"�U�=��"�+��n4��(�yi%��
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How to book of cyber threat intelligence services. Lawson, C. and McMillan, R. (2014). ����U�w�����ç5;lY��y�HZҖU),m)UM�R�7���.� �S�6�������p�N#G�(~
� (�Qx��Dg$����&�ߒ���G�����ڊ �4��D�69�q� Da���+K[O�/�{�KQ3ST�� 1.2 Role definition A Practitioner Threat Intelligence Analyst (PTIA) is a role responsible for the collection and analysis of data, information and intelligence in order to generate threat intelligence outputs. Details of the major enhancements are set out below. Crown Copyright. <>
European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA). Automated Defense â Using Threat Intelligence to Augment Security. endobj
Dartnall, R. (2017). The Notes for Candidates (NFC) document provides further information regarding the Certification Examinations in general and the specific skill areas that will be assessed. ENISA Threat Landscape 2018. Caltagirone, S. et al (2013). Recommended Preparation Material Overview •Immersive Labs •Criminal Innovation •Dark web, Silk road •Cyber Threat Intelligence •Intelligence led-learning •MITRE ATT&CK Framework. The following material and media has been cited as helpful preparation for this examination by previous candidates: Reading Material: endstream
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qualification to supplement threat intelligence standards (CREST (2016a)). The MITRE Corporation. CRESTâs Policy for Candidates requiring special arrangements including additional time to accommodate a medical condition (including examinations delivered via Pearson Vue) Practical Advice: Introduction to Intelligence-Led Policing. %PDF-1.5
Butterfield, A. The use of conventional intelligence methodologies in Cyber Threat Intelligence. CREST (International) is a not for profit company registered in the UK with company number 09805375. Five steps to building an effective threat intelligence capability. Cyber threat intelligence is a term that refers to information that an organization utilizes to understand the cyber threats that have occurred in the past, will occur in the future, or are currently targeting the organization. It outlines the key concepts and principles that underpin cyber threat intelligence, along with the ways in which organisations use cyber threat intelligence to prevent, detect and respond to potential cyber security incidents. endstream
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Intelligence Preparation of the Cyber Environment. x��Zmo�� ���CC�/�$�p@^��[���mQ,��(���Nme���ΐ�D["�]w�x-i�yf8�p���r]-�yE~�qzYU���| _��������[9�-�ˢZ��ӻ�� Moore, David T., (2007). Retrieved from https://attack.mitre.org/resources/. 4 0 obj
h���n�0������D�8��b%��(�E�] �^�M�u��x���W�I�QCKHH�C�G���3����e[a�F�J���? The CREST Certified Threat Intelligence Manager (CCTIM) examination tests candidates’ knowledge and expertise in leading a team that specialises in producing threat intelligence. Testing and Threat Intelligence services to accurately replicate threats to critical assets. Cost endstream (1993). %PDF-1.6
6 0 obj ek�}�F�N�3�V�l"׃oķi�~A�Z�=�`(�'�� United States Naval War College. Poputa-Clean, P. (2015). The magazine translates academic jargon into ‘so what’ answers that can be applied to everyday scenarios. Dartnall, R. (2018). 2 0 obj
C-RAF 2.0 – Risk assessment Introduction of new and enhanced control principles reflecting recent international sound practices in cyber incident response and recovery, as well as latest technology trends (e.g. Cabinet Office (2016). threat intelligence sharing across the industry. h�b```�5�\g�@��(�����p�္P��,�yL�����sGP�������f`�`b�pp`�����۠���(������@��(��6z��Ã.o`�������>�fa`}7����+�H b0 �F �
Open Source Intelligence Techniques. The Certified Threat Intelligence Manager examination costs £1,600 + VAT. The examination is delivered at Pearson Vue centres. Bertram, S (2017): F3EAD: Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze and Disseminate â The Alternative Intelligence Cycle. �s��x� "���䯬�L���`�G���q�
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The SANS Institute. Candidates are expected to have a good breadth of knowledge in all areas of threat intelligence and proven experience in operational security and intelligence production. The following list is not exhaustive and CREST has not verified any of the resources for accuracy: What is Cyber Threat Intelligence and how is it used? Retrieved from: https://www.digitalshadows.com/blog-and-research/f3ead-find-fix-finish-exploit-analyze-and-disseminate-the-alternative-intelligence-cycle/, Useful Information for Candidates 3 0 obj
1 0 obj
%PDF-1.3 This tests candidates’ knowledge and expertise in leading a team that specialises in producing threat intelligence. Benefits of a CREST Individual Certification, Benefits of using a CREST Accredited Member Company, Benefits of using a CREST qualified consultant, Benefits of using a CREST accredited member company, Accredited Companies â Regions and Services, Accredited Companies providing CBEST services, Accredited Companies providing GBEST services, Accredited Companies providing STAR-FS services, Accredited Companies providing Penetration Testing, Accredited Companies providing Intelligence-Led Penetration Testing, Accredited Companies providing Threat Intelligence, Accredited Companies providing Cyber Security Incident Response services, Accredited Companies providing Security Architecture, Accredited Companies providing SOC Services, Accredited Companies providing Vulnerability Assessment services, Certification Equivalency Recognition Programmes, Students â how to get involved with CREST, CESG (Certified Professional Scheme (CCP)), The DoD Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), CREST Threat Intelligence Manager Syllabus, CREST Threat Intelligence Manaer Notes for Candidates, Definitive Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence, https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-summit/archives/file/summit-archive-1517245731.pdf, https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-summit/archives/file/summit-archive-1492113006.pdf, https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/-/media/boe/files/financial-stability/financial-sector-continuity/cbest-implementation-guide, https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/pdf/other/ecb.tiber_eu_framework.en.pdf, https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/threat-risk-management/threats-and-trends, https://www.digitalshadows.com/blog-and-research/f3ead-find-fix-finish-exploit-analyze-and-disseminate-the-alternative-intelligence-cycle/, CRESTâs Policy for Candidates requiring special arrangements including additional time to accommodate a medical condition (including examinations delivered via Pearson Vue). ACPO (2007). 1 0 obj stream
CTIPs (2019).
KPMG (2013). The candidate is expected to have a good breadth of knowledge in all areas of threat intelligence and proven experience in operational security, data collection / analysis and intelligence production. Heuer, R. (1999). <>stream
ENISA Threat Landscape – 2020:Â Â https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/threat-risk-management/threats-and-trends Retrieved from: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/pdf/other/ecb.tiber_eu_framework.en.pdf ThreatConnect. Examination Format %%EOF
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As a global cybersecurity company, we will provide you with the tools to understand your current security posture, to support your cybersecurity decision making, and to build trust in the data you receive. National cyber security strategy 2016-21. CCI Publishing. x��ZYo�8~���Gy�V�C0 �t��`fѝxf�h̃�(k˓ɿߪ")��)i��,�*���>��\\���rY?�xqY����],6�?/o���K���.������pW��?�����S���*��8?���ƃ���b��Q�HAR�Q���|����8x�_�����ٷ0��,~9?�ꂏ�]�>l�z��;�i��{�Q�:�%i�ʠ��%y�-\�\�4�ǡ�, ���l���,
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CREST Registered Threat Intelligence Analyst. The STAR scheme is a prerequisite for membership of the BoE CBEST scheme, used to provide assurance to the most critical parts of the UK’s financial services.