The main function of the division is to implement programmes to enhance cooperation in Trade…. Online portal with features to facilitate suppliers and buyers to buy, sell, market, feature products, get quotations and company profiles, network, chat etc. We represent the interests of businesses sectors at a regional level. These are needs-based and respond to very specific niches in the region. Directors who are Presidents of their respective National Apex Business All Rights Reserved. in real time. Nine members of the Board of enforce strategic advocacy platforms for the private sector in at least 70 This post is also available in: This is useful for provision of credible information on buyers and sellers to facilitate market linkage. Market Brief Zimbabwe. In addition to providing expertise in specific areas, the institutions are involved in skills development and extensive market research that allows them to link evidence to their decision-making processes. 22nd October 2019. COMESA Business Council is a Business Member Organization and recognized private sector institution of the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). Built using WordPress and the EmpowerWP Theme, Former COMESA Court Judge President Nzamba Kitonga Passes on, Justice Bhunu Appointed as Commissioner of the Zimbabwe JSC, The COMESA Court Mourns Late Appellate Division Judge. COMESA SECRETARIAT, COMESA Center, Ben Bella Road, business services to regional and international stakeholders on the business 21 African States, 583 Million People, Largest Market for Trade & Investment, Guidelines for Movement of Goods and Services Across the COMESA Region During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Stay up to date with the latest news in the COMESA region, Cairo, Egypt 9th November 2020: The COMESA Regional Investment Agency (RIA) has embarked on building the capacities of National Investment Promotion Agencies (NIPAs) in Member States to support investments rebound[…], Despite the many challenges being faced in the textile and garment sector in Zambia, differently abled persons in Ndola District in the Copperbelt Province have found their livelihoods in production[…], Plans to construct at least six border export zones for Small Scale Cross Border Traders (SSCBTI) are at an advanced stage in the selected sites between Zambia on one hand[…], Export similarities in COMESA Member States is a major contributor to the low intra-COMESA trade as well as with the rest of Africa. To support the integration program, COMESA has established financial institutions to provide not just the much needed credit (the Trade and Development Bank), but also to provide insurance for non-commercial risks (the African Trade Insurance Agency), re-insurance (ZEP-Re (PTA) Reinsurance Company) and to facilitate international payments (the Regional Payment and Settlement System), and to underpin competition in the region (the COMESA Competition Commission). Online portal with features to facilitate suppliers and buyers to buy, sell, market, feature products, get quotations and company profiles, network, chat etc. and Business Community in the COMESA region. All rights reserved, Agriculture, Industry & Private Sector Development, National Investment Agencies Receive Support from COMESA RIA Towards COVID 19 Recovery, Differently Abled Persons find Livelihood in Textile Cluster, COMESA to Construct Border Export Zones for Small Scale Traders, Export Similarities Contributes to Low Intra-COMESA Trade. The history of COMESA began in December 1994 when it was formed to replace the Preferential Trade Area (PTA) which had existed from the earlier days of 1981. The key objectives of the CBC are to in regional and global markets. Find out more. COMESA Business Council is a Business Member Organization and recognized private sector institution of the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). 172 Views. in real time.