Play with your friends online instantly just by creating a new room and sharing the info. Create one and invite friends! ⚠Codename Games uses cookies to support your login session. - The classic 'Codenames' card / boardgame in your browser! CREATE ROOM. How to play. Create game. Play Codenames online, a multiplayer word game available on phone and desktop. Play with your friends. Update. Codenames - Play with your Friends Online. 2. How to play: 1. Click on the CREATE ROOM button. The creators of Codenames, Czech Games Edition (CGE), have finished their official online version of the popular boardgame. Online game room for playing Codenames - just invite your friends. Choose the language of the word cards and start the game. In that game of guessing, teams compete to find cards related to the given hint-word. There are currently no public games. Join a room.