Further events along this event chain will require payments of prestige and cash, Further events along the event chain will require payments of prestige and cash, Active Condition: Must be non-heretic Christian, Active Condition: Must be Christian Iberian. First step is to find the bloodline that interests you. Assuming the family produced both sons and daughters, it could be trivial to bring both of the merged bloodlines back together again. He also took the remaining of Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica. Has NOT won two Reconquista wars as defender. Hasn't already founded any Crusade bloodline, Doesn't already own northern Crusade bloodline, Wins more than one Crusade as the most participating crusader or. Temüjin will gain, or be created with his bloodline when Mongol Invasion fires. Note: be aware that you can only start one Reconquista war per character lifetime, so you'll have to join others Reconquista wars to achieve this. The initial event trigger requires: Requirements: Requires the successful completion of an rare event chain. Blood of Boleslaw 'the Brave' Boleslaw Piast 967 Patrilineal +5 Polish +5 Brave +0.10 Monthly Prestige +5 Personal Combat Skill He initiated his arduous campaign to crush his rivals and reconquer the lost territory in Italy to reform the Holy Roman Empire. Last of the great Norman conquerors, Roger unified Sicily under his rule, transforming it into a local power responsible for raids across the Muslim lands. The mastermind behind the Fourth Crusade and the sack of Constantinople, Enrico is remembered as one of the most successful and prosperous doges Venice ever had. Like the Warrior Lodge Bloodlines, the ancestor's bloodline is selected from amidst those eligible when the canonization (or the pagan ancestor worship event equivalent) occurs (Event HF.40020 / HF.40101 repectively). In the game, the family name of Otto is Liudolfinger, which derived from Otto’s ancestor, Count Liudolf. King of the Catuvellauni tribe when the Romans invaded Britain, he led a resistance that nearly prevented them from conquering the island. His great conquest had enough reputation to earn him new bloodline and a nickname. Warrior-king of the Basques and a major sponsor of the Reconquista, Garcia restored Basque control over Navarra after a long period of Aragonese domination. due to "self-serving crusader" stance). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Active Condition: Must be Catholic If the requirements are earned while playing as Matilde di Canossa (January 1st, 1046 - July 24th, 1115, Duchess of Toscana from July 1055 - July 23rd, 1115), one earns this True Matilde Bloodline. Clicking on a bloodline will take you to the character profile of the bloodline's founder. Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? Is an independent South Slavic/Dalmatian female Pagan. Once sold in a slave market, Baibars would eventually become the man responsible for both defeating the Mongol advance and removing the Crusader States from the Levant. These bloodlines are created posthumously when a character achieves sainthood or a reformed (with the Ancestor Veneration doctrine) pagan religion's equivalent.[1]. Bloodlines will be treated as universal. Famed and respected as the ruler who pushed the vikings out of the British Isles, and the first King of England. The war was easy as Italy had only 2k men while Otto had 6k men. If William succeeds in his invasion of England he’ll found his bloodline. He was a figurehead of the Third Crusade, scoring numerous victories against the Muslims. He's got some red on him. Of course, Otto I of Germany was ambitious enough to launch the attack. This describes the situation where the marriage in question is a matrilineal marriage (or there are no known fathers), in which case all bloodlines from all parties are treated temporarily as universal bloodlines. Some can be gained through special actions, such as by building a Legend as a Warrior Lodge Hero, others can be unlocked by performing impressive feats, such as being an extraordinarily dedicated Viking raider or restoring Israel. She was a patron of literature and a military commander, as well as a leader in the Second Crusade. He was elected king Aug. 7, 936 and crowned emperor Feb. 2, 962. Now you just need to inherit Arles, then for Bohemia to stop being a kingdom and start being your vassal. For example forged "Conqueror" bloodline's and warrior lodge "Raider" bloodline's artifact looting and prisoner capturing effects will not stack with each other, but they DO stack with similar effect from being a level 2+ member of a warrior lodge. The children of Bagrat have made Georgia flourish throughout the centuries. A great military leader and warrior who became known as 'the Lionheart'. A pious and respected leader of the Third Crusade, Philippe fought against both heretics and infidels with great success. As a rule of thumb, raw effects (such as personal combat skill increase, or monthly prestige) stack between multiple bloodlines, while special effects do not. A military leader and hero of great renown. On 955, an event fired to decide attacking the Kingdom of Italy. Many foundable bloodlines in game files have both a Patrilineal and Matrilineal variants.