Why did the F of "sneeze" and "snore" change to an S in English history? Migrating birds take advantage of this talent to time their flights during better weather. Most notable (besides the above) are the space shuttle flights post-Columbia, if they had a similar foam strike. Apollo 13 had barely enough power to run the instruments in the capsule, plus the explosion of one of the oxygen tanks may or may not have damaged the heat shield. An example of how to use this is, "I was in hot water with Ms. Izenberg when I didn't do my homework. Hot he was, and lecherous as a sparrow . [2][3], The official music video, co-directed by Kai Henry and Robert Corbi, was released on April 9, 2011. Why doesn't a mercury thermometer follow the rules of volume dilatation? Coming In Hot. I can feel it "In MY Bones" too now with arthritis (or Rheumatism as some had called it). Creating new Help Center documents for Review queues: Project overview, Feature Preview: New Review Suspensions Mod UX. Big snow = little snow. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. Some idioms are not transparent, and you either have to know their specific origin, or learn them as an unanalysable chunk: for these, it is appropriate to discuss their origin. Sometimes this involves an aircraft carrier (or its spacefaring or flying equivalent) given that the associated risks with an emergency landing on an aircraft carrier at sea that is only a few hundred meters long are far greater than with a two-mile-long concrete runway. Comeuppance definition, deserved reward or just deserts, usually unpleasant: He finally got his comeuppance for his misbehavior. Keep an eye, however, on the smaller puff clouds (cumulus), especially if it’s in the morning or early afternoon. What is the word used to express "investigating someone without their knowledge"? [4], "Hollywood Undead Get Remixed by Members of Korn, KMFDM + More", "HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD Prepare 'American Tragedy Redux' in November", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Comin%27_in_Hot&oldid=973451564, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Dylan Alvarez, Griffin Boice, Matthew Busek, Jorel Decker, Daniel Murillo, George Ragan, Jordon Terrell, This page was last edited on 17 August 2020, at 08:39. What other cookies/biscuits were traditionally baked in shell shaped forms like this one? It's not so fun for driving either. Molon labe (Ancient Greek: μολὼν λαβέ, romanized: molṑn labé), meaning "come and take [them]", is a classical expression of defiance.It is among the laconic phrases reported by Plutarch, attributed to King Leonidas I in reply to the demand by Xerxes I that the Spartans surrender their weapons. falls out of the sky every other Thursday. See more. It only takes a minute to sign up.